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HaloGAF |OT| Not a thread about Halo

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Sony boss and gaming GIF jesus Kazuo Hirai has talked to the press today, confirming PS4's positioning as a GAMING DEVICE. Sure it will have entertaiment capabilities, multitasking and all the jazz, but Sony's focus is to create great gaming console and to capture big install base of gamers.

Sony CEO plays down ‘media hub’ and says PlayStation 4 is for gamers

Sony chief executive Kazuo Hirai said today that the PlayStation 4 will differ from Microsoft’s Xbox One, which is being pitched as an all-in-one entertainment box in the living room.

“I fundamentally believe that the initial market that we need to make sure we appeal to with any new platform … is really the gaming audience,” Hirai said. “They will be the supporters of your platform and they will help propel the installed base.”

He spoke at the D11 conference hosted by AllThingsD. He was joined by Jed York, the chief executive and owner of the San Francisco 49ers, and they talked about the fan experience Sony is helping to create for the 49ers’ new high-tech stadium in Santa Clara. He made the remarks in response to a question from moderator Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal.

Hirai acknowledged the PS4 will have non-game applications. But Sony will not emphasize those at the outset as it did with the launch of the PlayStation 3 game console in 2006. The PS4 is coming out this fall.

He said Sony would add other entertainment apps, “But that’s after we establish the platform as a video game platform. We want to make sure that we are there for the gamers with our PS4 as well. They will go beyond this, but they’ll definitely start with gamer first.

He concluded, “For us, it’s all about the gamers.”

By contrast, Microsoft’s Xbox One unveiling had lots of apps that have nothing to do with games, from using voice commands to change TV channels to using Skype while watching shows.

Kaz Hirai: Sony PlayStation 4 Will Be First and Foremost a Game Player

Where Microsoft has positioned the Xbox One as much as an entertainment device as game console, Sony plans to tout its PlayStation 4 as primarily a device for games.

“The most important thing we need to make sure we do at least initially is that we all agree and understand that the PS4 is a great video game console that appeals to video gamers,” Hirai said in a briefing with reporters after his onstage appearance at D: All Things Digital. “If we miss that part than I don’t think we get the initial establishment of the console.”

Hirai said that formula has worked in the past, including with the PlayStation 3.

That said, there are capabilities in the device that will make it well suited to other uses, Hirai said, without giving details.

“We take a look at this first and formest as a game console,” Hirai said. “We don’t want to end there. That’s an area we will obviously reveal and talk about in the coming months.”
This is why Sony has my attention. Don't give a shit about any of the TV stuff.

But let's not fool ourselves, everyone in this thread will be buying an Xbox One and Halo 5, it's only a matter of when.


For a while there I was seriously considering switching to the PS4... But it's highly likely that I'll be getting the Xbox. I just want Forza 5.


This is why Sony has my attention. Don't give a shit about any of the TV stuff.

But let's not fool ourselves, everyone in this thread will be buying an Xbox One and Halo 5, it's only a matter of when.

I won't buy Halo 5. I guarantee it.

Xbox One is a maybe though.
Out of curiousity, and this is directed mostly to fracas because he's the one i've seen most vocal from here, but what are you going to do if ps4 goes the same route as xbox with drm? i assume xbox due to brand loyalty, exclusives, etc, but just curious.

PC upgrade and stick with my 3DS. I'll eventually buy a Wii U for the exclusives. Neither Sony's or especially Microsoft's first-party exclusives are appealing enough to me to warrant a purchase. I think fracas feels the same way, but I don't recall.

edit: oh hey there he is now

But let's not fool ourselves, everyone in this thread will be buying an Xbox One and Halo 5, it's only a matter of when.

If things stay the way they are/rumoured, the only way I'll buy an Xbox is if Halo 5 plays how Halo used to. I don't care about any of their other IPs.


^^as much as I'd love to go Wii U/PC, there'd be way too many exclusives I don't want to miss. Also, since we're college students, lugging around a rig is too much of a hassle.

Out of curiousity, and this is directed mostly to fracas because he's the one i've seen most vocal from here, but what are you going to do if ps4 goes the same route as xbox with drm? i assume xbox due to brand loyalty, exclusives, etc, but just curious.

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

I really don't think Sony will do it though. Especially with that trolling by Yoshida earlier on Twitter. Rumors are supporting no DRM for the time being as well.

If both end up doing it, I'll most likely go with PS4, but I might pick up a One later into the generation, if there are enough must have exclusives. The emphasis on games for the PS4 interests me, as opposed to the entertainment focus/games taking a backseat situation going on with Microsoft. I'm not particularly loyal to Xbox, especially with my feelings towards Halo changing drastically over the last few years. The main thing tying me to the brand is the fact that so many people I play games with play exclusively Xbox.

edit: Whether I have a One or not (probably not), I am not buying Halo 5 if it goes in the same direction 4 went. Not getting burned twice.


Fine, I will! But I will include any form of acquisition of Halo 5 under the umbrella term of "buying" Halo 5.

Basically, you will own Halo 5 in some form or another.

Maybe if it comes out on Steam and they make it F2P for everyone.

Or it comes pre-installed with every Xbone.


Still think Halo 5 is a no go for me mostly because I really don't see me owning the One :/

(E3 needs to get here so I can see a reason to buy one)


Out of curiousity, and this is directed mostly to fracas because he's the one i've seen most vocal from here, but what are you going to do if ps4 goes the same route as xbox with drm? i assume xbox due to brand loyalty, exclusives, etc, but just curious.

Eh it really comes down to exclusives and games. I know I argued against it from a consumer standpoint and I can empathize with people who it doesn't affect, but DRM/Always Online don't affect me.

It'll come down to system power, price, etc. Also, I'm pretty picky, the controller is something I'm worried about when it comes to playstation. After the PSX, I've loathed the DualShock, it's the one reason I never bought a ps2 and was Xbox/Gamecube and now Xbox 360. I've begrudgingly used the DualShock for the few ps3 games I bought like Uncharted, Infamous etc.

If Sony promises free online, and launches at or close to the Xbox One price, I might get PS4 first and Xbox One later. Really depends on games and exclusives. If Frankie and Co. come on stage and announce Halo 5 for launch next year, I might be tempted for xbox one first.

By the second year, I'll probably buy both consoles, but E3 will really help me decide which I buy first.


I have a recommendation. Please buy the PS4.

The less of you next gen, the better.

What reasons do you need to buy a console? Games? Both next gen consoles are going to have plenty of games and plenty of exclusives. You dont like their DRM solution? well.. uhm ok, how about you dont buy any console for $500 dollars and then complain about it not supporting used games. Are you really going to buy an expensive console based on the fact that it can play used games? LOL.

There will be much flip flopping come E3.
This is why Sony has my attention. Don't give a shit about any of the TV stuff.

But let's not fool ourselves, everyone in this thread will be buying an Xbox One and Halo 5, it's only a matter of when.

It's PR.

They are taking advantage of the backlash of Xbox's reveal being centered on the platform/OS and entertainment and saying their console is more about games than Microsoft's is.

The new Xbox is going to have 15 exclusive titles in the first year, including 8 new IPs. If Sony doesn't match that, is the PS4 still more of a "game" console than the Xbox just because they said so in some PR statements?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
This is why Sony has my attention. Don't give a shit about any of the TV stuff.

But let's not fool ourselves, everyone in this thread will be buying an Xbox One and Halo 5, it's only a matter of when.

Sony's strategy was to position the PS4 as a gaming device during its initial reveal of the console in February, but it's obviously going to be capable of way more than just that which is where E3 comes into play.

Microsoft decided to do the opposite by positioning the One as a 'complete' entertainment device FIRST, then a "oh by the way, here's a shitload of games you'll care about" happening at E3.

It's been pretty clear that once multi-platform games became superior on the 360 while Gears and Halo traded yearly releases, Microsoft let the 360 take care of itself for the rest of its cycle while they decided to heavily invest in the One when it came to new game development.


It's PR.

They are taking advantage of the backlash of Xbox's reveal being centered on the platform/OS and entertainment and saying their console is more about games than Microsoft's is.

The new Xbox is going to have 15 exclusive titles in the first year, including 8 new IPs. If Sony doesn't match that, is the PS4 still more of a "game" console than the Xbox just because they said so in some PR statements?

Yeah...lets see if they can actually follow through with that.

For me all they need to do is clarify things, go back to the drawing board on a few policies and announce the following and I am in.

CrackDown 3
Killer Instinct
Mirrors Edge 2 (pretty much confirmed)
New Rare IP
ChromeHounds 2 (this would be day 1 for me)

I also hope they show off indie support, that is VERY crucial for consoles going forward I believe. It needs to be handled better than XBLIG though so there needs to be some restrictions. Games like MurderMiners, White Noise, Barkerscrest Avatar Games, ZP2KX, Impossible Game, Blocks That Matter, Sequence and a few others, those games all have a good enough quality to be put on some type of service where as things like this


and this

should stay on the cheap "XBLIG" service. There needs to be tiers or something and different tiers should allow devs to do more like achievements and ect.
Yeah...lets see if they can actually follow through with that.

For me all they need to do is clarify things, go back to the drawing board on a few policies and announce the following and I am in.

CrackDown 3
Killer Instinct
Mirrors Edge 2 (pretty much confirmed)
New Rare IP
ChromeHounds 2 (this would be day 1 for me)

I also hope they show off indie support, that is VERY crucial for consoles going forward I believe. It needs to be handled better than XBLIG though so there needs to be some restrictions. Games like MurderMiners, White Noise, Barkerscrest Avatar Games, ZP2KX, Impossible Game, Blocks That Matter, Sequence and a few others, those games all have a good enough quality to be put on some type of service where as things like this

should stay on the cheap "XBLIG" service. There needs to be tiers or something and different tiers should allow devs to do more like achievements and ect.

Yeah I'm sure not everything is set in stone and that number could change, but the fact that we have more concrete data on Microsoft's immediate commitment to games on their platform than Sony right now and GAF cries MS doesn't give a shit about games while Sony and only Sony is the savior of the universe is baffling.

Now I don't mean to take a shit on Sony, they have shown some exclusives, I'm sure they'll show off some more at E3, and I'm sure they'll have a good lineup of games. MS has 15 exclusives in the first year, 8 of them new IPs, and apparently they are spending a billion dollars in games currently in development. Those are three pieces of data that state that MS is very seriously invested in games on their new console, not just a blanket PR statement that says we care about games and the other guys don't which for some reason a significant portion of GAF seems to believe at this point with their knee jerk reactions.

All signs point to both Sony and Microsoft seriously investing in games on their respective consoles and make no mistake, they both want to own the living room with entertainment and games.

I am also curious to see what MS has to say about indie games, hopefully they talk about it at E3, although surely the focus will be on big AAA titles there.
I find it hilarious that an emphasis on gaming is enough for people. Nintendo can say the same thing about the WiiU. Doesn't change anything really.


I find it hilarious that an emphasis on gaming is enough for people. Nintendo can say the same thing about the WiiU. Doesn't change anything really.

Nintendo's problem is that they underpowered the hell out of the WiiU, the new Xbox might be underpowered compared to the PS4 from what we know but WiiU is....well yeah.

Microsofts decisions of a 3 gig OS, slow RAM and ect might come back to bite them in the ass later on but it hit the WiiU immediately.


I've just started using 2 monitors for the first time. How did I manage without it? Hell when I go home today I'm going to be screwed. I was already annoyed by the change from huge widescreen at work to small square screen at home and now I have 2 widescreens at work.

Macs still suck though.
Ask yourself this question if you're not sure about whether or not you'll buy the Xbone:

Do you post here?

If the answer is yes, then congratulations! You'll soon be the owner of a brand new xbone. Otherwise, shut up.
Ask yourself this question if you're not sure about whether or not you'll buy the Xbone:

Do you post here?

If the answer is yes, then congratulations! You'll soon be the owner of a brand new xbone. Otherwise, shut up.


Your logic already implies that they've never spoken.

If you post here: You're getting one.

If you don't post here: Shut up? From all that posting you do!


Ask yourself this question if you're not sure about whether or not you'll buy the Xbone:

Do you post here?

If the answer is yes, then congratulations! You'll soon be the owner of a brand new xbone. Otherwise, shut up.

Well on the discussion if E3 won't bring the noise for xbox I won't be there at launch, I can not say if I will never buy one because I can't look in the fucking future and know the exclusives and line up.

This was my stand after the reveal and it still is.

Though I will get a PS4 at launch.

After E3 I will decide if it will be x1 at launch or building a pc
I have a recommendation. Please buy the PS4.

The less of you next gen, the better.

What reasons do you need to buy a console? Games? Both next gen consoles are going to have plenty of games and plenty of exclusives. You dont like their DRM solution? well.. uhm ok, how about you dont buy any console for $500 dollars and then complain about it not supporting used games. Are you really going to buy an expensive console based on the fact that it can play used games? LOL.

There will be much flip flopping come E3.

Oh yes. It'd be interesting to see the number of people who claim they won't even consider the xbox one now and whether they own it two years from now.


Ask yourself this question if you're not sure about whether or not you'll buy the Xbone:

Do you post here?

If the answer is yes, then congratulations! You'll soon be the owner of a brand new xbone. Otherwise, shut up.

lolololololl wtf posted here for years will %100 NOT buy an Xbone or halo 5 the only way I will buy H5 is if Bungie makes it and its released for PC and that is not going to happen. Most people post here because of the communiity of people thats posted here for years and had good times together with halo games that didnt suck ass, and enjoy each other. Maybe 343 knows what to not do, after 4 but I have 0 faith in that team to not make a PoS game. SMFH Im personally done with MS bought 5 xboxs because they dont know how to make hardware and payed for live for 6 years for two people all held together because I loved Halo games that much until 4 came your post LULZ
Microsoft, Sony and 343 have a whole lotta convincing to do for me to buy their products.
Agreed, but I do want to believe.

But Microsoft and their nonsensical gold paywall for poor versions of apps and their XBL publishing practices... have turned me off in recent years.

They've felt less hungry since 08/09, and their messaging.. or lack of it sometimes is very frustrating to watch.
The thing I don't get is why people come in here to Hola(Halo)GAF and say these things? If you don't believe in the next Halo games and your not going to support Halo franchise.

Then get out.

I know there is many people in here that complain about Halo in here but that's because we care about the franchise and we want it to grow. If your saying that you guarantee you won't get Halo 5 and not going to give it second thoughts. Then get out.

Normally I don't go on a rant on people but my patients have decrease in this forum lately.
Well you've got the right avatar for such a post.

gAg CruSh3r

I won't buy Halo 5. I guarantee it.

Xbox One is a maybe though.

The thing I don't get is why people come in here to Hola(Halo)GAF and say these things? If you don't believe in the next Halo games and your not going to support Halo franchise.

Then get out.

I know there is many people in here that complain about Halo in here but that's because we care about the franchise and we want it to grow. If your saying that you guarantee you won't get Halo 5 and not going to give it second thoughts. Then get out.

Normally I don't go on a rant on people but my patients have decrease in this forum lately.


The thing I don't get is why people come in here to Hola(Halo)GAF and say these things? If you don't believe in the next Halo games and your not going to support Halo franchise.

Then get out.

I know there is many people in here that complain about Halo in here but that's because we care about the franchise and we want it to grow. If your saying that you guarantee you won't get Halo 5 and not going to give it second thoughts. Then get out.

Normally I don't go on a rant on people but my patients have decrease in this forum lately.
Maybe because they still like the old Halo games? Stop being a dumb-ass, thanks in advance.
Also, you're a terrible doctor.
Is Halo:CE pc multiplayer still supported? Or have the servers been shut down?

Trying to get my classic Halo fix any way I can. I'm jonesing hard here after Halo 4 has been leaving me unsatisfied.

gAg CruSh3r

Maybe because they still like the old Halo games? Stop being a dumb-ass, thanks in advance.
Also, you're a terrible doctor.

That's why most of us complain about Halo 4 because its not like the old Halo(s). How am I being a dumb ass? Because I hate people giving a blunt statement and saying they guarantee they won't get Halo 5? They have not even seen where it's going to go?
I still think outsourcing multiplayer was a terrible decision. You've built this massive studio and have Microsofts bottomless pit of cash but won't make the multiplayer yourselves?

343 could've built a good multiplayer if they had even tried.
lolololololl wtf posted here for years will %100 NOT buy an Xbone or halo 5 the only way I will buy H5 is if Bungie makes it and its released for PC and that is not going to happen. Most people post here because of the communiity of people thats posted here for years and had good times together with halo games that didnt suck ass, and enjoy each other. Maybe 343 knows what to not do, after 4 but I have 0 faith in that team to not make a PoS game. SMFH Im personally done with MS bought 5 xboxs because they dont know how to make hardware and payed for live for 6 years for two people all held together because I loved Halo games that much until 4 came your post LULZ

I... can't understand any of this.


This is why Sony has my attention. Don't give a shit about any of the TV stuff.

But let's not fool ourselves, everyone in this thread will be buying an Xbox One and Halo 5, it's only a matter of when.

No No not everyone. Considering a lot of us sold Halo 4 I doubt we will. I know even at this point with the arrogance shown by MS employees about this, They could totally turn it around and I wouldn't be buying it.

So for me it's PS4 for me from here on out assuming they don't follow Microsoft's lead on the DRM, etc.

The guy seems to be bitching that his super sweet play test job had a few people telling him he should be lucky and he had to do the same "work" again to ensure he didn't miss something.

I mean it shows slightly that 343 had a somewhat sloppy development process and things rapidly got adjusted but I think we knew that anyway.

I would love his job, He speaks about how great it is and then "but they told me off for abusing chat and never gave us evaluations and wouldn't give me a raise so they suck."
Look at all these people debating and shit, all I said was they had my attention, the span of which is rather short I might add.
Should've mentioned this in one of my posts, but I wasn't necessarily directing that at you, your post just reminded me of what I feel is GAF's short sighted/knee jerk reactions to some of the recent news.
It's interesting as hell, but if I were a future employer and saw this I would definitely have reservations about hiring him.
Yeah questionable decision.

Nice GoT reference though: "It was like being Jon Snow or Theon Greyjoy under the Stark roof."
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