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HaloGAF |OT| Not a thread about Halo

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Such a whopping success right?

It's like ordering a deep fried baconator with a kale shake.

It may be really nice and good for you (or in this case, the community), but as long as the main course sucks... well it's kind of counterproductive.

You're hired by 343 to say these things about BlopsII. Its known from your post history.

(CoD is really good, the gameplay is really good too, its just a different type of gameplay my man)
Francis putting in work again.



You're hired by 343 to say these things about BlopsII. Its known from your post history.

(CoD is really good, the gameplay is really good too, its just a different type of gameplay my man)

Shit, they found me out.

I don't like Black Ops 2... Feels like MW3 on coke, which sucked. I preferred Black Ops 1 more. It was slower paced and snipers didn't dominate. Neither did SMGs, yet they were effective.

FAMAS and AK-74u can S the D though.
You say this, but you're literally across the house from me right now and didn't reply to me in person.

and now I'm doing it

This was faster tho

Ok, new game: whichever of you runs to the fridge and chugs a liter of Mt. Dew wins. 1-2-3 GO!

it is perma.

I liked speedy :( as a fellow member of babbygaf, we could relate. we were a wolf pack... now, I'm just a lone ranger.

Only the strong survive.

willow ve

Speedy is really gone? Kid was spin doctor supreme on anything related to XBone, but I never thought it was perma tier SLRP. The more you know.
Xbox One policies are hit and miss. 24hour DRM is a huge turnoff for me, everything seems alright. Family sharing sounds pretty nice actually.


Not sure if I ever posted this... but anyways, should I bother finishing it? Or should I try again with a non Halo 3 Brute?

Xbox One policies are hit and miss. 24hour DRM is a huge turnoff for me, everything seems alright. Family sharing sounds pretty nice actually.


Not sure if I ever posted this... but anyways, should I bother finishing it? Or should I try again with a non Halo 3 Brute?


Reminds me of Final Fantasy pixelart.


Wow. RIP speedy.

I read one of his posts yesterday and it sounded like a PR statement from Microsoft. I'm all for balancing out the hate, but he definitely went overboard a bit. Shame he got banned though.
I love you guys too. <3

Love the GAF Community. :) Never again. Definitely going to chill out on the Xbox One defense. I'll defend what I believe is right, but I won't defend everything now with my "doesn't bother me."

So glad I get to experience E3 with GAF! :D Are we running a chat again like we did for the Xbox Reveal? Be cool if we party chat and watched it together on Xbox Live.
I love you guys too. <3

Love the GAF Community. :) Never again. Definitely going to chill out on the Xbox One defense. I'll defend what I believe is right, but I won't defend everything now with my "doesn't bother me."

So glad I get to experience E3 with GAF! :D Are we running a chat again like we did for the Xbox Reveal? Be cool if we party chat and watched it together on Xbox Live.



Anyone here do any bingo cards?


Xbox One policies are hit and miss. 24hour DRM is a huge turnoff for me, everything seems alright. Family sharing sounds pretty nice actually.


Not sure if I ever posted this... but anyways, should I bother finishing it? Or should I try again with a non Halo 3 Brute?


Do it every day and post about it in [url=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=571281]this thread[/url].
I love you guys too. <3

Love the GAF Community. :) Never again. Definitely going to chill out on the Xbox One defense. I'll defend what I believe is right, but I won't defend everything now with my "doesn't bother me."

So glad I get to experience E3 with GAF! :D Are we running a chat again like we did for the Xbox Reveal? Be cool if we party chat and watched it together on Xbox Live.

Speedy got perma'd and then brought back? lolwat

Also, looks like it's PS4 for me, unless MS shows some really, really, REALLY great games at E3.


Sociology exam at uni tomorrow. Gaaaaaaaaah. Trying to cram 13 weeks of information in overnight. Should be interesting.
Are you implying you are working for them now? VIRAL MARKETING.

Full disclosure: I probably work for Microsoft. Only way to explain my lack of complete disdain for anything that they do.

Also, angry Joe gets on my nerves, man. Reminds me of my Chilean ex girlfriend with his tone and all his head waggles. The fat guy is just a character that guy plays. Well, he IS fat, but the rest is a joke. His Xbox Live rant was sidesplitting.


Also that dude breaking a Kinect, why would you waste money buying one and then wreaking it. If you have extra cash then do something worthwhile with it. Like join a gym and stop being such a fat ass.
That is harsh, but I see your point though.

I don't like rage kids, so I can't finish any video of his when he is in that persona. Feels like pandering. When he is his normal self he is actually pretty intelligent.
Barrow, I sincerely hope you never by an Xbox One.

Also that dude breaking a Kinect, why would you waste money buying one and then wreaking it. If you have extra cash then do something worthwhile with it. Like join a gym and stop being such a fat ass.
Y'know, just because Microsoft signed your checks doesn't mean you have to defend every asinine policy they create.

I'm a gamer, first and foremost, and if the Xbox One has exclusive games I want to play and I come to the conclusion that the money spent is worth the temporary hours of entertainment, then chances are I will purchase it. I say temporary because at this moment in time there isn't a shred of evidence to suggest that I'll actually own my Xbox One games and that they'll still work 10-15 years down the line. That doesn't mean I have to like every single policy and restriction that Microsoft has put in place though. I don't like paying for P2P online play, but I still do because I enjoy playing Halo with my friends. I'll buy a WiiU once I see a 3D Mario, a new Zelda and a new Smash Brothers game, all of which I very much want to play, but that doesn't mean I have to like how Nintendo has dragged their heels with their online infrastructure or built an underpowered console that's floundering with 3rd parties. It's a tad hypocritical, but at the end of the day I'm a gamer that just wants to play cool video games, preferably without bullshit strings attached.

But please, explain to me how any of these restrictions benefit the consumer? What am I getting out of all this that's worth the cost? To be honest, most of these things won't even affect me, but what about the people it does? Tough shit?

And I honestly cannot tell if you're joking right now, but if you really, actually, sincerely hope I do not buy an Xbox One, then why wait till then? I really don't have a problem with you and I enjoy playing Halo with you, but if you're going to act like a corporate shill every time someone has a problem with Microsoft then we can probably just stop playing Halo together.


Besides getting shafted on borrowing and lending games from friends, one of my biggest worries is a lot of the games will end up requiring a constant Internet connection to function because it will use the cloud for some of its power. This includes single player games and campaigns in MP games.

This is what I'm really worried about. Never mind the fact that you can't play a game even though you were connected 24 hours ago, but you could be in the middle of the Halo 5 campaign and if you have a wonky router or your connection drops for a minute, you get fucked.

And if the rumors of how underpowered the console apparently is, I'd bet its gonna be using the cloud for some of its processing or whatever just to match the quality of a multiplats ps4 game


Besides getting shafted on borrowing and lending games from friends, one of my biggest worries is a lot of the games will end up requiring a constant Internet connection to function because it will use the cloud for some of its power. This includes single player games and campaigns in MP games.

This is what I'm really worried about. Never mind the fact that you can't play a game even though you were connected 24 hours ago, but you could be in the middle of the Halo 5 campaign and if you have a wonky router or your connection drops for a minute, you get fucked.

My internet just went down for quite a while.

Now I understand that there's other things to do with your day, especially when the internet goes down but if this happens during a gaming session, I am boned.


All this console talk has left me confused as fuck.

I've always been an Xbox man. Hell, everyone I know plays on Xbox. But the prospect of getting an X1 just doesn't seem good to me... which leaves the PS4 and I've never really enjoyed Sony systems either - Something about them seems weird (not controller talk here, I mean the actual online service feels empty in comparison to Xbox Live. Can't really explain it better than that). I understand that the PS3 was their first attempt but eh.

At this point if I had to choose, I wouldn't know what to pick.


I was all but certain Xbox One would be my console of choice, day one at launch before all of their policies were clarified. As much as I want to stay with MS, Sony is really enticing this upcoming gen.

It all comes down to E3 I guess. The games, the full specs, the price etc. We still don't even have a clue what Sony will do with DRM or what their console is like.

On an unrelated note, this Nadal/Djokovic match jd pretty intense. If Nadal loses, Novak will most likely win and complete his major grand slam.
Next time I get sent to the Realm of the Banned I'm exacting some temporal distortion-level shit to switch souls with EazyB to get that motherfucker back in here. He's the hero HolaGAF deserves.

On an unrelated note, provided we do a Halo 4 Montage, can I do some stupid commercials to break up music transitions as a sort of halftime show?
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