Barrow, I sincerely hope you never by an Xbox One.
Also that dude breaking a Kinect, why would you waste money buying one and then wreaking it. If you have extra cash then do something worthwhile with it. Like join a gym and stop being such a fat ass.
Y'know, just because Microsoft signed your checks doesn't mean you have to defend every asinine policy they create.
I'm a gamer, first and foremost, and if the Xbox One has exclusive games I want to play and I come to the conclusion that the money spent is worth the temporary hours of entertainment, then chances are I will purchase it. I say temporary because at this moment in time there isn't a shred of evidence to suggest that I'll actually own my Xbox One games and that they'll still work 10-15 years down the line. That doesn't mean I have to like every single policy and restriction that Microsoft has put in place though. I don't like paying for P2P online play, but I still do because I enjoy playing Halo with my friends. I'll buy a WiiU once I see a 3D Mario, a new Zelda and a new Smash Brothers game, all of which I very much want to play, but that doesn't mean I have to like how Nintendo has dragged their heels with their online infrastructure or built an underpowered console that's floundering with 3rd parties. It's a tad hypocritical, but at the end of the day I'm a gamer that just wants to play cool video games, preferably without bullshit strings attached.
But please, explain to me how any of these restrictions benefit the consumer? What am I getting out of all this that's worth the cost? To be honest, most of these things won't even affect me, but what about the people it does? Tough shit?
And I honestly cannot tell if you're joking right now, but if you really, actually, sincerely hope I do not buy an Xbox One, then why wait till then? I really don't have a problem with you and I enjoy playing Halo with you, but if you're going to act like a corporate shill every time someone has a problem with Microsoft then we can probably just stop playing Halo together.