Next time I get sent to the Realm of the Banned I'm exacting some temporal distortion-level shit to switch souls with EazyB to get that motherfucker back in here. He's the hero HolaGAF deserves.
On an unrelated note, provided we do a Halo 4 Montage, can I do some stupid commercials to break up music transitions as a sort of halftime show?
Bish said:He was being a jackass on Gaming Side, but I'll lift the ban.
He needs to keep his nose clean or else that's it until after E3 at the earliest.
It's his schtick, how he gets attention.Also that dude breaking a Kinect, why would you waste money buying one and then wreaking it. If you have extra cash then do something worthwhile with it. Like join a gym and stop being such a fat ass.
It's his schtick, how he gets attention.
Months away from launch, tis real early days for purchasing decisions right now.
Not that I think people shouldn't speak up.
If Sony had a first party controller with offset thumb sticks...I think in the end, it will come down to price and games. Some people who feel very strongly about some of these policies I understand won't get a console either way.
Still hyped to see some of the new games, TitanFall has me excited already.
Since E3 is in a few days, I've been thinking... We need an E3 drinking game.
I'm thinking a shot every time I hear the words/phrases: "revolutionary", "TV", "Kinect", "immersive", "visceral", "cloud", "Halo", "innovative", "The power of the cloud", "Xbox One", "60fps", "Call of Duty", "synergy", "Next gen experience", "genre defining", "state of the art".
Plus additional drinks for every time there is a new FPS announced.
or one of these could work too.
Was planning to go out before E3 (starts a bit after midnight here), so I'm pretty sure that when I get home I'll already be a tad wasted. But I'll probably end up doing it regardless.
You guys talking about the cloud for Xbox One might want to read this article.
Digital Foundry took a look at the feasibility of cloud computing. TLR- in theory, you're not getting much out of cloud computing, especially compared to MS's claims.
Wait, so it doesn't allow for infinite power?You guys talking about the cloud for Xbox One might want to read this article.
Digital Foundry took a look at the feasibility of cloud computing. TLR- in theory, you're not getting much out of cloud computing, especially compared to MS's claims.
Wait, so it doesn't allow for infinite power?
Well, I never...
Stalker Sony is on Monday night, not Tuesday.
I'll get an xbone when Google Fiber installs here in Austin.
You guys talking about the cloud for Xbox One might want to read this article.
Digital Foundry took a look at the feasibility of cloud computing. TLR- in theory, you're not getting much out of cloud computing, especially compared to MS's claims.
Y U hav to be mad?
I do not agree with the 24 check-in, but everything else is essentially Steam like. If you have a problem with this, then I sure do hope you have issues with how Steam handles their DRM..
Maybe because it is?
Yeah, but Steam has NEVER allowed you to lend your games to friends, or share a game collection amongst a group of people. The Xbox did, and so did the 360. My friends and I have been sharing games for more than a decade and now...we can't.
Well done.![]()
Sunhi does it again. Few days old but omg. Pay attention Speedy.
Thanks a lot Stalker!Speedy, You're only back because I talked with the bish and it got it squared out.
Treat Gaming side like a stripper that gives you a table dance. Look all you want, but touch delicately lest you receive something you don't want.Thanks a lot Stalker!![]()
I'll be a little less 'fanboy' with my Xbox One opinions on gaming side now.
Y U hav to be mad?
I do not agree with the 24 check-in, but everything else is essentially Steam like. If you have a problem with this, then I sure do hope you have issues with how Steam handles their DRM. Now with that said, you calling me a shill and want to stop playing Halo? Holy shit... you are a butt hurt scrub.
Like I said, I couldn't tell if you're joking, but saying "I hope you never buy an Xbox One" is pretty much the same as saying "I don't want to play Halo 5 with you." That's IF you were being serious. And yeah, I really don't have anything against you dude and I actually enjoy playing with you, but I say "corporate shill" because you never post anymore unless you want to come out of the woodwork to defend Microsoft. We get it, you know things the rest of us don't, but that doesn't make any of our concerns based on the information available to us right now any less valid.Y U hav to be mad?
I do not agree with the 24 check-in, but everything else is essentially Steam like. If you have a problem with this, then I sure do hope you have issues with how Steam handles their DRM. Now with that said, you calling me a shill and want to stop playing Halo? Holy shit... you are a butt hurt scrub.
Ding ding, well said.It's definitely not essentially Steam-like. You don't have to sign into steam every so often to get access to your games library. As long as you're signed into your account, online or offline, you're good to go.
Also, there are major differences between gaming on consoles and a PC anyway, dude. There's open community support for pretty much every single game that's released on a PC. That means free dedicated servers, mods, new gametypes, etc etc that didn't exist with the original product. PC gaming has also never been about getting together with 2-3 other people and playing games on a single machine. And I think DRM on PC games has existed for a long time now (since maybe the 90s?), so trading in your PC games has never really been a thing. With consoles, trading in your old shit has been around forever. They're essentially taking a way to pay for games away, and you're getting literally nothing in return for it. Not to mention, a number of services/websites regularly have insane sales on games (like 50%-90% off), whereas console gamers are lucky to find a good deal on A game maybe once a year around Christmas and it's generally nowhere near as good as the sales for PC games.
And here's the biggest thing, dude, you don't have to buy games on Steam. You can buy most games wherever and use whatever service you want. If you buy an Xbox One or a Playstation 4, no matter what game you buy and play, you're forced to use their service and adhere to whatever their silly terms and conditions are.
It's definitely not essentially Steam-like. You don't have to sign into steam every so often to get access to your games library. As long as you're signed into your account, online or offline, you're good to go.
Also, there are major differences between gaming on consoles and a PC anyway, dude. There's open community support for pretty much every single game that's released on a PC. That means free dedicated servers, mods, new gametypes, etc etc that didn't exist with the original product. PC gaming has also never been about getting together with 2-3 other people and playing games on a single machine. And I think DRM on PC games has existed for a long time now (since maybe the 90s?), so trading in your PC games has never really been a thing. With consoles, trading in your old shit has been around forever. They're essentially taking a way to pay for games away, and you're getting literally nothing in return for it. Not to mention, a number of services/websites regularly have insane sales on games (like 50%-90% off), whereas console gamers are lucky to find a good deal on A game maybe once a year around Christmas and it's generally nowhere near as good as the sales for PC games.
And here's the biggest thing, dude, you don't have to buy games on Steam. You can buy most games wherever and use whatever service you want. If you buy an Xbox One or a Playstation 4, no matter what game you buy and play, you're forced to use their service and adhere to whatever their silly terms and conditions are.
If you don't want to be subjected to Microsoft's policies, do not buy their closed entertainment platform. I am all for making voices heard and hoping things change, but when push comes to shove you either agree to their terms when you buy the box or you don't.
Hopefully we can all agree that people proselytizing Sony's platform as a beacon of hope are all morons.
So.....are we expecting a Halo 5 teaser trailer or something at e3?
So.....are we expecting a Halo 5 teaser trailer or something at e3?