It's funny how everyone has forgotten how badly 343 fucked up with Halo 4 just because they've announced Halo 5 with a mediocre at best trailer.
It's funny how everyone has forgotten how badly 343 fucked up with Halo 4 just because they've announced Halo 5 with a mediocre at best trailer.
It's funny how everyone has forgotten how badly 343 fucked up with Halo 4 just because they've announced Halo 5 with a mediocre at best trailer.
It was the dearth of the true HaloGAF thread that was his demise.Legendary HaloGAF member
Believe it or not but some some people in this thread like Halo, bad prior release or not.It's funny how everyone has forgotten how badly 343 fucked up with Halo 4 just because they've announced Halo 5 with a mediocre at best trailer.
It's funny how everyone has forgotten how badly 343 fucked up with Halo 4 just because they've announced Halo 5 with a mediocre at best trailer.
RIP in peace
You better start hoping it bombs because otherwise it'll still be $500 next fall.I won't buy a new Xbox until the new Halo comes out. Fuck that 500 launch garbage
Remember the many time I've said Halo 5 in 2014 and some of you scrubs didn't believe me??
Get shit on HolaGAF!
So, Star Wars Battlefront was just revealed....
Next-Gen instantly got 100x better.
So, Star Wars Battlefront was just revealed....
Next-Gen instantly got 100x better.
So, Star Wars Battlefront was just revealed....
Next-Gen instantly got 100x better.
RIP, hopefully not perma.
Halo 5?
Also: looks crazy. Is that a War Sphinx?
Yeah Kyle is Perm'd
I won't buy a new Xbox until the new Halo comes out. Fuck that 500 launch garbage
Fuck yea. 60fps and dedis.
Did kyle say he was permed?
Frankie and co probably got tired of you posting "60fps & dedis plz" every other day. It worked, man. What are your top priorities now?
So has anyone analyzed the trailer yet? You know, for those dozen plot points that 343 will not be entertaining.
"Xbox Support 3 ‏@XboxSupport3 4m
@SpeedyBlueDude The Day One bundle does come w/12 mos - yep! ^JD"
Awesome, don't have to pay another $60 until 2015. Really nice that you get SOMETHING if you're an early adopter.
Wait, what's the "Day One" controller?
I don't know why, but even after Reach and Halo 4 I still find myself getting excited about Halo game announcements. It's like I'm a kid again. Love it.
I really do hope that they drop with the CoD crap this time around though. Go back to the damn roots for campaign (don't see it happening with multiplayer). There's no need for those extremely scripted elements that Halo 4 brought in (I'M LOOKING AT YOU EXTREMELY TEDIOUS, BORING AND FRAGILE MAMMOTH SECTION). The trailer seems like they've got something rather different planned, and I'm glad. Just don't make it CoD/Halo Hybrid 2.0, please 343i.
Plus after that conference I'm almost certain that I'll be getting an Xbone. Will probably pre-order next week. Price is a little steeper than I expected... probably looking around the 700 dollar mark here in Australia.
Remember the many time I've said Halo 5 in 2014 and some of you scrubs didn't believe me??
Get shit on HolaGAF!
Oh awesome. That's a tad better than I expected.
Damn. Games are even more expensive now? I'm looking at EB games and every next gen game is $120. Fuck. As if they weren't ripping us off enough before.
So uh who wants the Xbox One now
So uh who wants the Xbox One now