Ozzy Onya A2Z
Okay then I want to know a few things then.
-How will it help with the 5 gig of RAM
-How will it make up for slower speeds on the RAM?
-How does it make up for the weaker GPU that might be getting down clocked?
Also what do you personally work on with Azure and is it gaming related at all?
It all depends on the latency and developer vision/execution. At the moment Azure is or is about to have entire datacenters in most major regions. The usual Azure datacenter is local and contains on average 1200-2500 servers. For reference Australia has two Azure data centres currently under construction; Melbourne & Sydney. There are also dozens in the USA or Europe ready too.
If you imagine a 25-100ms latency thus allows for some really tight integrations for AI or physics or calculations with just the results going to your console.
Here's a simple example; imagine GTA having all multiplayers or NPC's in a full real time persistent world all with full blown interactions, events and AI. Even groups of consoles on LAN would not be capable of such calculations. Say 100,000 daily players and 100,000 NPC's. Now add in the gamespace of Destiny or EVE online. Essentially the cloud is running the world, processing what is acceptable via latency and your local console handles the rest or stop gaps in between e.g. YouTube streaming switching between SD/HD.
In terms of your direct questions many developer ideas or games could use a variety of these systems that far exceed your 5Gb memory.
The architecture in the X1 console has esram as well, which is basically a buffer for speed purposes of the main memory e.g. CPU cache.
The GPU differences have little effect on the multiplatform games as the game engines and developer code optimisations often inhibit the actual GPU or other component workload outputs. It more about the developer tricks across both platforms than the actual hardware differences. In terms of exclusive titles yes I agree the PS4 GPU has the edge. However MS has DirectX in house so optimisations there are better than Sony's.
I have posted a fair amount about Azure and it's a sit ton to read. Checkout this GAF thread and my responses if you want more cloud ideas and Azure talk.
As for me I work with Azure in an infrastructure as a service capacity which entails: website hosting, database design/hosting, scaling, analytical, language systems, web services, third party integrations and more. I also work with .NET, C#, SQL, windows/Linux servers and a ton of software like visual studio or team foundation server.
Gaming uses a ton of these technologies and coding languages. I have also been coding and designing with computers since I was 8 and I'm 37 later this year.