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HaloGAF |OT| Not a thread about Halo

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Fuck me gaming side has turned to trash.

Oh you're excited about the Xbone? You're obviously a Microsoft plant.
You think Xbone games look great? They're obviously last-gen trash.
You think some of the games are interesting? No they aren't. Drive club is better.
You're buying an Xbone? You're an idiot
You try to explain that a policy isn't as bad as it might look at first glance? Obviously you don't care about your 'rights' and are a mindless drone.
You think MS had more exclusives at E3? They're all bad anyway so it doesn't matter.

It's like a pack of 12 year olds who get angry if someone else has a different stance on something. Hell, it's like the Halo 4 forum on Waypoint. Sure there are good arguments against the Xbone there (not trying to deny that at all), but the amount of people just spouting shit all over the forum is mind boggling.

Console reveals really do bring out the worst of people.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Fuck me gaming side has turned to trash.

Oh you're excited about the Xbone? You're obviously a Microsoft plant.
You think Xbone games look great? They're obviously last-gen trash.
You think some of the games are interesting? No they aren't. Drive club is better.
You're buying an Xbone? You're an idiot
You try to explain that a policy isn't as bad as it might look at first glance? Obviously you don't care about your 'rights' and are a mindless drone.
You think MS had more exclusives at E3? They're all bad anyway so it doesn't matter.

It's like a pack of 12 year olds who get angry if someone else has a different stance on something. Hell, it's like the Halo 4 forum on Waypoint. Sure there are good arguments against the Xbone there (not trying to deny that at all), but the amount of people just spouting shit all over the forum is mind boggling.

Console reveals really do bring out the worst of people.


I'm only going in my Subbed threads now. The whole internet has been whipped into a frenzy of misinformation and hate directed at microsoft and while I don't agree with everything they are doing and some of the choices have made me disappointed I still think they showed off some great potential titles.

Maybe I'm dumb because DRM is less of an issue to me.


I'm surprised anyone wants the X1 over the PS4. Halo sucks now so why buy the inferior system?
People still wanna play the next halo, titanfall and other cool looking exclusives and the controller.

That's what's making me want to get it but I haven't made my decision yet
After my initial hype for the PS4 died down, I took a moment to weigh the positives and negatives of each console based on what we know so far. The results came really close and now I'm having trouble deciding which console to get.

Even though its close, I'm still slightly leaning towards the PS4, only due to 2 things: it's $100 cheaper, and it has Planetside 2... Mostly because its cheaper though.

I guess I'm one of those guys that will "wait and see".
I'm surprised anyone wants the X1 over the PS4. Halo sucks now so why buy the inferior system?

You phrase this like you want an answer but I don't think you do.

Believe it or not some people still want to play Halo (even if its just SP) and again believe it or not power is not the only selling point of a system. If it was the Wii would have sold 3 units.

Xbox has some great looking titles exclusive, Microsoft finished as last/this gens winner for me regarding exclusives and I have some belief they will do similarly this generation.

The only real stand out points of the Sony conference for me are Killzone looking great (yet to see how the gameplay is) and The Order 1886 looking to bring a relatively untouched time period and setting (one that i adore) to games.

However, The Order 1886 is not coming out even remotely close to launch since its still in early development and Killzone could be as unremarkable in terms of moment to moment combat as the other 3 are.

I won't have much on launch of either system but right now I think I'm going to get more out of Dead Rising 3, Ryse and Forza than I would Killzone and DriveClub.
Speculating for the sake of speculating about the Halo teaser, mainly attempting to join the dots...
  • Pick up after Halo 4. Cortana gone, Chief sad.
  • Chief to be retired, assigned to another mission, or something he doesn't want to do.
  • Chief mad.
  • Chief steals his gear and the UNSC's half of the key
  • Departs on a mission to find Halsey.
  • Chief calls his old mate, Arby, and tracks down Jul 'Mdama.
  • Goes on "Rescue" mission to save Halsey
  • Steals Halsey from 'Mdama
  • Halsey and Chief's mutual interest is Cortana
  • They activate the Index to find a planet which contains something that may be able to bring her back.
  • They go to said planet, and find this thing:


Honestly. It's the games, ecosystem, controller for me. I just don't want to switch, get a psn account etc.

I hate Microsoft, but I've been a loyal user for a long time. Hell my Hotmail I still use I made as a kid in like 97.

I love the controller. Feedback from IGN has it feeling even better than the 360 one. Better triggers and sticks.

The ecosystem. I've got 7+ years of Live now. My achievements, friends list, just the simplicity. The dedicated servers etc. If I am forced to pay as well for Sony, I'd rather pay for XBL then. If PSN was free or set up as two tiered like right now, I'd have preordered ps4 ten times over.

And then the games. Microsoft has deep pockets. They'll play dirty and get exclusives and timed exclusives. TitanFall, Dead Rising 3, etc. Plus Halo. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't have XbOne and a new Halo releases and it's 1080p, 60 FPS, with dedicated servers, etc. The fact I'm still playing Halo 4 regularly every few days shows how much the franchise means to me. If Halo 5 sucks though, I'm out.

Pretty dumb reasons I know and I hate the policies, but when push came to shove, I don't know why but I just 'feel' like XbOne is what I should get first. Maybe pick up ps4 a year later or something.


On a related note, Tashi is at E3. Hopefully he's going to be reporting on the games he's seen, what the controllers feel like, what Spartan Assault is like. I wrote a post on the other thread for details on Spartan Assault, let's see if he notices this too.

Also, how did Tashi get to go to e3? Was he really hired at 343?


I don't like sim racers so both forza and gt don't appeal to me. The Crew and NFS seem to be the best racers coming out. Drive club doesn't seem that special and kind of simmy.

As far as exclusives go Sony has always had more but none really appealed to me other than a few exceptions. So far the Xbox games announced appeal to me more than the play station ones.

However, the play station is a better console hardware and policy wise. And indie self publishing sounds like its going to dong on XBLA, but that remains unproven. However, transistor and the witness are both not on xbone....

As far as system features go, the whole snap thing was rad. I probably won't use the TV stuff, but the quickness and utility of the Xbox os was super impressive, and we haven't seen anything about the play station os other than the share thing which the Xbox sort of has?

Destiny is also using the play station as its flagship platform...

As far as my friends go its too early to tell. Seems almost evenly split with some of them getting both. Problem with that is, I could get an xbone and play halo 5 with them, but they would play destiny without me. Among other multiplats.

At this point I'm nowhere near making a decision. Will probably decide closer to the launch windows of halo 5 and destiny.
I can't wait 'til you kids have a mortgage, car payment, medical bills, student loans, etc.

Buy both consoles (and games) at launch, fuck you.


I don't like sim racers so both forza and gt don't appeal to me. The Crew and NFS seem to be the best racers coming out. Drive club doesn't seem that special and kind of simmy.

As far as exclusives go Sony has always had more but none really appealed to me other than a few exceptions. So far the Xbox games announced appeal to me more than the play station ones.

However, the play station is a better console hardware and policy wise. And indie self publishing sounds like its going to dong on XBLA, but that remains unproven. However, transistor and the witness are both not on xbone....

As far as system features go, the whole snap thing was rad. I probably won't use the TV stuff, but the quickness and utility of the Xbox os was super impressive, and we haven't seen anything about the play station os other than the share thing which the Xbox sort of has?

Destiny is also using the play station as its flagship platform...

As far as my friends go its too early to tell. Seems almost evenly split with some of them getting both. Problem with that is, I could get an xbone and play halo 5 with them, but they would play destiny without me. Among other multiplats.

At this point I'm nowhere near making a decision. Will probably decide closer to the launch windows of halo 5 and destiny.
The UI demos were faked


Modesty becomes a woman
I can't wait 'til you kids have a mortgage, car payment, medical bills, student loans, etc.

Buy both consoles (and games) at launch, fuck you.

Real solution is to buy a gaming PC at the same price, and get better hardware since none of the exclusives are good or not on PC anyway.


When the showed it off back stage to some media outlet it looked very close. I think it was all faked to ensure it wouldn't fuck up mid stream.

I can't see them releasing a UI that is buggy and slow. Has that happened on a console.. ever.

Wii U.


When the showed it off back stage to some media outlet it looked very close. I think it was all faked to ensure it wouldn't fuck up mid stream.

I can't see them releasing a UI that is buggy and slow. Has that happened on a console.. ever.

The latest Xbox dashboard is terrible. 20+ seconds just to load up pins? What even is the point, :lol
I can't wait 'til you kids have a mortgage, car payment, medical bills, student loans, etc.

Buy both consoles (and games) at launch, fuck you.

I don't have any of those currently (thankfully), but it's still an absurd amount of money. Then again, I'm not one of those people that buys the latest and greatest smartphone/tablet every few months either.

Bought my 360 when I was still in school and basically only had Hexic, Geometry Wars, and Oblivion for a long time because buying more wouldn't fit in my budget for a while. And I had Halo 2 on my OG Xbox to tide me over. RIP.


I can't wait 'til you kids have a mortgage, car payment, medical bills, student loans, etc.

Buy both consoles (and games) at launch, fuck you.

I have to pay rent, car payment, insurance, a daughter and we now want to fly to Italy in August.

Both consoles will be bought at launch, though being said my Girlfriend said I have to put money on the side for them over a long distance of time( joke is on her, I have 1600€ on the side since last year for the next gen consoles)
Florence, Italy was one of the most amazing places I've ever been. That flight to and from completely sucked, though.

I'm actually happy that Destiny isn't coming out at launch. It will be much easier to decide whether or not to even get a next-gen console, never mind which one. That EDGE article about Sony's E3 move was pretty interesting.
Florence, Italy was one of the most amazing places I've ever been. That flight to and from completely sucked, though.

I'm actually happy that Destiny isn't coming out at launch. It will be much easier to decide whether or not to even get a next-gen console, never mind which one. That EDGE article about Sony's E3 move was pretty interesting.

The stuff in the Edge article isn't true though. The used games/online system is the same as the 360 and PS3.


Andrew House, group CEO of SCE revealed that Sony finalized a long term exclusivity deal (in relation to content) with Bungie and Activision for Destiny.

This bothers me about Bungie. They've claimed to hate that stuff, broke off Microsoft for independence, and are now pulling shit like this. Maybe its no big deal and just small content, but it still makes me question Bungie's values and shit.
But I still REALLY don't think Microsoft should have jumped to an online dependent system just yet.

Maybe for whatever follows the Xone but not right now since a lot of people do game offline still.
When any company released a product or a service, it's their right to decide and to pursue whatever target market they wish. MS has made a clear decision to target people with broadband internet connections.

There is nothing wrong with that aspect in my opinion.
Also have any of you been watching the BF4 streams from yesterday? Game looks amazing.
Yeah looks great, stream will be up again in a couple of hours, I'll try to watch some more.
Two things:
-System OS stuff in pressers is usually faked, it's simply safer that way to make sure nothing goes wrong (Note the multiple issues with games in conference this year).
-Second, it's still in development, so it's not necessarily ready for prime time which seems obvious, but hey you know the internet.
The latest Xbox dashboard is terrible. 20+ seconds just to load up pins? What even is the point, :lol
Something's wrong with your Xbox lol, that shouldn't happen.
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