RIP b 2 da ooties I'll never forget you
Booties was permed too?
RIP b 2 da ooties I'll never forget you
Not to be a bit salty, but all I see is an ADS rifle, sprint, some sort of slide roll and a big explosion from a pistol. It's one thing to see it in action, another to play. Look how great Halo 4 and Halo:Reach looked in the early videos.
I'm going to say it now, if you hated Halo:Reach multiplayer, you probably won't like Destiny.
Imagine if these classes transfer to the multiplayer. People who are warlocks have some sort of special ability, those who are Titans etc.
I was one of the more vocal people who said we shouldn't expect Halo from Destiny, but then why get so excited about it? Arena shooter multiplayer is what I like, I don't like ADS/Sprint etc.
As for that other gif. Like I said, it's world building. It's great because we can explore more, but it seems sparse. If it's just barren wasteland meant to grind and loot, not for me. Hopefully we see it in better ViDocs in the coming months.
While I loved the first Mass Effect, played through campaign 4 times, the exploration got a bit tedious. Random locales, just doing random quests for weapons or loot.
did that happen just now?RIP b 2 da ooties I'll never forget you
If myself and a bunch of friends can glide/parachute/jetpack off that cliff and continue on adventuring, then I will buy the shit out of that game.
Otherwise, it's a dude walking up to a cool background.
Did you see the IGN play of it? When a good player is playing Destiny its great
Also its shadow porn the game.
This was also taken from the gaming side thread but this is all playable area according to Bungie
I'm going to say it now, if you hated Halo:Reach multiplayer, you probably won't like Destiny.
Looks like ads is pretty marginal in importance; good.
Also that vista shot is pretty incredible.
I have heard the reactions were insane, really wish I could have goneYeah, but people would have probably passed out - the no used game stuff and the price point reaction was insane. The stream didn't do it justice.
You win again, Microsoft. Like three years later and I've finally bitten - just bought both dlc packs for Halo Wars. Pathetic that they were still 800points each, IMO. But it was time to accept that they're never gonna go on sale.
Who will be the xbone destiny bros?
Because Bungie makes cool games and cool worlds and Marty music.I was one of the more vocal people who said we shouldn't expect Halo from Destiny, but then why get so excited about it?
One thing I'm not digging is the new rep system. User moderation has never worked, nor has it been fair. People, especially gamers are poor sports, especially when upset.
I haven't used my mic outside of party chat with friends/family in over 3+ years. I never talk to randoms at all, and yet I have like trash talking as one of the higher negative things on my current x360 rep. I know numerous people who feel slighted that you took the banshee, that you went on a running riot, and then they purposely avoid you or mess up your rating. What do guys think?
Custom game browser and dedicated servers.Rep system is good. Want to be an asshat during multiplayer? Well go and do it with other asshats. Same with pub stomping and whatnot (I already avoid everyone who does that. Hell, at one stage I was avoiding everyone who used active camo to snipe in Halo 4).
With the X1, hopefully I don't have to play with people who I don't want to.
Worst night of sleep in recorded history. The electrodes on my face probably didn't help any but it was more just me being shitty at sleeping and waking up every thirty minutes.
I should have shaved my chest more, too. Sweet Jesus it still hurts.
Do we know if boats are finally going to be in Destiny? That's what that water is for. Twelve years it took them, but maybe finally after twelve years we'll have boats.
I have heard the reactions were insane, really wish I could have gone
Also I really need some Destiny PS4 bros.
Every damn day that I log into this forum and check out the gaming side, I'm forced to question why I'd want to buy a nextbox. I really am stuck in the middle at the moment I think.
PS4 looks good, but has no games/series I particularly like.
X1 sounds worse with each and every day, but I have years of investment on the platform and there is Halo. And the controller.
How much money would one need to build a PC with equal to or better specs than a console?
I don't know, 200-300 bucks? Maybe more?
Real talk, the only good Bungie games are Halo games.
Real talk, the only good Bungie games are Halo games.
The Kinect is the big deciding factor for me, I have no place to put it at all and it's creepy as hell.
Did I miss anything cool over the weekend?
Well, I think it's clear we can all blame OddOne.
The Kinect is the big deciding factor for me, I have no place to put it at all and it's creepy as hell.
I don't know, 200-300 bucks? Maybe more?
Don't come back.Goodbye.
You're so odd.Goodbye.
Worst night of sleep in recorded history. The electrodes on my face probably didn't help any but it was more just me being shitty at sleeping and waking up every thirty minutes.
I should have shaved my chest more, too. Sweet Jesus it still hurts.
Do we know if boats are finally going to be in Destiny? That's what that water is for. Twelve years it took them, but maybe finally after twelve years we'll have boats.
Reach's multiplayer has just as many flaws as Halo 4, if not more. The design philosophy in that game just seemed wildly different. Halo 2 and 3 both have some of their own issues as welll.
Their campaigns are pretty great though. And uh, enemy encounter/gameplay design (I'm talking about you Promethean Knight!)