This is majestic lol. It looks familiar, what's it from?

This is majestic lol. It looks familiar, what's it from?
This is majestic lol. It looks familiar, what's it from?
This really highlights what an abysmal franchise Alien turned into. 2 for 7. Worse than Terminator, for fucks sake.ALIEN is the best horror film ever made
ALIENS is one of the best action films ever made, and Cameron's best film, period.
Alien 3 is a broken, poisoned little film that also manages to provide a thematically resonant ending to Ripley
Alien: Resurrection is a shitpoor sitcom with xenomorphs and a slimy muppet in it.
Alien vs Predator is pretty much a weird PG-13 combo of parody and pro-wrestling.
Alien vs Predator: Requiem is the single worst film in the entire series by a considerable margin.
Prometheus is a confused, frustrating, maddeningly stupid mess of a film that is nonetheless one of the prettiest things Ridley Scott ever shot, which is saying something.
ALIEN has the best trailer, followed shortly by Prometheus, and then Alien 3
This is my favorite film franchise ever. I adore it. I know people are bugged out by the sudden holiday, but they're releasing a ton of Alien stuff this year and it's the 30th anniversary for Aliens, so I'm definitely down for the special day.
I'd follow her into hell. She has my pulse rifle.
Other than the horrible CGI on the third and forth movies, they were good.
Aliens: Defiance said:
Also! There's a new Aliens (Aliens: Defiance) comic dropping this month from Dark Horse, along with the re-release of the complete Aliens comic-line from the 1980s.
Lastly, I want to state that Alien: Isolation was a tremendous game and easily one of the best things to happen to the franchise in recent years. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly, highly recommend you give it a try. It's also got the original cast doing voicework for the bonus missions which recreate scenes from the first movie.
Alien was the first DVD and R-rated film I ever bought. I watched it so much. I also remembering paying something like $30 for the Aliens DVD in 1999. Some of my favorite films ever. I used to definitely prefer the first movie but now it's a tossup.
Of course every movie after Aliens has been a disappointment but much as with Predator I always hope for another great entry in the franchise.
Coincidentally, I started playing Alien: Isolation a few days ago and jesus fuck is it stressful
It's also one of my favorite survival horror games I've ever encountered so far. I truly recommend it, especially if you're a fan of the film.
I'm pretty sure I've spent 90% of the game crouch walking out of sheer paranoia.You can say that again. I remember trying to get a keycard from medical and the Xenomorph would not fucking leave. I was also playing on the hardest difficulty, so I had no resources to make anything to scare it off or draw its attention.
Should've ended with this one.
It's a masterpiece.
Alien > Aliens go
This is majestic lol. It looks familiar, what's it from?
Includes a group who look similar to the crew of Nostromo
Alien > Aliens go
You can say that again. I remember trying to get a keycard from medical and the Xenomorph would not fucking leave. I was also playing on the hardest difficulty, so I had no resources to make anything to scare it off or draw its attention.
As the years go I like Alien more and more and Aliens less and less.
Last Xmas I also made this, it was sold for a few weeks as an ugly sweater at TeeFury
Lastly, I want to state that Alien: Isolation was a tremendous game and easily one of the best things to happen to the franchise in recent years. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly, highly recommend you give it a try. It's also got the original cast doing voicework for the bonus missions which recreate scenes from the first movie.