Resurrection at times feels like a good movie, then it has total shitty tonal shifts into bad comedy.
Also, just like the Indiana Jones series, the movies decrease in quality as they go, with the first two being a clear tier above of what follows.
it's been a while since I've seen the last crusade but temple of doom is still awful and I can't imagine indy 3 being any worse than that
it's been a while since I've seen the last crusade but temple of doom is still awful and I can't imagine indy 3 being any worse than that
maybe indy is just destined to only have one good movie
Hey, here's a DID YOU KNOW: did you know the score to Alien is barely in the film because Scott and editor Terry Rawlings couldn't stop cutting in the temp score even though Goldsmith wrote them better shit to use? The main theme is in the movie maybe once, and edited on top of that.
They screened the bridge between Prometheus and Covenant. I got a little Shaw ;__;
The Bridge Between Prometheus and Alien: Covenant ft. David and Shaw
Edit: That was from the stream where it has a intro from Ridley Scott. Fox uploaded the prologue standalone and it's got a title.
Alien: Covenant | Prologue: The Crossing |
Did Shaw just take some time to find David's body? I don't remember how it ended lol. Weren't they already on the ship with the head in her hands?
Did Shaw just take some time to find David's body? I don't remember how it ended lol. Weren't they already on the ship with the head in her hands?
David killed her boyfriend and caused a fucking Alien to pop out of her stomach and here she is putting him back together and being friendly.
There were a few shots of Shaw salvaging what she could from the Prometheus and Engineer ship including David's body.
It's been a while, and some deleted scenes might have bled into my memory of the theatrical cut, but I recall David requesting that Shaw retrieve his body, so she gets it off-screen from the crashed Engineer ship and we see her hoisting it up to the ship they're going to pilot.
Sorry if that's inaccurate. I've made a point to not watch Prometheus since Covenant was announced in the form of Paradise Lost, cause I'd overdo it. Now's the time for a rewatch (or several).
There is a high chance she will never see another human being in her life, and David is all she's got. Also, she doesn't know David infected what's his name. Unless I am remembering incorrectly.LOL.
David killed her boyfriend and caused a fucking Alien to pop out of her stomach and here she is putting him back together and being friendly.
They're essentially different genres so it's difficult to compare.
But Aliens>>>>Alien with all of the deleted scenes left in.
Unless anyone cares to justify this
There were a few shots of Shaw salvaging what she could from the Prometheus and Engineer ship including David's body.
David killed her boyfriend and caused a fucking Alien to pop out of her stomach and here she is putting him back together and being friendly.
I seem to recall her rappelling out of / into the crashed alien craft with some sort of big duffel bag? Only saw the film once at release though.???
I don't remember this at all. It's certainly not in the finished cut.
It's such nonsense. Classic Grandpa Ridley.
I seem to recall her rappelling out of / into the crashed alien craft with some sort of big duffel bag? Only saw the film once at release though.
I don't remember this at all. It's certainly not in the finished cut.
ALIEN Theatrical trailer is still the goat.
Alien > Prometheus > Aliens > Alien 3 >>>>>>>>>>>> ResurrectionLet's be real, ya'll.
Alien > Aliens > Alien 3 > AvP > Prometheus > AVP:R > Alien: Resurrection
Can't wait to get home and crack into Alien: Isolation to celebrate. 4/26 > 5/4
As long as we can agree that Resurrection is an unwatchable crock of shit, you're alright in my book friend.Alien > Prometheus > Aliens > Alien 3 >>>>>>>>>>>> Resurrection
Unabashedly love Prometheus, flaws and all.
The new one doesn't look like that kind of movie. Looks like they're trying to colonize the planet, not bring in Marines to deal with aliens.
I'm hearing that any of these "prologue" or short clips being released prior to Covenant's open are confirmed to be not in the film proper.
Anyone else heard similarly? I'm trying to find something more solid on that front.
There is a high chance she will never see another human being in her life, and David is all she's got. Also, she doesn't know David infected what's his name. Unless I am remembering incorrectly.
Holy shit, that Covenant footage.Audible holy shits from the audience I was with. Hope the rest of the film will be just as good.The neomorphs are nasty little shits. Loved the dual birthing scene.