Eh, no one bats an eye lash when LFL/Disney hyped up and made a day for release of new star wars mech for EP7 pretty much. And of course already got the manufactured May the 4th for SW fandom.
If it works out and fans enjoy it, it will become a thing
It didn't work out.
Alien fans don't really give a shit about this holiday.
May the 4th was already a big dumb completely fan-driven thing by the time Lucasfilm got around to capitalizing on it. And Force Friday wasn't even a holiday when it started. It was just the day the toys went on sale.
Every bit of organic consumer-driven ridiculousness surrounding Star Wars that you're trying to draw comparisons to was just that: Organic. Fans were carrying the ball on that one, and eventually the corporation came around to it.
Alien fans had nothing to do with this, really. Which makes sense, as the Alien series was never built with an eye on merchandising like Star Wars
always was. Trying to make a weird, ramshackle set of films (most of which aren't even good) into a similar phenomenon was always going to be a hard row to hoe, and that's
before the key element at the center of it (the Reeboks) got completely fucking botched all to hell and back.
If anything, it's very representative of the series entire: Some good ideas that just get totally mishandled the longer anyone touches 'em.