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Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Dark Octave said:
Then Hard Corpse on Genesis which I barley remember.

That sounds like a far sexier game than the one I remember.


Yeah dont play ANY Contra games on PS1. As a matter of fact, just strike those from the history of Contra altogether.

Also I havent beat Contra 4 yet myself. Get further each time I play, but I always mess up somewhere :p

Oh and Hard Corps: Uprising looks like it takes place way before any of the Genesis game events.

EDIT: Like posted earlier.

Oh finally playing the demo. Intro reminds me of a Sega Saturn action game anime intro :D

Contra intro theme right off the bat at the press start screen...its been too long since i've heard that come from a set of TV speakers. Alright, lets do this.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Teknoman said:
Yeah dont play ANY Contra games on PS1. As a matter of fact, just strike those from the history of Contra altogether.

Also I havent beat Contra 4 yet myself. Get further each time I play, but I always mess up somewhere :p

Oh and Hard Corps: Uprising looks like it takes place way before any of the Genesis game events.

EDIT: Like posted earlier.

Hell, Contra 4 pretends those don't exist, too.
Appaloosa Contra games never happened.

What were they thinking?

The sad part is people bitched about the poor state of those games, and when Konami made good on the PS2, everybody ignored them. :|


thetrin said:
Hell, Contra 4 pretends those don't exist, too.

What was up with Konami letting... Appaloosa(?) take over for those games?

EDIT: Confirmed by Bandit. Wasnt there supposed to be a Contra 64 in the style of 3 before all that PS1 mess happened?


Heh Contra fortress gate boss remix and the planes look similar to the ones used in Shattered Solider.

The 360 analog really isnt all that bad for this, at least a broken in stick anyway. Dashing and Air dashing are pretty fun ways to get around and evade things quickly. Music is top notch.


Only one complaint so far: The boss intros could use a little more flair/impact. The music just completely stopped for the Lotus Wyrm intro, and its roar seemed kinda muted.
SapientWolf said:
How does the continue system work?

In Rising Mode you get three continues.

When you continue, the score resets to zero.

Also you can equip two weapons, if you die the weapon you currently have equipped is removed; but you still have the alternate.


The Take Out Bandit said:
In Rising Mode you get three continues.

When you continue, the score resets to zero.

Also you can equip two weapons, if you die the weapon you currently have equipped is removed; but you still have the alternate.

Correction: You lose your gun when you get hit. :)
EDIT: In Arcade mode atleast. I haven't played Rising mode.
No, you're correct. Sorry I forgot.

Just played a bit more and that's how it works. Get hit, lose weapon and segment of life.

Wow, I still haven't beaten the first stage, but I'm making progress.

I like how the big bad guys sound like someone doing a bad Ahnuld impersonation. Haha!

On joystick I'm using:

X switch, Y shoot, RB lock fire position, lb strafe
A Jump, B Action

I'm so used to playing VF in arcades it makes sense for my muscle memory to put a button I will tap on where I set my thumb.

Also turbo fire makes any gun helluva tough! :D
Instro said:
Contra 4 on easy should be pretty manageable if you can beat Contra. But yeah Id say 4 is probably the most difficult Contra available, on Hard mode it rivals Contra 3's Hard Mode, plus the dual screen aspect makes it pretty intense. I was able to beat it on Normal and Hard but it took a while. Felt pretty rewarding though, I really love that game.
Never even thought of that. I have this stupid thing about playing games on easy. I'd rather just quit than to give up my pride and resort to easy. I may have to make an exception for Contra 4 though. At least I'll be able to experience and enjoy the game finally. I'll give it another try someday soon since now I remember that I have it.
thetrin said:
That sounds like a far sexier game than the one I remember.
And I know it's "corps" too, but I still always add the "e" without thinking. I hate that.


Sorry for the DP, but i can't find this anywhere on PSN even through various searches. Can anyone help?


The last question was referring to a recommendation. Not which system it is being released on.
Kimosabae said:
The last question was referring to a recommendation. Not which system it is being released on.

And how precisely would one draw accurate comparisons without both versions being available? Crazy talk!

If you're a fan, get it now.

If you're not a fan, wait.

Considering Arc System Works games have been fantastic on PS3 and 360 the only reason to not get it now is you don't like paying for online play (XBL).

Kimosabae said:
Gotcha. I'll wait, since I don't like what Im hearing about loading times.

Load times are fine for me. Not sure what's going wrong for other folks.


Dark Octave said:
Never even thought of that. I have this stupid thing about playing games on easy. I'd rather just quit than to give up my pride and resort to easy. I may have to make an exception for Contra 4 though. At least I'll be able to experience and enjoy the game finally. I'll give it another try someday soon since now I remember that I have it.

Haha yeah I'm the same way, but I think its better to play the game on easy than to just not play it at all. At the very least it will help you memorize some of the level layouts so you can build up to the harder difficulty.

This thread makes me want to play Contra, I think I'll go do that. :D


The Take Out Bandit said:
And how precisely would one draw accurate comparisons without both versions being available? Crazy talk!

Hopefully you're joking, or you didn't see the question suggesting I didn't know both versions weren't available.
Yeah, we're not always the master. More often than not we're the student and while pride tells us playing it on easy is a bad thing, it's teaching us how to play the game.

I reached a point in the late 90's when I'd play fighting games on the hardest mode all the time. Once I had fewer hours in the day to dump into games, and more games to play that habit died.

Now I don't even bother with single player in fighting games. lol

Still haven't popped open C4, though it's more to do with my distaste toward DS as a platform than any challenge.

Kimosabae said:
Hopefully you're joking, or you didn't see the question suggesting I didn't know both versions weren't available.

To which I'll refer you to post #1 of this thread again.


Marrshu said:
Standard enemy bullets are yellow. The first stage in the trial is on a green background. I can't tell them apart half the time. Took two continues just to finish the stage.

I really like the game, but I pretty much just got turned off a buy because of this.

Wait ... aren't standard enemy bullets green? Hell, am I color blind or are we talking about different bullets here?


MacBosse said:
Wait ... aren't standard enemy bullets green? Hell, am I color blind or are we talking about different bullets here?

More likely I'm the one who's color blind. Green and yellow are pretty close to identical to me. Hence why I have so much difficulty. =p


Nice OP for the game. I'm but a casual Contra/Metal Slug fan (is such a thing possible?) so I'm going to pick this up to challenge myself on a later date. I played with the demo for a bit, and as always Arc System Works puts out some impressive games. Yeah, I'll probably stick to Rising for a while but it will be worth it for my sanity.

I'm certainly aware that this game's difficulty is not for the faint of heart, but I don't know how it could be a Contra game if it was easy.
Yeah, I was mainly interested in Rising mode and honestly - it's a little more challenging than I expected, but it's worth it. I threw all my CP into health upgrades for now.

Not sure what I'll upgrade next.

Has anybody tried the dash upgrade that allows you to dodge?

I'm also still crap at managing weapons drops. Hate when I hate a gun I love (Spread/Laser) and I shoot a weapon drop and grab a flame thrower. >:O
The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm also still crap at managing weapons drops. Hate when I hate a gun I love (Spread/Laser) and I shoot a weapon drop and grab a flame thrower. >:O

I hated the flamethrower until I realized it was a boss killer. Do you know it has a charge shot? If you have it upgraded, it does ridiculous damage. I hate that "C" gun, whatever it's supposed to be. Only weapon I actively avoid.


digita1alchemy said:
I hated the flamethrower until I realized it was a boss killer. Do you know it has a charge shot? If you have it upgraded, it does ridiculous damage. I hate that "C" gun, whatever it's supposed to be. Only weapon I actively avoid.
Yeah I hated the flamethrower until I upgraded it.
digita1alchemy said:
I hated the flamethrower until I realized it was a boss killer. Do you know it has a charge shot? If you have it upgraded, it does ridiculous damage. I hate that "C" gun, whatever it's supposed to be. Only weapon I actively avoid.
The "C" gun is the one that's like a grenade that arches but gets no distance? I hate that one too.

Good to hear about the flame thrower because that was my second most hated.

Also, I'm glad that I haven't had any issues with the yellow bullets on the green background. Very lucky, because Puzzle Fighter messes me up pretty bad.
The review I did for pwnem.com has been revised.
The score is now a 6.25 instead of an 8.

I think finally I've discussed all I've wanted to say about the game.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Which makes me aware of my next purchase. Thanks. I'm going to get the faster bullet firing. :D

Fair warning. The faster bullet firing makes the game a fair bit easier.

There's an automatic bullet firing upgrade. If you get that the heat gun continues to fire even while charging up, which makes it several times more useful. I'd still hold onto the heat gun whenever possible. It's pretty much a one shot kill for tons of things. Sayuri's charging attack is the same way and it's amazing.
digita1alchemy said:
I hated the flamethrower until I realized it was a boss killer. Do you know it has a charge shot? If you have it upgraded, it does ridiculous damage. I hate that "C" gun, whatever it's supposed to be. Only weapon I actively avoid.

Yeah, I'm just not a fan of charge shots.

Which makes me aware of my next purchase. Thanks. I'm going to get the faster bullet firing. :D


So anyone tried online co-op yet?

EDIT: Nice, Little Big Contra is one of the featured videos along with the Hard Corps trailers :)
Teknoman said:
So anyone tried online co-op yet?

Unfortunately no.

Just beat the first stage in Rising mode. Holy crap this game is going to be hell for the ADD generation. So much death, so much pattern learning, so much OH GOD I MISSED THE JUMP! D:

Even if you turn up your nose at Rising mode this game still requires more skill to play than the Simon bullsh*t that is QTE nonsense in modern gaming. But it seems Western developers prefer the completion over skill school of game design, and the industry is suffering as a result.

I love this game and when I can find some Xbox points on sale I'm getting a card and buying Harley and the samurai gal.

Oh forgot to add - flame thrower also absorbs bullets, so in addition to charge shot it can help keep enemy fire from raining on your parade. :D

Hard Edit: Updated OP with details on weapons, some are incomplete if you'd like to fill in the blanks I'll update OP with info. Also added some basic game moves.


Some games are hard. Other games are ridiculously hard. Uprising's harsh difficulty curve manages to wildly overshoot such paltry levels of sadism and ventures instead into the magical realm of the purely ridiculous.


Uprising's default Arcade mode is strictly for Contra purists. With meager health, three lives, and very little in the way of extra abilities, it offers an undiluted experience--one that makes you want to hurl your console through the TV screen.


A brisk challenge can be a great thing, but the insidious stage designs start off pretty brutal and grow exceptionally wickeder as you progress. This can make Uprising hard to stomach at times. Only one or two checkpoints are woven into the lengthy levels, and being forced to repeat a mid-stage boss battle you just struggled through because you ran out of lives only seconds after completing it is maddening.


Throw in some sporadic platforming sections that require an inhuman level of precision, and it's tough to hold off the desire to snap the controller in half. Jumping back and forth to ride on detonating missiles rocketing upward through a massive elevator shaft is a very cool idea, but it's too difficult to be enjoyable. The grating metal soundtrack and awful voice-overs don't help when concentration is the key to your survival.


Grating metal soundtrack!?


This soundtrack gets me pumped! I SWEAT BULLETS AND BLEED DEATH!
Online co-op is really solid.

It kind of sucks though if you can't find anyone around your skill level. Since I can all but 1CC the game on default settings I'm mostly playing by myself because my partner dies early on.

At least like some other co-op games if your partner has some spare lives you can take one of theirs to hop back in.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
By the way, do you want a banner for the OT? :p


ULTROS! said:
By the way, do you want a banner for the OT? :p

Not to beat a dead horse, but throw some kinda nod show the game is part of the Contra series in the banner if you can. Would be awesome.

Oh and save target as for that U mad gif :D

The only thing i'd be worried about in online co-op is accidentally taking someone's power up. But then again, situational gun usage is what Contra is about at times, even when its on accident.

EDIT: Are the double tap dash and button dash (should buttons) the same? If so, its really easy to control the game with a 360 pad. I think RB was dash/air dash?
I may try and whip up some custom art for this over the weekend.


I think the macro buttons may be the same as double tap, but I'm a glutton for punishment and macro hater. :X
I'd be more worried about 1up stealing.
Although I think there are additional 1ups available for co-op players. I'm just saying because in the first stage I could have sworn I stumbled upon one that wasn't available in singleplayer. Try checking the small tower where the flame-thrower turrets are located.

A lot of 1ups are secretly stashed. Check any and all suspicious spots. For one thing don't just blow up every barrel you see, sometimes a goodie is hidden on one of the destructible platforms.

The high-road is oft-times a popular place for 1ups to hang out. Some also tend to appear in situations where they can be easily missed (stage 3 when the ground crumbles out from under you, stage 6 when one of the trains flies off the tracks, etc)

If I could take screenshots I could probably put together a decent guide.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
I'd be more worried about 1up stealing.
Although I think there are additional 1ups available for co-op players. I'm just saying because in the first stage I could have sworn I stumbled upon one that wasn't available in singleplayer. Try checking the small tower where the flame-thrower turrets are located.

A lot of 1ups are secretly stashed. Check any and all suspicious spots. For one thing don't just blow up every barrel you see, sometimes a goodie is hidden on one of the destructible platforms.

The high-road is oft-times a popular place for 1ups to hang out. Some also tend to appear in situations where they can be easily missed (stage 3 when the ground crumbles out from under you, stage 6 when one of the trains flies off the tracks, etc)

If I could take screenshots I could probably put together a decent guide.

Heh i'm used to the 1up stealing from childhood Super C days. Of course, sometimes it would suck when someone jumps in using your last life and immediately dies.

Dr Zhivago said:
Hmm, not sure I like this enough to buy. I'm not keen on the artstyle, and the controls seem pointlessly complicated. Like Shattered Soldier, I keep wishing they'd just put in twin-stick controls rather than the 'strafe' and 'stationary attack' buttons.

Eh twin stick controls and it wouldnt be Contra. The strafe and stationary are purely situational anyway.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I may try and whip up some custom art for this over the weekend.


I think the macro buttons may be the same as double tap, but I'm a glutton for punishment and macro hater. :X
To sprint and dash? Yeah it's the same.

Double tap is the inferior option imo, but better they overload us with options instead of limiting and choosing for us.

Now if there is an option to remove moves we don't want so they don't get in the way, that would be perfect.
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