He is now posting articles pretending to be his sister. Even writing personal anecdotes on her behalf like he does, writing about how she used to steal his toys. And she magically is interested in all the same things and writes the exact same.
Anyway, me made a mistake, when posting as her.
Yep, totally how we talk. Also gurls rule, boys drool.
Jesus Christ how did this guy ever manage to make 6 figures running this site with the intellectual capacity of a 13 year old. Fucking disgusting pig
Hmm, this is super weird. I'm worried it's going to end with something super drastic, and I don't know what that is. Harry clearly isn't handling this in the best way, and now he's pretending to be someone else? I dunno, something about this seems really off to me, that's bizarre. I hope he doesn't do something stupid...
Did thy shut down the comments on this page?
Did thy shut down the comments on this page?
He is now posting articles pretending to be his sister. Even writing personal anecdotes on her behalf like he does, writing about how she used to steal his toys. And she magically is interested in all the same things and writes the exact same.
Anyway, me made a mistake, when posting as her.
Yep, posing as a woman will surely help your image, Harry.
This guy makes Tim League look like the greatest PR manager in the world.
As a side note, I read one of the earlier articles posted by Harry's 'sister,' and it seems like a fundamental misunderstanding of sentence structure runs in the family.
Wow. The site has gone unchanged for...20 years?!
You guys see this thing from former AICN writer Billy the Kidd?
Fuck Harry, and fuck Quint and Capone too. They're all idiots.
Fucking hell. Even though he's only mentioned briefly and Billy says they're on good terms, I wonder how bad Nordling was to him too, as I'm kind of a fan of his stuff post-AICN.You guys see this thing from former AICN writer Billy the Kidd?
Fuck Harry, and fuck Quint and Capone too. They're all idiots.
Fucking hell. Even though he's only mentioned briefly and Billy says they're on good terms, I wonder how bad Nordling was to him too, as I'm kind of a fan of his stuff post-AICN.
You guys see this thing from former AICN writer Billy the Kidd?
Fuck Harry, and fuck Quint and Capone too. They're all idiots.
That's pretty damn fucked up. As a writer who struggled for years to actually get paid doing it, it's infuriating that a site as successful as AICN wasn't paying some of its contributors.
honestly, I didn't know that. I appreciate the clarification. Sounds like all of these dudes were/are assholes, and recollections like Billy's aren't helping the matter at all, which is probably the intent.You realize that Billy is very possibly the worst high profile film writer of all time, was unilaterally hired by Harry, and spammed the site with multiple Miami-only giveaways per day, right?
And him never getting paid?You realize that Billy is very possibly the worst high profile film writer of all time, was unilaterally hired by Harry, and spammed the site with multiple Miami-only giveaways per day, right? It's not a huge surprise that he wasn't treated like a friend by the other writers. And it's not surprising that his appearance and continued presence put everyone in an awkward situation, since no one other than Harry could have (very deservedly) fired him. His attempt to correlate what happened to him with sexual assault does not make me feel better about him.
And him never getting paid?
Billy says some were getting paid, and two wrongs don't make a right.That sucks. However, per Billy's own account, Mr. Beaks (Jeremy Smith, still one of my favorite film writers) wasn't being paid, either. It's not apparent whether Harry was paying anyone.
That sucks. However, per Billy's own account, Mr. Beaks (Jeremy Smith, still one of my favorite film writers) wasn't being paid, either. It's not apparent whether Harry was paying anyone, and, per Billy himself, the no pay issue (which, again, is abhorrent), wasn't exclusive to Billy.
My point is just that Capone and Quint had every reason to be upset about Billy's work, and concerned about what he was doing to the site.
I'm having a hard time seeing what this Billy guy could've done to the site's reputation that Knowles hadn't been doing for ten years.
Harry Knowles stepping down from AICN.
But also possibly acting as his sister, while also going through therapy for something he called untrue? I don't know.
Harry Knowles stepping down from AICN.
But also possibly acting as his sister, while also going through therapy for something he called untrue? I don't know.
I've got a moral quandry about the show. Hayden Panettiere, born August 21, 1989, now 17 (legal in Texas, which is important, because her character is in Odessa, Texas) as the character, Claire Bennett. She's adorably cute, constantly in her cheerleader uniform. Ok - now never mind that she fulfills the underage cheerleading limber blond virginal demographic. That's pretty delicious.
Oh christ...
Haha love Pixelated BoatVulture put up an article: More Women Come Forward Accusing Harry Knowles Of Sexual Assault (Nothing really new I think, but the pressure is not going away)
You guys see this thing from former AICN writer Billy the Kidd?
Fuck Harry, and fuck Quint and Capone too. They're all idiots.
That sucks. However, per Billy's own account, Mr. Beaks (Jeremy Smith, still one of my favorite film writers) wasn't being paid, either. It's not apparent whether Harry was paying anyone, and, per Billy himself, the no pay issue (which, again, is abhorrent), wasn't exclusive to Billy.
My point is just that Capone and Quint had every reason to be upset about Billy's work, and concerned about what he was doing to the site.
The whole debacle was Harry's fault, but Billy the Kidd was, in many ways, the public face and executor of the downfall of AICN.
How do you guys feel about most other film sites not really covering the whole Alamo/Drafthouse/Harry Knowles news? Most sites that have picked it up have been relatively removed from the industry. I get why Birth Movies Death doesn't cover the Tim League stuff, since that site is basically a funcitoning ad for Alamo Drafthouse, but I feel it's a bit tacky for sites like Slashfilm to just ignore it. I know it's a grey area, and a lot of the writers have close relationships with each other, I just feel it's kind of their duty to at least report objectively what's going on.
I dunno, I can see both sides, but it feels slightly icky to me that a lot of film sites are acting as if none of this is going on.