Here's some less eloquent and succinct ramblings.
Marconelly said:
How is what you are describing any different than in this case when you have Spielberg, Lucas, etc. willing to put out movies in 3D? Again, influental film makers are behind something that some others oppose to.
First of all, I don't see any evidence that Spielberg is interested in this technology. He's been adamantly against switching to digital, I don't think 3D is something he's considering.
Secondly, only James Cameron has plans on doing an original narrative piece using this technology. Lucas is only talking about adding it to the Star Wars films and making more cash off them. Outside of that pair, there's Robert Rodriguez who has tinkered with 3D but that's most assuredly more along the lines of a theme park attraction type thing. "Ooh, the lasers came at me!" Personally, I remain skeptical that Battle Angel will even use this as I'd say Cameron's hope of having theaters equipped by 2007 is insanely generous, and unless he fronts the cash himself, I don't forsee Fox fronting $200 million for something that might hit a couple hundred screens.
Are there possibilities for 3D to expand the medium? Yes, to an extent, but it requires actual thought. When sound was introduced, you couldn't just make films the same way and add sound. All of these developments have, or should have, forced filmmakers to rethink how film is made. Adding 3D elements changes one of the most fundamental aspects that film has utilized for its entire existence: the reduction of depth. Simply filming movies the same way with these new cameras is fucking retarded, and face it, that's how it's being sold right now. Who is supposed to get excited about this when it's being marketed as a purely commercial development to take more money from consumers? Lucas isn't standing up there talking about artistic merits.
Read some of Rudolf Arnheim's essays from the early 1930s. He gets really deep into the theory and use of film's inherent reduced depth and you'll understand why what Lucas is talking about is bullshit. Wait a decade or two and you might get some people who really start picking the technology apart and figuring out how make real use of it.
However, anyone that says 3D is automatically better than what we've got now is missing the point. It WILL be different and it WILL be better and worse at certain things, just as black and white films, silent films, etc have strenghts and weaknesses. And for that, Harry Knowles is a fucking retard, for thinking this is some kind of cure-all that will be a boon for the industry and fans and he touts uninspired conversions of Star Wars and LOTR as proof.
Could this technology provide something interesting? Sure, but I don't trust Hollywood or other rich fat cats to put it to any good artistic use. Their interest is in the gimmick and cramming people back into theaters (ticket sales certainly aren't going up, not with home theater prices plummeting).