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Harry Potter fans... (book six title)

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GG-Duo said:
Nevile needs to start kicking some serious ass in this one.

I figure he'll at least get a chance for revenge.

I think JK Rowling should have played up the idea
of him potentially being the one destined to fight Voldemort
at little more.


havent read all of book 5 yet but...

do voldy's supporters know he is a half blood? has that been answered yet?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I thought it was pretty clear that when Voldemort chose to slay Harry over Neville (that is, he felt that Harry was the one prophecied to overcome Voldemort) he effectively FULFILLED the prophecy, guaranteeing that Harry, and not Neville, would be the one.


Tag of Excellence
Yeah I found preliminary drawings for Harry Potter's new design on the cover:

Not only does he find out about his heritage but he takes some extra credit courses in the Hogwart's Body Building Club.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
The only thing I am not really looking forward to in book six is that according to a J.K. Rowling interview I read there is going to be more romance in this book. I don't like this because of some of the fans. I ventured onto a Harry Potter forum once (I think it was mugglenet) and it was the scariest thing I have ever seen.

They have arguements there about who should be couples (Harry/Hermione, Ron/Hermione) that make the console flame wars on videogame forums seem normal. Those people are insane. They analyze every page and find obscure references to things that mean nothing, but they blow them out of proportion. "OMG!!1!! On page 343, Ron fell over and and his hand brushed against Hermione's Potions book!! That means they love each and will be together forever!!!" It is disturbing. I really hope Rowling just keeps everything ambigous and leaves any coupling up to the imagination of the reader.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
TekunoRobby said:
Yeah I found preliminary drawings for Harry Potter's new design on the cover:

Not only does he find out about his heritage but he takes some extra credit courses in the Hogwart's Body Building Club.

ROFL. That's great.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
The only thing I am not really looking forward to in book six is that according to a J.K. Rowling interview I read there is going to be more romance in this book. I don't like this because of some of the fans. I ventured onto a Harry Potter forum once (I think it was mugglenet) and it was the scariest thing I have ever seen.

They have arguements there about who should be couples (Harry/Hermione, Ron/Hermione) that make the console flame wars on videogame forums seem normal. Those people are insane. They analyze every page and find obscure references to things that mean nothing, but they blow them out of proportion. "OMG!!1!! On page 343, Ron fell over and and his hand brushed against Hermione's Potions book!! That means they love each and will be together forever!!!" It is disturbing. I really hope Rowling just keeps everything ambigous and leaves any coupling up to the imagination of the reader.
Harry and Hermione for life!! ;) Hopefully book 6 comes out in summer 2005. I'd hate for it to be another 3 year wait. And releasing it at that time would leave it open for more movies to be made (if the series continues past the fourth film that is).


Kills Photobucket
After book 5 only a few things I am eager to see happen. in the next 2 books

1. Harry continue to suffer due to his stupidity.

2. showdown with Draco and Harry (Dracco's gotta join his dad once he turns 17)

No so much eager, but expecing it to happen.

Anyone else think Dumbledor had a big red target on his back and will be cannon fodder by the end?

as for whole romance thing, i dont really care, but my money is on the ron / hermione ticket.


Kills Photobucket
TekunoRobby said:
Yeah I found preliminary drawings for Harry Potter's new design on the cover:

Not only does he find out about his heritage but he takes some extra credit courses in the Hogwart's Body Building Club.

and he beat up doc oc and took his glasses....


DrForester said:
Anyone else think Dumbledor had a big red target on his back and will be cannon fodder by the end?

Oh, his death is for SURE on the last or second last book. When Dumbledore dies, then the job of stopping Voldermort will lie entirely on Harry.


aparisi2274 said:
I cant wait for this book. After how good book 5 ended with that big ass revelation, I cant wait to read book 6.

Ya like you couldn't of seen that coming though 4 books down.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Cyan said:
Straight from JKR's site:

Fun! Now we get to speculate! Brand new character (boring), or an old Hogwarts friend? Which characters do we know are half-blood?

Could it possibly be Victor Krum? I don't think they ever specified what his blood lineage was. Then again, what makes him so important to get a book titled after him.


White Man said:
If the book isn't out by Christmas, I'm calling shenanigans. She never lets the title loose long before the book comes out. If she's going for another summer release (2005), I doubt this is the real title.

Rowling has confirmed the title on her webpage

The Leaky Cauldron reminds us that the title of Book 5 was released right after The Goblet of Fire was published, kicking off a three year wait for Order of the Phoenix. I'm reminded of the time my roommate went to a restaurant, ordered a pizza, waited a while, and looked optamistic when the waitress came over to give everyone plates. Then the waitress said, "This doesn't mean anything" before vanishing, not to return with their food for quite some time...



Junior Member
Hagrid is a half-blood, and his history as a student as Hogwarts played a large role in Chamber of Secrets. Plus, in Order of Pheonix, he had to go convince other pure-blood giants to join him in a fight against Voldemort. Perhaps Hagrid becommes prince of the giants, and we begin to see all the different races of magical creatures teaming up to battle Voldemort?
Book five was a special case, though. She took a long break from writing Harry Potter because she was so burnt out on the series, not to mention she got married (I think that happened after book four, but I'm not 100% sure), had a kid, and there was a law-suit going on, not to mention the sheer size of the thing, so she had her plate full with things besides writing. I really don't think there's any reason at all for the wait to be anywhere close to that long this time.


tenchir said:
Then it's pretty stupid(and ironic) that voldemort and slitherin didn't want mudbloods in their line, since their ancestor were muggles at one point.

Yet it's happened multiple times throughout history. Funny thing, that.
Hamfam said:
Hagrid is a half-blood, and his history as a student as Hogwarts played a large role in Chamber of Secrets. Plus, in Order of Pheonix, he had to go convince other pure-blood giants to join him in a fight against Voldemort. Perhaps Hagrid becommes prince of the giants, and we begin to see all the different races of magical creatures teaming up to battle Voldemort?

I'm not sure if Hagrid was a half-blood in the sense of the term we're looking for. He did have a human parent and a giant parent, so half-blood in that sense, but I'm thinking it's more likely to be oriented around the one parent magical one parent not. And I thought the meetings with the other giants failed; they could try them again but I wouldn't be sure of that. He will likely be important in the story though so it could still be him. I'm gonna place my bet on a new character though.
What's always bothered me about Hagrid is quite simply... he shouldn't exist. One Giant parent and one normal wizarding parent? That just couldn't work out...


Hamfam said:
Hagrid is a half-blood, and his history as a student as Hogwarts played a large role in Chamber of Secrets. Plus, in Order of Pheonix, he had to go convince other pure-blood giants to join him in a fight against Voldemort. Perhaps Hagrid becommes prince of the giants, and we begin to see all the different races of magical creatures teaming up to battle Voldemort?

That's certainly a very plausible theory.


tenchir said:
I don't think she's in any hurry to rush out the book. The movies is filming the fourth movie so she has like 2-3 years to put out the 6th book.


I just really felt like saying "Blasphemy" right now.

She HAS to be in a hurry to rush out the book, because it simply must be out by Christmas 2005. They will need to start filming the movie Summer 2006, to make the November 2007 release (To avoid the kids aging too much) and thus there will have to be some lead time.

I'm expecting next summer; a huge book release will bring Pottermania to a new high heading into the fourth film.

So it isn't Voldemort or Harry? Interesting.
I don't think it could be Dudley if the title means the prince is indeed half-blooded and not just the prince of half-bloods, because 1) So far Dudley has possessed no magical ability and he's roughly the same age as Harry and 2) Neither of his parents have exhibited any kind of magical ability. So more than likely, if he had magical abilities, he would be a mudblood, although I am wondering exactly how much Petunia knows about the wizarding world... I don't think her part in this story is over.

The question now is... does she consider Tom Riddle and Voldemort to be the same person? In CoS Dobby told Harry that the person masterminding the attacks wasn't Lord Voldemort. When Harry found out it was Tom Riddle (Voldemort in his younger years), he questioned Dobby about it and Dobby said something about it being a hint. Tricksy stuff ;)


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Cyan said:
Edit: Also, by the time they get to Book 6, the kids ages will more than likely not matter any more. They're supposed to be 16 at that point; a year or two more won't matter.

I agree with this. I think the only thing that will cause them to recast will be if the kids get tired of their roles and move on. Plus, I'm sure now that Dan, Rupert, and Emma are pretty much identified with their characters that the WB will drive trucks full of cash up to their doorstops to ensure that they stay.
robochimp said:
Nevile has always been my favorite character. I dont think anyone else has made me laugh more than he has

I really can't wait to see what happens in the 5th movie because Neville is still a chubby little boy in the fifth book and Neville in the movie was a damn beanstalk.


2) Neither of his parents have exhibited any kind of magical ability. So more than likely, if he had magical abilities, he would be a mudblood, although I am wondering exactly how much Petunia knows about the wizarding world... I don't think her part in this story is over.

Or have they. In book 5 one of the wizards that came for Harry noted that the dursleys house was unnaturally clean.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Remember book 5? Petunia, to her chagrin, knows much more about the Wizarding world than she ever let on, even to her own husband. Remember the Howler she got? Her knowledge of Azkaban and the Dementors? She BELIEVED Harry's story about his and Dudley's almost disastrous confrontation with the Dementros, straight in the middle of Muggle Central, as it were!


Kills Photobucket
Mejilan said:
Remember book 5? Petunia, to her chagrin, knows much more about the Wizarding world than she ever let on, even to her own husband. Remember the Howler she got? Her knowledge of Azkaban and the Dementors? She BELIEVED Harry's story about his and Dudley's almost disastrous confrontation with the Dementros, straight in the middle of Muggle Central, as it were!

I never really took that to mean anything.

She said in book 1 that her parents were always proud of lilly, and she resented that. She was her sister, so I'd imagine she learned about the magical world and such just form hearing her sister and parents. Never in the books has it implied that muggles who are immediate family to a wizzard can not know about the wizzard world. And given that Voldermort was probably commign to pwer while james and lilly were in school, it's llikely she would have heard about the monsters of the wizzarding world, and Dumbledor had to fill her in a bit on how her sister died when he dropped harry off.
1) Remember the prophecy from Book 3? We were supposed to think it referred to Sirius Black. But it didn't. I believe this one is being similarly misinterpreted! After all, how much fun would it be if we heard the prophecy and then had it immediately explained to us? Dumbledore's smart but JKR's been clear that he doesn't immediately catch on to everything.

2) Petunia's got some splainin' to do.

3) Neville's definitely going to be more important. He's carrying something around that could be vital to future events.
He says his uncle got the plant he gave him from Assyria. Do a little research into Assyrian mythology and powerful magical plants. Final Fantasy V might be a good place to start, oddly enough.


Kills Photobucket
the prophecy from book 3 WAS explained immediatly though. By the end of the book you knew it refered to Peter and not Sirius (Well you could have infered it at end of book 3, it hit you over the head first few pages of book 4)


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Chipopo said:
The prophecy given by Trelawny or however the hell you spell her name?
The divination professor in book 3 predicted that Voldemort's most loyal follower will reunite with him and blah blah blah, in which we found out later on is Peter the mouse, not Sirius.


What about Tonks?

Spoilers for book 5(dont know how to do that cool spoiler hinder thing)

Now bear with me here, we know that she is a half blood and that she is a metamorphmagi. Both those pieces of information in the last book seemed significant, especially the metamorphagi bit, but both didnt play a role in that book.

Now for the part about Tonks being a Woman. Since Tonks is a metamorphmagi, an ability that she had at birth she could actually be a man. We dont know here true apperance or gender. Plus, if you are a guy and had the ability to change your appearance at will wouldnt you change into a really hot chick? I know i would.


I got this off JK rowlings site, its about the 6th book.

Tuesday 29 June 2004
Title of Book Six: The Truth

Well, the door opened at last and I showed you the title of book six - the genuine title, the title that will appear on the published book, the title I have been using in my head for ages and ages. Unfortunately, however, the door opened on the very same day the 'Pillar of Storgé' hoaxer struck, which left a lot of Harry Potter fans bemused as to whether I was having a joke at their expense by posting another fake title to 'teach hoaxers a lesson', something I certainly wouldn't do, as it would simply frustrate, confuse or annoy the 99.9% of you who aren't hoaxers! I tried to give a clear hint that the title behind the door was the real one by making the 'Toenail' joke as well (see 'Rumours'). But just to clear up matters once and for all…

Information you take directly from this site will be truthful and accurate (I might occasionally joke, but as time goes on, you'll learn to tell when I'm joking). Do not trust anybody else claiming to have found information on this site that you cannot access, however seemingly convincing the images they provide to support their story.

I never post information on the site that I do not want fans to read immediately. In other words, anybody claiming to have 'discovered' a message that wasn't due for release yet is lying. There was never anything meaningful behind the door until the 'Do Not Disturb' sign came off!

The 'Pillar of Storgé' was never my title, and I did not change it at the eleventh hour because I was 'found out' (I nearly fell off my chair giggling when I read this).

I was delighted to see that a hard core of super-bright fans knew that the real title was once, in the long distant past, a possibility for 'Chamber of Secrets', and from that deduced that it was genuine. Certain crucial pieces of information in book six were originally planned for 'Chamber of Secrets', but very early on (first draft of Chamber) I realised that this information's proper home was book six. I have said before now that 'Chamber' holds some very important clues to the ultimate end of the series. Not as many as six, obviously, but there is a link.

Anyway: if you continue to exercise patience, you will find that the Do Not Disturb Door opens again… and again… giving you further hints about book six. But as a little bonus, and compensation for having been messed around by Mr. or Ms. Storgé, I shall tell you one thing without making you shift any bricks at all: the HBP is neither Harry nor Voldemort. And that's all I'm saying on THAT subject until the book's published

What really stuck to my mind was this last line:

I shall tell you one thing without making you shift any bricks at all: the HBP is neither Harry nor Voldemort. And that's all I'm saying on THAT subject until the book's published

So who could it be??? Neville? Someone else? Anyone have any ideas???


aparisi2274 said:
I got this off JK rowlings site, its about the 6th book.

What really stuck to my mind was this last line:

So who could it be??? Neville? Someone else? Anyone have any ideas???

I believe that's what we've been debating.


Hagrid makes perfect sense to me (it was actually who I thought of right away). He's a half blood, Dumbledore has emphasized the importance of allying with the giants, and princedom would be an easy way to make up for the difficulties they ran into in book 5.

Hermione and Ron
Harry and Luna
Ginny and Neville

I wanna see more Krum and more Goblins in this book. All I care about, really.
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