Welcome back, <Proxie>. You have been away for: ~418 hrs.
NOTE: If you haven't already, please input your name with "name: <YourName>".
You take a seat beside Smuggle as it begins.
Mr. Mist:
"Welcome, new faces! I trust you're all eager to start learning. But, before we truly dive into your first lesson, I'd like to start with an old story:
'Roving the wind-blasted plains, a renowned leader of fighters commanded her very own cavalry consort, rogues recruited from all corners of the continent; thirty-seven lieutenants, each with eleven fighters under themselves.
The youthful brigand famously rode into every raid standing on her saddle, so as to better view her playing field. A simple broad sash was tied around the waist of her cotton tunic; dyed, denoting her captaincy, and off it, within easy reach, a satchel of rawhide.
Within this satchel was an assortment of folded fabrics, dyed in all the myriad colours of life and unlife; some quaint squares, some flowing streamers, some of exquisite weave, some, mere rags. But their state mattered not to her, only their company.
For, upon the sight of any one or combination of flag unfurled between her fingers in the wind, her soldiers immediately executed the matching manoeuvre; such was their drilled memory of her intent. With tactical prowess and remote reflex combined, her host was unrivaled.
One bright day, she and her thirty-seven were assembled, readying themselves and their steeds for their regular practice. However, this day, she motioned for them to stop, and so they did. She waved for them to sit in a semi-circle before her, and so they did.
Leaning against the flank of her horse, she asked the attentive faces, I have a voice to answer, yet none of you have ever asked me; why do I myself bear no arms or armour into battle? Why only my banners, you familiars? You gossip amongst yourselves, but never approach to ask me. Why is this so?
And so the thirty-seven replied:
Because you are our superior.
Because we respect you.
Because it would be impolite.
Because it would slight you.
Because it would be embarrassing.
Because you are intimidating.
Because you have a reputation to uphold.
Because you are busy.
Because in the end, it does not matter.
Because you would not tell us anyway.
Because it is a vital secret to you.
Because you value your innocence.
Because you do not wish to dirty your hands.'
Because you cannot abide the bloodshed.'
Because you fear death.'
Because you are brave.'
Because the present is beneath you.'
Because the past is behind you.'
'Because there must be limits to what we do.'
Because you understand your strengths.'
Because you understand your weaknesses.'
Because you understand us.'
Because you must inspire us for the eventual better.'
Because you must lead by example and not by deed.'
'Because they are unimportant to what you do.'
'Because they would only slow you down.'
'Because you simply choose not to.'
Because you simply cannot.'
Because you do not want to wield them to get what we need.'
Because you do not need to wield them to get what you want.'
Because you need not.'
'Because we wield them for you.'
Because we are all you need.'
'Because with us, you want for nothing.'
'Because you have trained us well.'
Because you do not want us to.
Because you do not need us too.
After listening to each of the thirty-seven state their reason why, she could not help but laugh.
It is touching to know that you would all rather suffer by me than ask me, truly.'"
>> how is this alchemy?
I don't understand that.
>> look around
Class is in session.
>> ask: how is this alchemy?
Of whom? Your rhetorical reflection receives an equally silent reply.
>> ask class: how is this alchemy?
To be an anti-hero is no mean feat. Facing worlds, you did what you had to to survive and to thrive, and you are none the lesser for it.
Next to you, Smuggle feigns nonexistence, like the rest of them.
Your Fire Game increased.
Mr. Mist:
"Who said that?
Ah... well, firstly, what's your personal take from this particular tale? I trust you have a vague idea of what alchemy entails; matching and mixing ingredients for effect, at its most base definition. How do *you* think it relates? Or not, even?"
You are gauged in expectation.
>> say: