Apart from those three (miracle, goddamn, blarg), I feel pretty neutral about the most active players, but this is my first online game and I get the feeling that is to be expected. Good feelings on flame, hyper, and kawl. Active, good logic. Flame put the pressure on Miracle I thought he needed until he revealed.
Lord of Castamere
other than MAYBE Crab but that's only if we think he is lying, which I don't have any proof of that being the case.
I'm just a little wary of the subtle but determined drift of votes towards LoC without anyone actually providing a particularly strong case. I'm not sure if it is just the wagon effect where in absence of a good suspect, a single person's vote then causes everyone to doubt that person too; mafia trying to subtly set a particular theme and lynch in motion; or whether there is enough genuine suspiscion to lynch LoC but nobody can articulate it well.
The thing is that I believe TWE but I don't trust him. I am torn between letting him do some more night actions and getting rid of him right away to avoid any further unexpected things to happen. I will think about that till tomorrow.
Besides Crab, who still has facts speaking against him there is actually no one that particularly stands out to me today so again.. a lot of thinking for me to do over night.
Also, welcome flatearthpandasHope you'll have fun with us!!
Making it explicit here, I was not switched at night.
I'm just a little wary of the subtle but determined drift of votes towards LoC without anyone actually providing a particularly strong case. I'm not sure if it is just the wagon effect where in absence of a good suspect, a single person's vote then causes everyone to doubt that person too; mafia trying to subtly set a particular theme and lynch in motion; or whether there is enough genuine suspiscion to lynch LoC but nobody can articulate it well.
Still not sure why you guys want to just let TheWorthyEdge live
I don't trust him. I don't trust that he is being truthful about not being affected by switches, I suspect he's hiding something from us, perhaps is a part of a small, 2 man team or something. I don't believe he would need 6 perfect nights to win, I don't trust that he wouldn't decide as a neutral just to try and screw with us
Especially when he said he wanted to win with town.
If TWE doesn't sell the ring back to blarg, what then? We lynch him tomorrow and give whatever scum blarg may have found another day. We let him die in the night? You guys are essentially arguing to give him a free night to do whatever he wants.
I also think it's not the best argument to say that he would die on his own. Scum don't like their poisoned targets getting lynched. They would really rather have the lynch going on someone else. That way they don't "waste" their poison use. Because from this night onwards, the poisons are going to be giving scum two kills a night, drastically reducing the population of this game.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there's an actual argument today, the past days have been lacking on this, and it's especially good if we have scum in the crowd as well (as scum often go after neutrals, it makes many of them look townish, I am well aware), so we can use today's voting patterns to figure stuff out.
Yesterday's vote couldn't tell us so much, and looking back, I think that was the reason Kingkitty claimed voldy so quickly- he didn't want his teammates to get themselves caught based off of how they voted
Still not sure why you guys want to just let TheWorthyEdge live
I don't trust him. I don't trust that he is being truthful about not being affected by switches, I suspect he's hiding something from us, perhaps is a part of a small, 2 man team or something. I don't believe he would need 6 perfect nights to win, I don't trust that he wouldn't decide as a neutral just to try and screw with us
Especially when he said he wanted to win with town.
If TWE doesn't sell the ring back to blarg, what then? We lynch him tomorrow and give whatever scum blarg may have found another day. We let him die in the night? You guys are essentially arguing to give him a free night to do whatever he wants.
I also think it's not the best argument to say that he would die on his own. Scum don't like their poisoned targets getting lynched. They would really rather have the lynch going on someone else. That way they don't "waste" their poison use. Because from this night onwards, the poisons are going to be giving scum two kills a night, drastically reducing the population of this game.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there's an actual argument today, the past days have been lacking on this, and it's especially good if we have scum in the crowd as well (as scum often go after neutrals, it makes many of them look townish, I am well aware), so we can use today's voting patterns to figure stuff out.
Yesterday's vote couldn't tell us so much, and looking back, I think that was the reason Kingkitty claimed voldy so quickly- he didn't want his teammates to get themselves caught based off of how they voted
Well about yesterday's voting, king kitty knew his mafia teammates but they weren't aware of his identity. I think the interesting part of yesterday is how people react after he says he is Volde, especially people pushing for maybe letting both he and Blarg live (I may be misremembering and people were only arguing that before he gave up his Harry Potter claim) Mafia knows Volde exists but they have to find him to activate his powers (at least that's the read I get from him role pm). I think he wanted to let his teammates know who he was once it was clear he was gonna be lynched on the off chance they could keep him alive and activate his powers last night.
i'm actually voldemort btw
i'll post my read list in 7 hours, don't turbo!
something that bothers me
I believe blarg, but to me, it seems the main reason for this is that he claimed first and kingkitty's weird claim
it's entirely possible that Blargonaut found a neutral instead of scum
I find this possibility unlikely, but I like writing all my thoughts out as I'm in the middle of thinking
But why? There's no benefit for him. I'd say the argument to lynching him is that he is a known risk. We have no reason to trust him to help town as it doesn't benefit him and he can potentially hurt the town by selling the horcrux at his own discretion which is in his power to do. The benefits to letting him live depend on luck and trust, making him more dangerous to town than scum. The benefits to lynching him are peace of mind.However he has nothing to lose at this point since his life is on a timer so maybe he just wants to help town.
Still not sure why you guys want to just let TheWorthyEdge live
I don't trust him. I don't trust that he is being truthful about not being affected by switches, I suspect he's hiding something from us, perhaps is a part of a small, 2 man team or something. I don't believe he would need 6 perfect nights to win, I don't trust that he wouldn't decide as a neutral just to try and screw with us
Especially when he said he wanted to win with town.
If TWE doesn't sell the ring back to blarg, what then? We lynch him tomorrow and give whatever scum blarg may have found another day. We let him die in the night? You guys are essentially arguing to give him a free night to do whatever he wants.
I also think it's not the best argument to say that he would die on his own. Scum don't like their poisoned targets getting lynched. They would really rather have the lynch going on someone else. That way they don't "waste" their poison use. Because from this night onwards, the poisons are going to be giving scum two kills a night, drastically reducing the population of this game.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there's an actual argument today, the past days have been lacking on this, and it's especially good if we have scum in the crowd as well (as scum often go after neutrals, it makes many of them look townish, I am well aware), so we can use today's voting patterns to figure stuff out.
Yesterday's vote couldn't tell us so much, and looking back, I think that was the reason Kingkitty claimed voldy so quickly- he didn't want his teammates to get themselves caught based off of how they voted
So if you don't trust that TWE is telling the whole truth then why do you want to do what he suggests, i.e. lynch him? If you actually don't trust him then I'm not seeing your reasoning as to why we should let him live. I think he is telling the truth therefore I think he should live and help us out for the remaining Nights he has left instead of just lynching him and doing Scum's dirty work.
I'm mildly interested to see if Blarg wants to spill any more goss regarding what he knows about Horcruxes. I agree with kawl that I'd rather go for scum than waste a lynch on a neutral, but I'm hesitant to leave a knowingfully harmful item that has a track record of being stealable floating around for tonight. If I knew a little bit more about what it potentially does/does not do, I'd feel more confident.
But why? There's no benefit for him. I'd say the argument to lynching him is that he is a known risk. We have no reason to trust him to help town as it doesn't benefit him and he can potentially hurt the town by selling the horcrux at his own discretion which is in his power to do. The benefits to letting him live depend on luck and trust, making him more dangerous to town than scum. The benefits to lynching him are peace of mind.
Because I trust his base claim- he's a doomed neutral.
But if I was a doomed neutral and town gave me time to live, I would just screw around. He might prefer just getting out of the game now, but predicting him to act in favor of town tonight seems a little silly
I'm mildly interested to see if Blarg wants to spill any more goss regarding what he knows about Horcruxes. I agree with kawl that I'd rather go for scum than waste a lynch on a neutral, but I'm hesitant to leave a knowingfully harmful item that has a track record of being stealable floating around for tonight. If I knew a little bit more about what it potentially does/does not do, I'd feel more confident.
So you don't fully trust him and you think he is hiding something but yet still want to lynch him? What if he gets something when he dies?
And do we really want another day of lynching someone because they asked us to?
Forgot this part
You say that having another day when someone wants to lynch them is a bad thing, but I have to disagree. I think we got quite a bunch from that (made me suspicious of Flame_AC at least), and today is better because we have votes go everywhere, it's not even a bandwagon this time around
I think it's more worry over there being this many generous souls offered themselves up as sacrifice. One time (rats) is hard enough to believe. Twice now (or thrice depending on how you read king kitty's eventual acceptance of his fate) begins to beggar belief.
And I'd argue the offering of yourself as a lynch target doesn't jive with your situations above. If you are going to wreak havoc you stay quiet and do your damnedest. You don't offer yourself up for lynch and then when you aren't lynched decide to go crazy.
Argh, I don't think I'm explaining it well enough here.
There are two main reasons I think lynching TWE is a good idea:
1. It wastes one of the poisoner's poison uses- game's population doesn't so rapidly decreases
2. Ok, TWE wants to be lynched. That's it, he lost, he can't win this, etc. And if we don't lynch him- we expect him to act with town for what reason again?
No that's about what I had gathered from your posts. I don't think it's a matter of the point not getting across, I think it's a matter of actual disagreement.
1. I'd argue that no it doesn't do that. All it does is doubles up one of our chances to lynch scum with a scum kill already put into motion. A scum kill that has been wasted on someone who isn't town.
2. For the same reason that caused him to reveal all the information that he has already. He sympathizes with the town. Call it good will or what have you. I see no reason that expecting him to flip is the natural position to take. Why do YOU think that he will naturally try to screw town over if left alive?
sorian is in this game?!
sorian is in every game
Who is that weird guy in the beanie? He looks suspicious. Can we lynch him?
Yes, I kind of have a weird role, don't worry about it.
Forgot this part
You say that having another day when someone wants to lynch them is a bad thing, but I have to disagree. I think we got quite a bunch from that (made me suspicious of Flame_AC at least), and today is better because we have votes go everywhere, it's not even a bandwagon this time around
Watch me
Watch me
You just killed a horcrux, congratulations D:
You just killed a horcrux, congratulations D:
Wtf am I supposed to defend against? No one gave any reasoning. You think I'm suspicious? Well, I'm not. Boom, I just gave a defense as well written as the attacks against me. Seriously, I'm not sure what you want me to say. Don't kill me. I'm town.
I still don't understand why everyone is against a Worthy lynch. He's a self proclaimed Netural with an item that could be detrimental to town. At best he stays alive for two days and provides reads. At worst he's not giving us the whole picture (like Burb) and something bad happens as a result We shouldn't take out a " hunched" player today if only for the fact that our investigator is still alive and we presumably have switcher(s) to help keep him that way.
Kill Worthy and decide as a group who to investigate, or decide on mutiple targets and let Blarg make a final nonannouced call on the final target. Whether that targets me, or someone else. That makes the most sense to me.
Vote: TheWorthyEdge
We got almost nothing from Kitty giving up so quickly and outing himself, same with Rats/Burb on Day 1. All we have are some people leaning one way and the others going slightly in the opposite direction. If we give TWE what he wants it's going to be the same thing again; everyone doing something slightly different but it all comes down to one lynch target. All we would end up getting out of this Day phase is a bunch of outed Town PRs, a plan that will hopefully work, and another safe lynch. Not a whole lot of good there.
Also we seem to be forgetting that the Horcruxes are an Alternative Town Win condition. We don't even need to get rid of them to win! Also going by what Blarg has already said it looks like you can't even use the Horcruxes at all other than to steal/destroy them.
It was the beanie, Salva actually planted me into Gafia back before Season 3 started and told me to always use a beanie avatar. He knows how to think ahead!
Leaving now! Sorry everyone!