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Harry Potter reboot at HBO being announced soon?


They just announced a remake of Moana, a film that came out less than 7 years ago.
That is so depressing to me. I love Moana and consider it one of the last excellent animated movies Disney has done in years!
This would be at least two years out, so hopefully, the appetite for both soulless live-action remakes of already near-perfect movies and more of Dwayne being the same character he is in everything will kill this.
The movies were great. I saw them all the day they released and have since watched them countless times but the story/lore and characters of the books deserves better. So much was left out. And after all the build up the movies totally fucked up the big fight between Harry and Voldemort.

books 1-2 were fine when adapted but it started to go downhill with 3. 4 and 5 were butchered. 6 had enough time to tell the story but the focus was completely wrong. parts 1 + 2 of DH were mostly faithful to the books right up until the final duel between Harry/Voldemort.
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That is so depressing to me. I love Moana and consider it one of the last excellent animated movies Disney has done in years!
This would be at least two years out, so hopefully, the appetite for both soulless live-action remakes of already near-perfect movies and more of Dwayne being the same character he is in everything will kill this.

Yeh it's a shame. Rather than looking at the success of Moana and saying "we made an original thing that people liked, let's try that philosophy again" they decided "we should make Moana again."


How would it be easier?

- Wouldn't have to look for a cast to fit the already stabilished characters
- Not waste on assets to fit the already existing plots, creatures, etc
- You can use new and fresh characters, since they could be either from past or future it wouldn't affect the source material
- Big name characters can simply be mentioned, not exactly make appearances. Or in case of a take in the past you simply wouldn't have to worry(like Hogwarts Legacy)
- Freedom to do the plot whatever you want, again no risk of damaging the source material
I would be up for a new story but I want the main story to be told properly first. If they can't do that then then fuck off lol.

If these 7 seasons are a success then by all means create a prequel/sequel series. That's what they done with GoT.... well the latter seasons seemed to piss a lot of people off but HoTD was good and set hundreds of years before the main books.
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- Wouldn't have to look for a cast to fit the already stabilished characters
Like I said I don't see this as a major issue in the grand scheme of things in comparison to everything you'd have to do to create something original.

- Not waste on assets to fit the already existing plots, creatures, etc
I'm not sure exactly what you're saying here, sorry. But with the existing story you already have creatures and concepts that people have an attachment to rather than having to work to create 7 seasons worth of new ones.

- You can use new and fresh characters, since they could be either from past or future it wouldn't affect the source material
- Big name characters can simply be mentioned, not exactly make appearances. Or in case of a take in the past you simply wouldn't have to worry(like Hogwarts Legacy)
From a studio perspective creating new characters is an issue rather than a benefit. That's more work when you already have characters sitting on the shelf that you know people will be interested in. Big name characters not making an appearance also makes it less of a draw, not more of one. Again, I'm talking about the studio's perspective here, not my own.

- Freedom to do the plot whatever you want, again no risk of damaging the source material
For the studio having to come up with that is more of a problem than a benefit. You have seven seasons to fill. In terms of what is going to bring you success is it easier to come up with an entirely new story or to use the story of the best-selling book series of all time that's also one of the most successful film franchises of all time? The 1 book = 1 season format that it says they're using for this even gives you a structure to follow and the period the story takes place over means your child actors aging over the space of 7 years isn't an issue. When you look at how gung-ho studios are on greenlighting reboots does it really seem like they are concerned about damaging the source material?

I'd prefer they make something new but with the way studios operate these days surely you can understand why they are doing a reboot instead right?


Like I said I don't see this as a major issue in the grand scheme of things in comparison to everything you'd have to do to create something original.

You say theres no trouple finding a cast which fits the criteria of already stabilished characters? How exactly?

I'm not sure exactly what you're saying here, sorry. But with the existing story you already have creatures and concepts that people have an attachment to rather than having to work to create 7 seasons worth of new ones.

Yes, creatures more specifically. Would have to waste resources making either cgc for those creatures or make models for it. Either way, yes more cost. The point you hammering and still doesn't understand is that the fact they already exist doesn't make easier or costy to make.
You know the difference between those right? One you have hyppogrihps, mandragoras, etc. The other you can have them...or not. It's up to the one writting, they don't have to follow the books exactly.

From a studio perspective creating new characters is an issue rather than a benefit. That's more work when you already have characters sitting on the shelf that you know people will be interested in. Big name characters not making an appearance also makes it less of a draw, not more of one. Again, I'm talking about the studio's perspective here, not my own.

On the contrary.
Creating new character wouldn't limit the cast for whatever the characters they are chained.
Harry Potter for instance can't be black, can't be a indian, super tall or whatever. Theres already a description and defined characteristics for Harry Potter and you would have to chase a character to fit that. The actor behind it would have to convince people he is Harry Potter, thats alot more harder. Any other difference could cause backlash from it's fans.

New characters? You could make a black protagonist or whatever, wouldn't make a single difference. It's a new character, they wouldn't have to follow the books neither have pre defined characteristics. Hows that hard to understand? And of course, I'm not talking about anyone perspective other than the studios themselves. More work = more expansive it will be.

I'd prefer they make something new but with the way studios operate these days surely you can understand why they are doing a reboot instead right?

This is not proof not that what they gonna do is a reboot, thats what I was trying to say.


parts 1 + 2 of DH were mostly faithful to the books right up until the final duel between Harry/Voldemort.

Hot take here, but I preferred the movie version of the final fight. I get what the book was going for by having it focus entirely on a clever twist being Voldemort’s downfall, but I still wanted to see an actual fight, so the movie gave me more what I wanted. At least IIRC, it has been a minute since I watched it.


I don't see the point. The movies were pretty decent and the actors, music and overall look became pretty iconic.
It could at least have been done in animation format or something to give it a new twist.

Also unless they make some major changes to the story there's going to be zero excitement. "Tune in next week to see what happens in the chamber of secrets!!!!.....unless you already read the book and/or watched the movie, in which case you already know"


King of Gaslighting
The biggest problem with the movies - other than being terrible - is that it didn't know what its "tone" was. Harry Potter went from this perfectly British kid living in a very retro British home, to being models on a Forever 21 ad. Hopefully the series is able to maintain the tone without falling into the "Hollywood Hotties" trap.

. . .also, why? HWL literally showed that there is an interest in the world beyond HP and setting the series in a time in the past would mean you could tell all kinds of stories without being beholden to the story folks already know. More, JKR is a terrible writer (it's college level creative writing shamelessly aping Dr. Seuss) and one hopes she's only there in the same capacity that GRRM was for GOT (though he's an actual good writer).


You say theres no trouple finding a cast which fits the criteria of already stabilished characters? How exactly?
I'm not saying it would be no trouble. What gave you that impression? I actually said it would be "a big ask" to get a cast that matches up to the one from the films but that it's easier to do that than write an entirely new story that spans seven seasons.
Yes, creatures more specifically. Would have to waste resources making either cgc for those creatures or make models for it. Either way, yes more cost. The point you hammering and still doesn't understand is that the fact they already exist doesn't make easier or costy to make.
You know the difference between those right? One you have hyppogrihps, mandragoras, etc. The other you can have them...or not. It's up to the one writting, they don't have to follow the books exactly.
You need to pay for artists and writers to come up with them. So yes, already "existing" fictional creatures are cheaper to use. Not that you would be reusing assets entirely but "draw me a Hippogriff" is a much quicker process than "come up with an entirely new creature" Also the already established ones are wildly popular, whereas there's no guarantee of that for any new ones which are created. So the safer bet for WBD is to go with the known quantity.

On the contrary.
Creating new character wouldn't limit the cast for whatever the characters they are chained.
Harry Potter for instance can't be black, can't be a indian, super tall or whatever. Theres already a description and defined characteristics for Harry Potter and you would have to chase a character to fit that. The actor behind it would have to convince people he is Harry Potter, thats alot more harder. Any other difference could cause backlash from it's fans.

New characters? You could make a black protagonist or whatever, wouldn't make a single difference. It's a new character, they wouldn't have to follow the books neither have pre defined characteristics. Hows that hard to understand? And of course, I'm not talking about anyone perspective other than the studios themselves. More work = more expansive it will be.
If changing the race of the characters is something that's a big thing for you then they did that for Hermione in the Cursed Child play. So there's a precedent there. And plenty of recent adaptations have done similar things.

If you want your series to be a success, which protagonist is more likely to create interest in an audience: a completely new and unknown quantity one or one of the most popular characters of all time? You say not having to follow the books is a good thing and yeh it is from a creative perspective but from the studio's recreating one of the most popular stories of all time is a huge benefit.

This is not proof not that what they gonna do is a reboot, thats what I was trying to say.
The report (non-paywalled version here) says that it's a reboot and is one book a season for seven seasons.


If changing the race of the characters is something that's a big thing for you then they did that for Hermione in the Cursed Child play. So there's a precedent there. And plenty of recent adaptations have done similar things.

I'm gonna wrap up this discussion because it's basically a big ass of nothing and still doesn't prove they gonna do a reboot.
But this right here hammered with the fanbase backlash I mentioned later. So a play with black Hermione...does alot of people even watched that play? Does it get a lot of views compared to the films and books? And more importantly, does people even know about this play since J.K didn't want to make movies out of this?
So yeah, you can believe whatever you want to believe. I'm not convinced at all.
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It’s hilarious, lots of “CIS don’t care about us 😭
persecution complex, LGBT rights have come SO far in the past 5-10 years that any slight against them is the end of the world apparently. "slight" meaning "hey lets discuss trans womens role in womens sports" type stuff. Insane

Dark Star

Was just about to come post this here. I hope series is good but I kind of wanted it to be rather animated series. Working with kids is restricting but I suppose they could be older.

Yes, animated Harry Potter using the art style of the first book cover. The creativity would be boundless and they wouldn’t have to worry about the actors aging or even looking the part.

Get Tim burton and his claymation team involved, that would be sick.



I’m also a big fan of Hogwarts Legacy, the castle design in that game is exactly what they should copy for the show. Have each episode revolving around a class / lesson or event like Quidditch + the main story plot.
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Yes, animated Harry Potter using the art style of the first book cover. The creativity would be boundless and they wouldn’t have to worry about the actors aging or even looking the part.

Get Tim burton and his claymation team involved, that would be sick.



I’m also a big fan of Hogwarts Legacy, the castle design in that game is exactly what they should copy for the show. Have each episode revolving around a class / lesson or event like Quidditch + the main story plot.

My dream project for decades now has been an animated Harry Potter movie or series. I can't describe how much I would prefer this over yet-another-live-action-take of the series.
Nah. It's just a guaranteed money maker is all. There's still a whole bunch of new and creative stuff out there. Probably more than ever. Severance. Poker Face. Yellow Jackets. White Lotus. Mare Of East Town. Ted Lasso.
In the cheap drama segment, sure. Not in the high budget fantasy genre.


Elden Member
thats going to be a large cast needing to be signed for 7 years, and hard given over half the cast will need to be children for the first 5+ years, meaning labor laws and limits on filming days.
thats going to be a large cast needing to be signed for 7 years, and hard given over half the cast will need to be children for the first 5+ years, meaning labor laws and limits on filming days.
Casting that many children and praying they grow into good actors is a bit terrifying. They got amazingly lucky with Radcliffe, Watson, and Grint. For a full TV series they need to get that lucky with a cast of children at least 4 times larger who will all be working much more because TV series instead of movies.


If this is real, can we please have someone else other than David Yates direct it? Not that I have anything against him, but it's literally been nobody but Yates directing Harry Potter related stuff for the last 15+ years......I think it's about time to shake things up a bit.


I can't see it working, I don't even like the franchise much but I will fully admit they struck lightning casting wise with the movies and sadly I don't see those roles working with anyone else, hell a lot of the cast are sadly dead now as well.


Gold Member
Being announced soon in a matter of weeks! JK Rowling is directly involved to make sure it stays close to the books but she won't be the show runner. Each book will get its own season.

Boycott this too, please! :messenger_tears_of_joy: I'm a huge HP fan so really excited for this :)

i was going to say no thanks but with a book a season hell yes.
Weird? Movies still hold up really well? Why not make a new series about harry’s kids at hogwarts or something (ignore the cursed child that shit was ass)
Have you watched them recently? The first 2 movies have not aged well in terms of CGI. I'd like to say the rest have held up but I couldn't bring myself to watch through the rest (and I say that as a huge HP fan. I've saw the movies countless times).

Not only that but movies 4-6 absolutely butcher the books. 1, 2, 7/8 are the most faithful. movies 1, 2, 7 and 8 are great but 8 fucks up the final battle.

I adore the movies and they will always have a special place in my heart but I'm totally up for a new adaption of the books. books 3-6 and the final battle in Deathly Hallows deserve so much better. If the movies fucked up 3 out of 8 movies (or 3 out of 7 books) then that's more than enough jusitifcation for a TV show or new movies.

While the movies also made some amazing choices for casting the characters were let down by writing. Ron is passed off as comic relief. The ages of a lot of adult characters were aged up. Harry's parents looked like they were in their 30s but in the books they died in their early 20s. Snape is meant to be in his 30s during the books but Alan Rickman was in his 50s (he IS snape so i ain't hating).

i could go on and on. the story could be told much better than the movies. not that i don't like the movies.
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Have you watched them recently? The first 2 movies have not aged well in terms of CGI. I'd like to say the rest have held up but I couldn't bring myself to watch through the rest (and I say that as a huge HP fan. I've saw the movies countless times).

Not only that but movies 4-6 absolutely butcher the books. 1, 2, 7/8 are the most faithful. movies 1, 2, 7 and 8 are great but 8 fucks up the final battle.

I adore the movies and they will always have a special place in my heart but I'm totally up for a new adaption of the books. books 3-6 and the final battle in Deathly Hallows deserve so much better. If the movies fucked up 3 out of 8 movies (or 3 out of 7 books) then that's more than enough jusitifcation for a TV show or new movies.
I always wanted to see an animated version tbh, that matched some of the original illustrations, even stop motion could be cool. Its just hard to feel enthusiastic about another live action adaptation of something like harry potter, especially when the movies still feel relavent. I actually loved the 6th movie, despite disliking the 6th book. Some times condensing is fine, but i agree that too much context was cut out of movie 5
I always wanted to see an animated version tbh, that matched some of the original illustrations, even stop motion could be cool. Its just hard to feel enthusiastic about another live action adaptation of something like harry potter, especially when the movies still feel relavent. I actually loved the 6th movie, despite disliking the 6th book. Some times condensing is fine, but i agree that too much context was cut out of movie 5
Nah fuck animated version. Sorry lol. It doesn't make any sense.

The last movie came out 12 years ago. The first one came out 22 years ago.

I could deal with a reboot happening in another 5-10 years but i'm up for one happening now. Even if we do get an official announcement it could still be a good few years before we actually see it.


I love it that JK Rowling is directly involved. It will become a great show, I can feel it. HBO should capitalize on that and publicly praise her on every other occasion.


A whole season for each book? How is that supposed to work? Harry Potter isn’t ASoIaF or LotR; these are fundamentally children‘s books, they aren’t nearly dense enough to provide material for full tv seasons (especially the first three books). Are they gonna make up stuff to fill time?

If this is just a straight retelling stretched out to seven full seasons, then it‘s is gonna be pretty boring, since there isn’t much exciting stuff that happens in each school year outside of a handful of key events. I mean, Harry doing homework and preparing for his Transfiguration exams doesn’t exactly sound like gripping content lol. Furthermore, everyone already knows how the story ends. This isn’t like GoT, which was based on a fantasy series that the vast majority of people had never read until that point (and that still isn’t finished). Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, that Voldemort comes back and is defeated, that Snape kills Dumbledore even though he’s secretly a good guy etc. It‘s on par with the original Star Wars trilogy in this regard, where everyone knows that Vader is Luke‘s father.

Imo, the only way this could be interesting is if it‘s an alternate universe retelling of the story. For example, what if Harry got sorted into Slytherin? Showing a familiar story from a different perspective like that could be cool, especially if it focuses not just on Harry, but also on other characters. It would be both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, since the story would diverge more and more from the books with each new season. I actually think this would be an interesting approach for remakes and reboots in general. It’s probably too much to ask for good original content these days, but if Hollywood wants to bring back old IPs, then instead of just telling the exact same story again, they should try to surprise their audience with cool alternate universe twists.

Something like that would at least be more interesting than just straight up remakes of stories everyone has already seen a thousand times.
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Suffers with mild autism
I don't care about Harry Potter at all, and find the whole franchise utterly unappealing... but I do find it entertaining that this would be a chance for JK to recast the assholes like Radcliffe who owe their entire career to her work but then started joining the woke crowd to dismiss her.

It won't be, but I actually would love to see it become successful and displace the originals as the definitive adaptation.
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