A whole season for each book? How is that supposed to work? Harry Potter isn’t ASoIaF or LotR; these are fundamentally children‘s books, they aren’t nearly dense enough to provide material for full tv seasons (especially the first three books). Are they gonna make up stuff to fill time?
If this is just a straight retelling stretched out to seven full seasons, then it‘s is gonna be pretty boring, since there isn’t much exciting stuff that happens in each school year outside of a handful of key events. I mean, Harry doing homework and preparing for his Transfiguration exams doesn’t exactly sound like gripping content lol. Furthermore, everyone already knows how the story ends. This isn’t like GoT, which was based on a fantasy series that the vast majority of people had never read until that point (and that still isn’t finished). Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter, that Voldemort comes back and is defeated, that Snape kills Dumbledore even though he’s secretly a good guy etc. It‘s on par with the original Star Wars trilogy in this regard, where everyone knows that Vader is Luke‘s father.
Imo, the only way this could be interesting is if it‘s an alternate universe retelling of the story. For example, what if Harry got sorted into Slytherin? Showing a familiar story from a different perspective like that could be cool, especially if it focuses not just on Harry, but also on other characters. It would be both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, since the story would diverge more and more from the books with each new season. I actually think this would be an interesting approach for remakes and reboots in general. It’s probably too much to ask for good original content these days, but if Hollywood wants to bring back old IPs, then instead of just telling the exact same story again, they should try to surprise their audience with cool alternate universe twists.
Something like that would at least be more interesting than just straight up remakes of stories everyone has already seen a thousand times.