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Has a videogame commercial ever convinced you to buy that game?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Nope, as someone said above, they got me hyped up for games that I was going to buy, but they never actually sold a game for me.

Oh and neither have magazine ads or website banners.


Final Fantasy 7 done it for me. No access to internet at the time, and FF being completly new to me i went out and bought it.

oh my word was i dissapointed, i expected some sort of zelda adventure, I didnt understand why the hell i had to wait to attack, why the hell do i need to select moves, what all this stas bullshit. Traded it in the next day, thinking never again

4 years later i played Skies of Arcadia got used to the whole RPG style of turnbased battles and thought i might have been wrong about FF7. So i bought FF8 and thought.... not bad.

Thank fuck for SoA, otherwise i would still be hating on Rpgs, and would have missed out on the brilliant KOTOR
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