So I used to work in a circuit board manufacturing facility. I was helping out in the cross section lab when they were short one night. You need to cut circuit boards with a band saw, epoxy them, and look under a microscope at various things. Well as I was cutting these things all night, I didn't realize I was generating a static charge the entire time. 6 hours later I went to plug in the hose for the hvac and touched the metal ring. There was a sound like when you pop a balloon and I thought I blew my fingers off as I was shocked and felt it run up to my shoulder. One of the guys I was working with ran over and was like are you ok??? I held up my hand without looking and asked Are all my fingers there? He said, holy cow yeah! What happened???
I had small static shocks before from doing that type of work before but it was usually for only 30 minutes or so here and there. I was doing this for like 6 hours straight. My whole arm tingled for the rest of the night. Lol