At this time in history, I’d say more so now than the last twenty years, women have every right to be resentful and vindictive. Would seem the female characters in movies are a reflection of what’s going on in society.
What's going on in society is that women are more coddled, protected and privileged than men of equal circumstances.
If something “breaks reality”, then that’s what it is doing, don’t sugarcoat it. You’re just choosing to accept one over another purely on the argument of “fun”. Well, hate to break it to you, but others might dare to consider a female character being stronger than a male character “fun”. So there’s nothing inherently superior about one break of reality over another, as you flat out admitted this is all due to your own personal bias of what constitutes “fun” and nothing more.
I don't really care what you like, tbh.
And looks like you dropped the shitty Joel argument altogether.
And notice, I never said I had anything against female characters doing 'super human' things while being explicitly 'normal' either. Xena and John McClane are very much the same in that regard.
What is a very new phenomenon as of late is a cringe, politically driven motive to have female characters constantly show up male characters by leaps and bounds in all physical and mental capacities and trying to paint it as though its representative of reality and not just it's own type of propaganda. Its laughable and easily seen through.
Again I ask you, if a new Die Hard came out with Bruce Willis continuing as John McClane but all of a sudden his adult daughter starts doing all the shit he did but way better than he did, would you not clearly tell that that was put in simply to appease current PC politics?
There would be nothing organic about it.
People dont raise an eyebrow at male characters doing highly impressive (even slightly super human) things because that's been happening forever, in reality--and then being slightly bolstered and embellished in later retelling passed down thru time (which is where these feats tend to turn from extraordinary to superhuman).
There is nothing ever inorganic about a highly capable male character. There is however definitely many situations of inorganically written highly capable female characters. That much is true. Anime and Eastern Media in general tend to do a much better job of doing this organically.
Hollywood though? Hell no.
In short tho, suspension of disbelief is not unlimited and boundless. Sexual dimorphism is as real as gravity, yet an apple falling wrong in a movie would draw more outrage than a 120 lb woman out fighting a skilled 220 lb man in a kickboxing match in a movie even though both are impossible in reality.