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Has there been an increase of teens and young adults dressed like absolute dorks lately?


The past couple of years, I've noticed an increase of people dressing up likes 80s/90s fashion but the fashion that would have got your head in the toilet if you went out in public like that.

1. The Dahmer
Since that Netflix show, the youths have decided Dahmer is a sex symbol and have decided to sport a balding comb over look with big nerd glasses and look like a psycho killer. I was on vacation and saw someone like this daily.

2. The George Michael Earring
You know the look: one ear with the cross hanging out down to the middle of their neck. It didn't last too long in the 90s because our schoolyard Nelsons would haha you to death.

3. The Mullet
I'm sorry you looked at 80s and 90s culture and thought white trash trailer park was the style you kids wanted. I'm truly sorry. But why did you see that and go "I'll make this trendy". It still looks like trailer park trash.

4. The Curly Mohawk Mullet
It's the same thing as above but this time it's a mohawk. It looks ridiculous with your curly hair flaired into a giant Rick James hawk. GTFO with this trash!

5. The Rat Tail
Growing a giant lump of hair on the back of your head and braiding it doesn't look good. It was a good way to determine if you wanted to be friends with someone as a kid in the olden days. Another white trash design that is embraced by the "cool kids" today.


Can we stop embracing these horrible fashions from earlier times?

Not the 90s or 80s but still, this cut too.

6 Bonus. The Side Order of Mac and Cheese
I'll let this do the explaining:

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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
The past couple of years, I've noticed an increase of people dressing up likes 80s/90s fashion but the fashion that would have got your head in the toilet if you went out in public like that.

Alas my friend, you may be getting old. Young people dressing like idiots in the view of older people is how it's supposed to work.

When you were wearing your flares to the discotheque, your parents were shaking their heads.

Same as it ever was.
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Alas my friend, you may be getting old. Young people dressing like idiots in the view of older people is how it's supposed to work.

When you were wearing your flares to the discotheque, your parents were shaking their heads.

Same as it ever was.
This isn't being old. This is taking the haircuts from a generation that were the haircuts of the nerds and trailer kids and making them trendy.


this has been going on for years now. People have been wearing that hideous style of big 80s glasses since at least 2017.


Uhhh, three of those haircuts are quite literally unironic Australian haircuts. Mullets are lady pullers, you just jealous that your stereotypical par for the course 4 all around isn't doing the job.


Hold onto your panties
The past couple of years, I've noticed an increase of people dressing up likes 80s/90s fashion but the fashion that would have got your head in the toilet if you went out in public like that.

1. The Dahmer
Since that Netflix show, the youths have decided Dahmer is a sex symbol and have decided to sport a balding comb over look with big nerd glasses and look like a psycho killer. I was on vacation and saw someone like this daily.

2. The George Michael Earring
You know the look: one ear with the cross hanging out down to the middle of their neck. It didn't last too long in the 90s because our schoolyard Nelsons would haha you to death.

3. The Mullet
I'm sorry you looked at 80s and 90s culture and thought white trash trailer park was the style you kids wanted. I'm truly sorry. But why did you see that and go "I'll make this trendy". It still looks like trailer park trash.

4. The Curly Mohawk Mullet
It's the same thing as above but this time it's a mohawk. It looks ridiculous with your curly hair flaired into a giant Rick James hawk. GTFO with this trash!

5. The Rat Tail
Growing a giant lump of hair on the back of your head and braiding it doesn't look good. It was a good way to determine if you wanted to be friends with someone as a kid in the olden days. Another white trash design that is embraced by the "cool kids" today.


Can we stop embracing these horrible fashions from earlier times?

Not the 90s or 80s but still, this cut too.

6 Bonus. The Side Order of Mac and Cheese
I'll let this do the explaining:

Not only these gawdy styles but glasses somehow been back to the 60's. Remember those pointed cornered granny glasses? My wife was looking for sunglasses the other day and half of these look like something awful that should have been left in the 60's.


The sheep dog with a bad haircut look is everywhere in the younger guy crowd these days. Looks awful to me, but I'm sure someone said the same thing about the styles kids rocked when I was young.

Circle of life - every few years all of the unique people will look uniquely like everyone around them.


So I tucked my hair up under my hat :messenger_musical:

Thinking back to viewing hairstyles through an 80s lens to now, it's bizarre that even after so much time has passed that many advanced countries still have districts where violence is encouraged over something like haircuts. There's nothing about the haircuts that say they aren't good kids and citizens. Nonconformity to appearance and fashion is harmless chaos. Unlike those attacking others over haircuts who should be put into special education, and if not reforming then suspended/expelled for the safety of others.

Admittedly, the rat tail returning with the Phantom Menace was alarming, but short lived at about a decade. Last time I saw one on TV was on a contestant on the Ultimate Fighter around 2010. The other contestants talked him into cutting it off by taking him to the side and having a talk. No attempted swirlies.


Not sure if this is everywhere, but by me, the kids and teens almost all have that stupid broccoli cut and wear nothing but athletic gear or pajamas. They all look like manicured slobs and walking billboards for shoe brands.
What's crazy is my daughter wore jeans the other day, and it was so jarring, both my wife and I did a triple take as that is the equivalent of wearing a tuxedo to her high school.

Now, just to be fair, all the women and moms by me look the same too. It's Fall time here, so it's vest season, yoga pants, baseball hat, hair in a bun, yet still make sure they have full makeup on. Manicured and branded "I'm on the go" look.


Gold Member
There’s never been a trendy hairstyle that looked good. Nobility portraits from 500 years ago make this pretty clear. Glamour shots have been showing consistently horrible hairstyles ever since photography became mainstream.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The history of Fashion and fads are a flat circle. It's why you see more dudes with mustaches or goatees lately after the full beard being the thing for the past decade.

I'm just waiting for the bell bottom jeans and polyester. Let's go full 70's man.


Gold Member
Take it from a former new york city *cough* self-proclaimed *cough* fashion icon and trendsetter - trends start by doing what people arent doing…so of course whats considered ugly/dumb/uncool in the modern general populace’s minds comes back into style because the young originators try to stand out and think its bold/original to look stupid/unique/do someotheing that hasnt been seen in “awhile”. Theyre proclaiming their creativity, confidence, nonchalantness/apathy in themselves/culture. So, they reboot/remake/remaster something from before knowingly/unknowingly. Theyre not trying to start a trend/be trendy, theyre just trying to be original among their piers (and of course aged adults)…it just slowly catches on until its mainstream and considered a trend and then the OGs are on to something else to begin anew. While everyone is knocking/mocking the current trend and people who are following it until it dies an abysmal death once 30-40 year olds embrace it.

I knew bucket hats were dead as soon as my wife bought one at a concert this past summer. Poor thing.
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I think it has something to do with the pussification of the West. If you want to broadcast to the world that you're a soy-boy, sport these looks!
The past couple of years, I've noticed an increase of people dressing up likes 80s/90s fashion but the fashion that would have got your head in the toilet if you went out in public like that

3. The Mullet

I'm sorry you looked at 80s and 90s culture and thought white trash trailer park was the style you kids wanted. I'm truly sorry. But why did you see that and go "I'll make this trendy". It still looks like trailer park trash.

Ehh this style's a case by case basis as I do recall there were some who could pull it off rather well.


Gold Member
I've seen everyone of these in my GYM.

All zoomers of course, but that's just life.

I remember wearing shit at their age that was in and old folk said the same thing I would be saying now.
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