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Has there been an increase of teens and young adults dressed like absolute dorks lately?


ChatGPT 0.1

Supposed to give you confidence. Jay USO is a big star look at that pronounced look.

Has there been an increase of teens and young adults dressed like absolute dorks lately?​

Seth Meyers Acquiesce GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

I thought the bleached hair was getting hit hard by pro athletes.


Gold Member
I saw some prom photos and they all have the same retro puffy hairdos. It’s odd. I honestly blame Stranger Things. These kids fell in love with that show.
Our local Australia > Victoria sport > called AFL champions the famous mullet en masse, still to this day.


Here mullets never died and bogans reign supreme. Fucking great sport though.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
The past couple of years, I've noticed an increase of people dressing up likes 80s/90s fashion but the fashion that would have got your head in the toilet if you went out in public like that.

1. The Dahmer
Since that Netflix show, the youths have decided Dahmer is a sex symbol and have decided to sport a balding comb over look with big nerd glasses and look like a psycho killer. I was on vacation and saw someone like this daily.

2. The George Michael Earring
You know the look: one ear with the cross hanging out down to the middle of their neck. It didn't last too long in the 90s because our schoolyard Nelsons would haha you to death.

3. The Mullet
I'm sorry you looked at 80s and 90s culture and thought white trash trailer park was the style you kids wanted. I'm truly sorry. But why did you see that and go "I'll make this trendy". It still looks like trailer park trash.

4. The Curly Mohawk Mullet
It's the same thing as above but this time it's a mohawk. It looks ridiculous with your curly hair flaired into a giant Rick James hawk. GTFO with this trash!

5. The Rat Tail
Growing a giant lump of hair on the back of your head and braiding it doesn't look good. It was a good way to determine if you wanted to be friends with someone as a kid in the olden days. Another white trash design that is embraced by the "cool kids" today.


Can we stop embracing these horrible fashions from earlier times?

Not the 90s or 80s but still, this cut too.

6 Bonus. The Side Order of Mac and Cheese
I'll let this do the explaining:

How kids dress or style their hair doesn't bother me I just came to say I've never seen anyone with those hairstyles and I if were to I wouldn't care.
Discouraging bullying lead to this.

People didn't dress like complete assholes/deliberately get shit haircuts when they would get mercilessly dunked on for doing so.

The Skull

Yepp. Can't count the amount of younger guys I've seen with the "I have a moustache now so that means I'm quirky" look.


Lately?? It's been happening for a while. You can thank University radicals taking over schools and tiktok...

Millennials weren't all that better though, member the skinny Jean and Bieber hair


Discouraging bullying lead to this.

People didn't dress like complete assholes/deliberately get shit haircuts when they would get mercilessly dunked on for doing so.
I'd say it's mostly been the lack of school uniforms and strict grooming rules in Murica and parts of the rest.

If I'd turned up to school looking like that I probably would of had it cut there and then still get a Saturday detention 😂 shit I had multiple detentions because I kept taking my tie off when I wasn't supposed to

You can't bully someone for their looks if they all look the same, then you pick on the fatties and guess what? They mostly lose weight and get fucking shredded in their teens because they were made fun of when they were younger.

Turns out old school style schooling was there for a reason and it worked.
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I remember sort of dressing like a "mosher" or a "goth" in high school with baggy jeans, painting my nails black, wearing vans shoes, and having a backpack with a gazillion badges of bands I'd never heard of to look cool. As a primary school kid I remember getting the David Beckham mohawk-ish haircut...

That's about it though. Don't recall going any further than that. Plus those "phases" lasted maybe a year or two tops.


Gold Member
6 Bonus. The Side Order of Mac and Cheese
I'll let this do the explaining:

There definitely is a decline in skills and efficiency in all areas of society, fashion included.
Fashion might be a circle but you'll be hard pressed to find turd-looking fashion icons like the kardashian family in the past...
There's a fucking plague of the mac and cheese in Paris subway for months. It is paired with ugly "sailor" tattoos (you know the simplistic ugly ones your friend who just bought a tattoo machine does on you as training), and the most fragile aura one can conjure.
There's also the goddam Tahiti Bob with a buzzcut on the sides which is all the rage with 12 to 16 year old.

I think it has something to do with the semi autistic zoomer mindframe.
They(/them) once dressed like complete bell-ends and their mother politely told them it suited them well.
They took the compliment at face value et voilà

And don't get me started on the barbaric cacophony they call music !
In my time we listened to real Cacophony dammit

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I'm sure the members of video game forum NeoGaf are fashion gods. Although I agree mullets will always look trash. There's this guy on instagram I see that would be 1000x hotter without is ugly mullet.


I'm sure the members of video game forum NeoGaf are fashion gods. Although I agree mullets will always look trash. There's this guy on instagram I see that would be 1000x hotter without is ugly mullet.

My mom says I'm a very handsome young man, thank you.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Considering the number of teens/young adults with nose rings and tattoos everywhere, I think their hairstyle should be the least of their worries.


Those broccoli heads are universally the worst people in my gym. I'm always glad when school starts so 90% of them pare out at least.


but yeah OP I'm seeing some 90's style haircuts in the gym regarding the teens at least.

Some of the worst ones, too. Why the mullet or rat tail? Those never looked good. One, which I have seen recently, is the Kid N' Play haircut.. which I hope makes a comeback.


Now, if I wasn't so Caucasian, I might consider getting one myself!
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"Normal" is a relative team. Normal usually means what you grew up with.
As you get older, the world changes, and it doesn't fit your definition of normal anymore.
I can guarantee you that your parents went through the same dilema, and their parents too.

Style is an especially fluid thing.

Normal turns into boring.
Abnormal turns into unique.
Unique turns into stylish.
Stylish turns into normal.
then Normal turns into boring again.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Not the 90s or 80s but still, this cut too.

6 Bonus. The Side Order of Mac and Cheese
I'll let this do the explaining:

Bruh that's a classic New Wave hairstyle from the 80s. The white version of jheri curl.
Source: I was there.


Speaking as a teacher, I can 100% confirm that rat tails and mullets are back in action.

I remember when kids at the playground would yank rat tails just because they were there.

Bullying elementary times. The best of times. Lol
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