In my opinion I disagree. I am in the same situation as you, but I stick with the smaller size clothing. They stretch, and it accentuates your "best assets". Although good lingerie and swimwear can be a bitch I will admit when you start getting above the D mark.
And loxy is right, 90% of the problems mentioned in this thread can be avoided if you go to a board certified, reputable cosmetic surgeon in the first place. Sure, implants can reduce your chances of successful breast feeding, but it doesn't rule it out. And no, with the women I know, they are still sensitive.
And as far as how long until you can suck on her nipples, it depends on where they made the incision... some go in below the nipple, some via an incision under the arm (never under the breast itself these days) but it depends on how big you go. To a C-cup, I imagine it would be under the arm, so no worries. My best friend had hers done, and she was out clubbing and dancing (and more) 1 week post surgery.
Actually, the other week I saw the BEST set of boobs I ever have. This girl opted for these new tear-shaped implants, and man did they look (and feel) real.. not some unnatural look like you usually get. If she is serious, I suggest she look into these.
If I had small boobs, I'd get them done for sure. But this is not my issue. Although I did make it a condition of marriage that once we have had kids, I want a boob lift. I wouldnt marry my husband until he agreed that I could do this. Forward thinking to avoid future conflict I say.