Alyssa, your confidence is a refreshing change of pace. I really wish more women had that level of self esteem, it'd REALLY help us men out.
I love my wife, find her beautiful, but she's so self concsious about her large chest (among other things) it can really make things tough. I just wish I knew of a way to boost her confidence level and be proud of what she has. I love her the way she is, but she never seems happy with herself...... sigh, such is married life.
EDIT: For the record, I'm buying a 52 HDTV not because of penis size (or lack thereof, I'm quite ok in that department, thank you very much!), but because I'm getting a new job.
It's a B-day gift to myself and my wife, we love movies and it's about time we got with the current time. No more 27inch TV for us, no sir-e-bob