Unconfirmed Member
Replaced by smartphone with a dumb phone recently, I'm much happier, get more done, and feel like I have more free time, for whatever it's worth.
Seems like another 'man yells at clouds' article about millenials. The internet was no different than television no different than radio no different than books and printed text etc.
People used to say the same about the kids of the 80's and MTV and television and Nintendo etc. As society evolves, new methods of entertainment and communication are invented that affect how ee live our lives. What will we be saying in 20 years when most people are just sitting around in virtual worlds with VR and not even moving? How much were people sleeping after the 1950's when television became widespread and little timmy watching until all hours of the night?
Thanks man.18-ish.
Seems like another 'man yells at clouds' article about millenials. The internet was no different than television no different than radio no different than books and printed text etc.
People used to say the same about the kids of the 80's and MTV and television and Nintendo etc. As society evolves, new methods of entertainment and communication are invented that affect how ee live our lives. What will we be saying in 20 years when most people are just sitting around in virtual worlds with VR and not even moving? How much were people sleeping after the 1950's when television became widespread and little timmy watching until all hours of the night?
Which is interesting. My generation was blamed for videogames. Now, phones have videogames, sports, movies and we are blaming phones. Hell, it has the ultimate porn stash, which we all have looked for and found. Easy dates and sex. Swipe right and and half of the game is done. You're basically getting an app to tell someone you like them and check the box.Seems like another 'man yells at clouds' article about millenials. The internet was no different than television no different than radio no different than books and printed text etc.
People used to say the same about the kids of the 80's and MTV and television and Nintendo etc. As society evolves, new methods of entertainment and communication are invented that affect how ee live our lives. What will we be saying in 20 years when most people are just sitting around in virtual worlds with VR and not even moving? How much were people sleeping after the 1950's when television became widespread and little timmy watching until all hours of the night?
Article #5264262 on "The youth is doomed by X".
Society changes, shocking.
All from the article:
Quit fooling yourself. The data is there and it will only become more and more clear the more smartphones and social media consumes our lives.
I can't believe that amount of people here that are denying that smartphones have a negative impact on our lives. Ya'll are crazy and in denial. This is a massive problem.
Quit fooling yourself.
This is a clueless post.
The fact that you can't see the problem with the concept of us all being stuck in virtual worlds 24/7 not even moving in 20 years is all I need to know about your perspective on this issue.
i am addicted to my phone
i need an intervention yesterday
Being a young person is a lot harder today than it was when I was growing up.
When I got bullied, it was at school or outside randomly. Not serious bullying, but what I would call being picked on.
Kids these days can't escape.
Smartphones are all-consuming devices. I'm not even part of this generation and I feel it sometimes. Just the other day I made it a point not to check my phone between parking and sitting at my desk. While waiting for my coffee to brew I suddenly found myself reading gaf (lol) without remembering ever having taken my phone out of my pocket. It was an automatic response to a moment of downtime. I can't imagine what it must be like growing up having never known a pre-smartphone, pre-social media world.
There is a lot of dismissal of this article in this thread, but no one is disputing the data regarding more screen time being correlated with higher rates of isolation and depression, and vice-versa, right? Who gives a shit about the driving graph being less than dramatic when the "I'm sad" line is going through the roof?
Gotta give old people yelling at clouds a scapegoat right?
"iGen" ain't gonna stick.
A lot of those graphs appear to have nothing to do with the release of the iPhone though.
Yeah, this article is full of itself.
The problem isn't the release of a touchscreen blackberry, it's an endless rolling news circus, a major depression, and cleb/gossip stuff being cranked up to 12 by themselves, and those who make money off it
I plan on doing that in a couple years. I just bought a new phone before I realized I didn't actually like having a smart phone.Replaced by smartphone with a dumb phone recently, I'm much happier, get more done, and feel like I have more free time, for whatever it's worth.
The internet was a paradigm shift, sure, but I don't think we can understate how huge an impact smartphones have been on modern society. The sum of all human knowledge, information, entertainment, politics, everything - in the palm of our hands. All day, every day, for our entire lives.
I don't think we'll be able to understand how huge our lives have changed because of it. Decades from now, maybe, well start to weave these trends together into some sort of coherent thesis.
And i still have 'no widespread slavery and less lynchings' as a credit to my generation. Fuck you, old people.
For all of those talking about the 2008 bust, you realize the people on these charts are 16-18 year olds, right?
The internet destroyed it.
Good thing I was born in 1994 and am magically segregated from this """iGen""" generation.
To be honest I wonder if half of this article is just to try to lay a claim to the next "Millennial" moniker.