As mass shootings seem to be commonplace in America now days how many of you have been around when someone starts shooting in a crowd of people. I have around people shooting 4 times. The first time was when I was visiting California in a teen club, when everyone was leaving the club someone started shooting inside the club, we ran and later helicopters were flying over. The second time was the next day in a different city in California at another teen club. When the club was over I was in the car, I heard "they're fighting" so I get out to see a fight, right when I get out a guy was pointing a gun basically in my direction (not at me), so I hop back in the car the guy starts shooting and we leave. The third time was a few years later when I lived in california and I was at another club<21, it was hot and I was trying to get out for some air and I saw a few guys fighting, then I started hearing pops, naturally I run as fast as I can as well as some people around me, but when I get up front, there is still a line so I think I was just paranoid. So I go through the back again and they start shooting again. Idk if anyone got hit because I ran fast, The last time was in Colorado during a jazz festival with a lot of people. I saw a bunch of people in a circle, so I knew it was a fight, then I knew it was bad when a bunch of people backed off of the circle, one guy walks away and the cops start following him, I see him turn around and shoot one of the cops, which later found out was in the head. This one was the worst because there was at at least a few hundred people if not 1k and the crowd panic made me think this was going to be a rampage, and after the initial reaction of running, I quickly remember my mom with her broken toe, so I have to run back and go get her in the crowd of screaming and running people, I thought I was running back probably to die or get shot.
All of these scenarios were scary as fuck and I dont think a "good guy" with a gun would've made shit better. This shit is getting insane
All of these scenarios were scary as fuck and I dont think a "good guy" with a gun would've made shit better. This shit is getting insane