It's sad that they are so commonplace that we have this thread.
Again, they aren't commonplace. It's not good that they happen at all but they are pretty damn rare.
Not even being snarky, but I live in England. So scenarios like those never really enter my mind on a day to day basis. I'd definitely be on edge if I lived in the US, though. Even though relative to the size of the population, mass shootings aren't THAT common. But the perception is there thanks to the media.
And that's all it is, a perception. No one I know is "on edge" or even worried about getting shot. Like I said, there are areas where it is a problem and in those places people are probably worried, but that's not a universal truth or even the norm here.
The person who posted earlier about where he lived in Sweden lived in a far more violent place (gun violence even) than I've ever lived in the fucking Sweden.
Nah, haven't seen a gun more than twice, and I feel pretty safe here. Never heard or met anyone that has. I feel they're being overblown by the media and despite being covered all the time are still very rare.
It's not overblown, but when that's ALL you see on the news it tends to make people, especially people who don't live here, think that it's a common thing and that people in this country have to walk around with bullet proof vests and dodge bullets on a constant basis. The fact is the the vast majority of the people in this country don't have to, and don't, worry about being shot.
The last numbers I have put the number of gun homicides at around 11,000 per year. Sounds like a lot, right? Well it is a lot, more than it should be, but when you look at the population for that same year (2011) 311 million it becomes clear that the chances of getting killed with a gun in a homicide is infinitesimally small. Like .0035%.
Yes, this country has too many guns and far too many gun deaths, but the perception that this entire country is dangerous and violent, that mass shootings are "commonplace" and that people are scared to leave their homes is just absurd. People read nothing but the bad constantly and they scare themselves into believing something that just isn't true.