Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Ed Bradley investigates a possible link between a violent video game and murder of three people
check it out...
Ed Bradley investigates a possible link between a violent video game and murder of three people
olimario said:I'll bet they show Metroid footage
Smiles and Cries said:I'll take that bet and raise you GTA
DrEvil said:And Why the hell doesnt anyone blame the parents? for gods sakes, it's bad parenting.
SolidSnakex said:Screw that. Why not blame the people doing it? They pick up the gun, they shoot these people.
themadcowtipper said:Fuck that blame the bullets....
impirius said:There was a segment on MSNBC about video game violence last week... the clip montage included WCW Backstage Assault and War Gods.
themadcowtipper said:check it out...