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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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With Finley rotating I really like the idea of Hemet in pirate warrior. The deck is going to run out of steam and / or damage w/o lifetap or steady shot. Hemet ensures you draw your finishers.


I can already imagine playing a couple of 1 mana 8/8s with Jade Idols then Adapting them into Divine Shields or Spell Immunity.


I'm slowly coming around to the idea that wild is better than standard right now -- but maybe that's cynicism clouding my judgement. I've all but stopped playing except to get quests logged -- and I've done it exclusively in wild for the past 3 weeks.

The thing is -- I do still enjoy hearthstone, but I think that it's time for a break. The meta is really stale, at low ranks (10-20 to be clear) it's just shaman shaman shaman shaman from my personal experience. It's been a year of shaman, and I appreciate that they were terrible before -- but I'm just ready to be done with them for a while.

I have 6000 gold so far and 6k dust saved up for Un'Goro. I made the decision NOT to pre-buy 50 packs. If the meta continues to be to my disliking after UG is released I'll call it quits or permanently retire to wild.

I'm a realist when it comes to these games. Balance comes and goes. But I can also recognize when I'm not having fun and I think that standard is to that point now.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Play Wild Pyromancer
Play Evolving Spores
Choose Poisonous

You just played Pyro+Equality in Druid.



If Wild is raging dumpster fire then Standard is a raging dumpster fire filled with feces. Standard is actually worse than Wild, far more try harding, net decking, punishing for experimental decks and lack of options for most of the classes..

"tryharding and netdecking"
fuck off with this bullshit

wild's a fucking dumping ground that they let people play in so they don't have to deal with people complaining about not being able to play with cards that they paid for. The "hall of fame" only reinforces this concept.


"tryharding and netdecking"
fuck off with this bullshit

Why do you get triggered by these two words?

People are actually trying harder to win in Standard than in Wild. Like they are actively trying to search for the best decks, watching top players and checking up on the stats/tier lists. That's why there is more homogeneity in Standard, it's to be expected because that Ladder matters more to Blizzard and the competitive field. It's not even a negative that people are try harding more in Standard, it's just a simple truth.

How many people do you think look at a Wild tier list, talk about it or even debate it? How many people do you think try to search for stats on Wild deck usages? Not only are very few people trying to do that, the info is very scarce on it so even if they TRIED to do it they can't. So the try hard/net deck cap is automatically lower in Wild.

No one here can actually name the top 5 best decks in Wild right now. How are you going to netdeck or try hard when you can't even figure out the top 5 best decks in a format? If I had to take a gander at it, I personally would put Pirate Warrior, Aggro Shaman, maybe Egg Druid, maybe Renolock, maybe Dragon Priest, maybe Secret Paladin (with Water Package), maybe Reno Mage. And even then I feel that the Wild meta is greatly affected by the Standard meta where people pilfer those ideas and try to make them work in Wild creating a warped meta.

wild's a fucking dumping ground that they let people play in so they don't have to deal with people complaining about not being able to play with cards that they paid for. The "hall of fame" only reinforces this concept.
And we are saying that dumpster ground is better than the supposed holy playing field that is supposed to be Standard (opinion obviously). It doesn't matter what Blizzard intended what modes to be what, we are just speaking about the general experience of the two modes. You can call it whatever you want, it isn't going to change people's experiences.

It's like people who prefer Arena over Constructed. They like that experience more. It's fine, it's ok... that's what those modes are there for.

LMAO Kripp just went 2-3 with Warlock again... salt reaching critical mass.

Curious to see comments on this Secret Paladin list that people are running these days in Wild:


Notice the double Anyfins for even more late game and the Doomsayers/Mixtress. Notice no Shredders, Belchers and Loatheb (I would probably squeeze in Loatheb though). It's far less curve heavy than the Secret Paladin of past.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not excited by that Druid card.

4 mana Adapt everything on your side of the board is ALMOST good enough. If it was 3 mana it would be a no brainer, but at 4... I wonder. I'll probably try it in Egg Druid in Wild and see how that goes. It's definitely a more obvious include in that deck than fucking Living Mana.


those are things that are happening but the idea that there's something wrong with either of those things or that they make standard a worse format to play is fucking ridiculous.


There's nothing wrong with try harding and netdecking but the combination of the two does make it a bad experience for other players who aren't doing that specifically. There isn't much Blizzard can do about it other than controlling the power level of the faster decks because it's the homebrew decks that get punished hardest by the aggro.

The reason these homebrew decks are important for a game like HS is that it breeds ingenuity and changes in meta so that more cards are brought in to play and creates a diverse field. If people don't feel like experimenting because the power level difference is so high then that's bad for the game and Blizzard even knows this.

It's also why we get to "stale meta" so quickly, people are less bothered to homebrew these days.
Wild is unsolved but solely because it's unpopular. Promoting it will only lead to homogenization.

God damn it I'm gonna have to craft the water package now that it replaced patches in secret paladin. There goes 2K Dust I saved for Ungoro.


There's nothing wrong with try harding and netdecking but the combination of the two does make it a bad experience for other players who aren't doing that specifically. There isn't much Blizzard can do about it other than controlling the power level of the faster decks because it's the homebrew decks that get punished hardest by the aggro.

you want aggro decks to be universally terrible against refined decks so you can run special snowflake decks.

there is njo inherent moral superiority to playing control or playing your own homebrew deck. repeat after me
"I am not a better person for playing control or playing a homebrew deck"
"I am not a better person for playing control or playing a homebrew deck"
"I am not a better person for playing control or playing a homebrew deck"
"I am not a better person for playing control or playing a homebrew deck"


you want aggro decks to be universally terrible against refined decks so you can run special snowflake decks.

there is njo inherent moral superiority to playing control or playing your own homebrew deck. repeat after me
"I am not a better person for playing control or playing a homebrew deck"
"I am not a better person for playing control or playing a homebrew deck"
"I am not a better person for playing control or playing a homebrew deck"
"I am not a better person for playing control or playing a homebrew deck"
No, I want aggro decks to NOT be the best decks in the game for the first time in Hearthstone's history. What a novel concept.

It's not about wanting them being terrible. It's about wanting them to be at an acceptable level which they have never been at.

It's not about moral superiority either, it's about the betterment of the game. This isn't even a unique opinion to have, even Blizzard has the same idea because they have been doing nothing but nerfing aggro cards since forever.
Curious to see comments on this Secret Paladin list that people are running these days in Wild:


Notice the double Anyfins for even more late game and the Doomsayers/Mixtress. Notice no Shredders, Belchers and Loatheb (I would probably squeeze in Loatheb though). It's far less curve heavy than the Secret Paladin of past.
I moved away from shredders and belchers myself w/ patches secret paladin. I can't really comment on the power of this build as I've not played wild much the last couple seasons and would need approx 4k dust to craft what I'm missing. I don't like the doomsayers, I can see the deck enact an aggro plan w/o them but I don't see the point of including the whole secret package w/o an aggro plan.
There's no card draw to get to anyfins. Consecrates are woefully inefficient board clears and where are the Truesilvers?

It's possible this list works but it looks like 3 ideas that don't work together in one.


Maybe Hearthstone needs to take a page from Elder Scrolls and add card draw + prophecy for a character taking damage.


Yeah it's a crazy list. It's very defensive on the front end. Mixtress of Mixtures, Doomsayers even that new Paladin Legendary. And then the late game is super heavy with the Dr 6, 7, 8 into double Anyfins.

The double Anyfins actually make a lot of sense. With Dr 6 you are likely to rid your deck of Secrets and Finja may pull out Murlocs. The Barnes is clearly there for the Murlocs though is very sketchy otherwise.

Second Rate Bruiser is a sign that even Belcher isn't good enough defensively, you need that taunt out early and cheap.

Are we gonna review and score it based on standard, wild, arena, or all?
I personally do it by all averaged out and putting more emphasis on Standard constructed. I look at the potential of the card and how it's statted mathematically. Generally if the card has potential and is statted appropriately it sees play in something.

Mark of the Lotus is a good example. Decent card in Arena and very strong in Wild but hardly used in Standard because the deck isn't there yet (or the meta isn't there yet). Does that make it a bad 1/5 card? No because it's clearly a usable card with potential.
Yeah it's a crazy list. It's very defensive on the front end. Mixtress of Mixtures, Doomsayers even that new Paladin Legendary. And then the late game is super heavy with the Dr 6, 7, 8 into double Anyfins.

The double Anyfins actually make a lot of sense. With Dr 6 you are likely to rid your deck of Secrets and Finja may pull out Murlocs. The Barnes is clearly there for the Murlocs though is very sketchy otherwise.

Second Rate Bruiser is a sign that even Belcher isn't good enough defensively, you need that taunt out early and cheap.
You need the taunt when you can't race, which this deck doesn't seek out to do. Wickerflame isn't that defensive it's just shieldbot #3

Issue with relying on MC to thin the deck is that drawing a secret is effectively a discard. Divine Favour mitigates that risk.


I personally don't care about stale meta or homebrewing, I just want all meta deck is fun to play and play against

top tier aggro deck in hearthstone is never fun to play and against

this is came from someone that considerably often play aggro deck to climb ladder, I still enjoy the game the most when game had 10+ turn


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Are we gonna review and score it based on standard, wild, arena, or all?

Standard Constructed. However when it comes to final scores we try to evaluate cards more broadly than the specific meta it is released in. Think of a card like Ravaging Ghoul for instance. That card sees zero play in the current meta but it would seem to be a bit silly to say that the card is underpowered now just because it doesn't fit the current pirate warrior strategy. It saw play and was generally seen as being pretty powerful in the past.


Corporate Apologist
I feel slightly bad at destroying all these sub rank 20 wild decks with Mech Mage. Also that my Mech Mage litterally has a single Post GvG card in it, a Babbling Book.


Pretty sure my opponent didn't know​ that potion of madness doesn't work like cabal shadow priest.

Anyway got 50g from​ login rewards.


Only just now saw all the cards...

Blazecaller is pretty legit if elementals ever get played.
Tol'Vir Warden is an insane card.
Vilespine Slayer seems crazy good if Rogue can find a place for it.
Gluttonous Ooze is an instant win against Pirates. Absolutely no need for the pirate eating crab.
Clutchmother Zavas, very cool card! Might be competitive in a discardlock.
Why do you get triggered by these two words?

People are actually trying harder to win in Standard than in Wild. Like they are actively trying to search for the best decks, watching top players and checking up on the stats/tier lists. That's why there is more homogeneity in Standard, it's to be expected because that Ladder matters more to Blizzard and the competitive field. It's not even a negative that people are try harding more in Standard, it's just a simple truth.

How many people do you think look at a Wild tier list, talk about it or even debate it? How many people do you think try to search for stats on Wild deck usages? Not only are very few people trying to do that, the info is very scarce on it so even if they TRIED to do it they can't. So the try hard/net deck cap is automatically lower in Wild.

No one here can actually name the top 5 best decks in Wild right now. How are you going to netdeck or try hard when you can't even figure out the top 5 best decks in a format? If I had to take a gander at it, I personally would put Pirate Warrior, Aggro Shaman, maybe Egg Druid, maybe Renolock, maybe Dragon Priest, maybe Secret Paladin (with Water Package), maybe Reno Mage. And even then I feel that the Wild meta is greatly affected by the Standard meta where people pilfer those ideas and try to make them work in Wild creating a warped meta.

And we are saying that dumpster ground is better than the supposed holy playing field that is supposed to be Standard (opinion obviously). It doesn't matter what Blizzard intended what modes to be what, we are just speaking about the general experience of the two modes. You can call it whatever you want, it isn't going to change people's experiences.

It's like people who prefer Arena over Constructed. They like that experience more. It's fine, it's ok... that's what those modes are there for.

LMAO Kripp just went 2-3 with Warlock again... salt reaching critical mass.

Curious to see comments on this Secret Paladin list that people are running these days in Wild:


Notice the double Anyfins for even more late game and the Doomsayers/Mixtress. Notice no Shredders, Belchers and Loatheb (I would probably squeeze in Loatheb though). It's far less curve heavy than the Secret Paladin of past.
I've been playing similar lists since the last expansion dropped but second rate bruiser is garbage in wild, I tried it but it's pure trash


that card can be soul of the forest or savage roar, it's flexible. you could run this over some of those even. It's probably better than soul of the forest on average as it's more flexible, savage roar is too good not to run in token decks though.

I don't know if you want to play token druid though, when old gods came out it was the druid deck to play with general power level going down, could happen again but I they've added many clears since that ruin the deck.

Paladin is probably getting single target version of that spell that hopefully cost 1 mana. They need it.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
No, I want aggro decks to NOT be the best decks in the game for the first time in Hearthstone's history. What a novel concept.

Yeah, i dont quite understand why Blizzy-D keeps pushing for Aggro decks, i wonder if its something super core to the game, like if you dont have aggro decks, all matches become 40 minutes long (Which would be bad).

Community: We dont like Aggro based meta cuz games end in 7 turns
Blizzy-D: Heres Spirit Claw, STB and Patches lul
Well, "tryharding" is a weak insult. Always has been, always will be.

And second, aggro has not always been on the top. I'm sorry if you actually believe that is true, but it simply is not true. You don't even have to go far back to when midrange shaman was dominating.


Egg druid just got a whole lot more broken in wild.

Like, extremely broken. That card is bananas. Replace at least 1 savage roar and maybe one soul of the forest.

There is no way I'm cutting a Savage Roar for this. Maybe a Soul of the Forest. Although I think a 2/2 is better than two 1/1s since Maelstrom Portal and Whirlwind exist.

Let's look at the outcomes:

+3 Attack - very good, a 1 mana cheaper Bloodlust
+3 Health - not bad, helps keep your board around, which is key in Egg Druid
+1/+1 - not great, a 3 mana more expensive Mark of the Lotus
Stealth - garbage
Taunt - situationally good, but usually pretty bad
Deathrattle - good, a slightly worse Soul of the Forest but it keeps your board sticky
Elusive - garbage
Poisonous - situationally good, but sometimes bad
Divine Shield - very good
Windfury - usually good

So that's 2 very good outcomes, 2 situationally good outcomes, 2 decent outcome and 4 terrible outcomes.


Super Sleuth
Stealth and elusive are the only garbage ones.

Deathrattle is better than soul on smaller boards.

+1/+1 is obviously worse than lotus or power of the wild but there are situations where that is exactly what you need much more so than soul of the forest.

We're definitely going to have to see how it plays but I'm definitely nervous that this pushes egg druid into unreasonably good territory. It was already close.
There is no way I'm cutting a Savage Roar for this. Maybe a Soul of the Forest. Although I think a 2/2 is better than two 1/1s since Maelstrom Portal and Whirlwind exist.

Let's look at the outcomes:

+3 Attack - very good, a 1 mana cheaper Bloodlust
+3 Health - not bad, helps keep your board around, which is key in Egg Druid
+1/+1 - not great, a 3 mana more expensive Mark of the Lotus
Stealth - garbage
Taunt - situationally good, but usually pretty bad
Deathrattle - good, a slightly worse Soul of the Forest but it keeps your board sticky
Elusive - garbage
Poisonous - situationally good, but sometimes bad
Divine Shield - very good
Windfury - usually good

So that's 2 very good outcomes, 2 situationally good outcomes, 2 decent outcome and 4 terrible outcomes.

+3 attack is better than a 1 mana cheaper bloodlust. Bloodlust only lasts 1 round. Those threats remain and trade up higher than before. +3 health could just be simply broken. Look how good 3 health is on kazakus potions. If you have a decent board, you probably just won the game. These are probably the two options you want.

I think it's like a cheaper wisps of the old god. Different, which is good because that would be broken. But still solid.
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