So this is what I have been running tonight:
I am 15-3 with it, but that was from rank 23 to rank 15, so likely not the best metric.
I really like Primalfin Totem. Actually, Primalfin is fucking ridiculous when you compare it to something like Paladin hero power. For 2 mana, you can get an endless wave of 1/1 murlocs, and you are guaranteed at least 1.
Megafin I feel is best held onto until your hand is near empty, the refill is massive. I may need to put a pair of Coldlight Oracles in, the lack of draw is somewhat problematic. Maybe Farsight, I really dislike Coldlight since it usually helps the enemy more than the Murloc deck due to Murlocs being such low value.
I haven't run into a single Rogue yet. Is there a youtube video that quickly shows off why its so good?