the disparity between tar cards is interesting. I think lurker one is actually better than lord one, the more you pay for a 1 attack minion the worse it is, also lurker is far more playable in warlock than lord is in warrior, you don't need it.
I think tar creeper will be played in stuff like zoolock more than in any control deck, it's great at protecting your other guys and hard to kill on turn 3.
Hydra is also rated a lot better than it is, oh 'Fel Reaver replacement'. You can't race with this card, you just die instead. Fel Reaver this is not. It's literally unplayable against a lot of decks and board states, you just die on the spot. You could slam Fel Reaver whenever, you didn't care, that made the card good proactive option for aggressive decks and downside wasn't even relevant. 8/8s are good but not that good to play this trash. I remember when people thought wrathguard is amazing, turns out not even that is worth it.
Nesting Roc is actually a decent card too. 5 mana 4/7 is a great statline, the other 5 mana 4/7 we had before was Feugen, it was pretty good at board contesting. This guy is a beast and has a text too. While it might not become a taunt, it's such good stats that can be playable in midrange hunter. Hound master on this guy is very scary. It's certainly not a 2 to me compared with some other cards over there above it.
King Mosh is like DW without a huge drawback, 3. sure... Awaken the Makers I'd say is the most overrated card there.