Trump's all about the humongous razorleaf as what brings back handlock. 5 stars for him.
No that card isn't that good. Would rather just play the Tar Creeper and Second Rate Bruiser for early game taunts.
Sunfury/DoA are dead cards when you don't have those cards and without Molten Giants. There aren't enough targets to taunt up these days. Handlock isn't getting anything done to be honest.
I started theorycrafting Standard decks and comparing them to each other, and I'm pretty sure that PIrate Warrior is still the best deck unless Anti-Pirate cards and/or Taunt Warrior becomes extremely popular (where every single matchup is playing an anti-pirate card or the one that destroys weapons).
I personally had top 5 decks as follows:
Pirate Warrior
Some Shaman deck (Jade Shaman or Elemental Shaman or generic Midrange)
Discard Zoolock (w/ or w/o quest)
Jade/Ramp Druid (w/ or w/o quest)
Some Hunter deck (Aggro or Midrange, w/ or w/o quest)
Control Warrior as tier 2 deck with the Quest and Taunts.
Wildcards are the Mage combo deck, Murloc Shaman deck, Aggro Pirate/Water Rogue.
I think if Aggro is prevalent then a lot of players will try to force a way to make Quest Priest work to get that pseudo Reno Jackson win condition.
Paladin is probably pretty far behind. Their best hope is to develop some sort of Weenie Aggro deck.