I was stuck at 15-12 for ages this month. Was playing Miracle Rogue for the first time, but even when I switched to a deck I knew I was getting trounced.
Figured I should probably be consistent, so I took Murloc control Paladin and just pushed. Finally made it to r6 ***** on a massive win streak, and of course that final game I get utterly decimated.
I was really wanting to hit 5 so I could go back to my Miracle Rogue with the rank checkpoint, and I figured I'd be in for a losing streak and return climb which felt really off-putting. Said "a couple more games then call it for tonight".
Next game was versus a Miracle Rogue just to rub it in. They made some really inefficient plays early on to remove my just enough on-curve Murlocs and couldn't recover. Great I thought, final boss will be something annoying...
Any guesses?
Pirate Warrior.
I laughed a bit when I drew mid game cards both times, but even more when all my cards from then were on-curve perfectly and he had the worst draws I've seen for a PW. He quit turn 4.
That felt pretty great.
Now I can relax and enjoy the game again for a bit. I'll only push for Legend if I make it to rank 3 by just playing for fun, so we'll see.
Still, second month in a row I hit r5 and I hadn't done that for over a year. Tracking my games and studying up pays off, it seems.
Now to make a mess with my MR and play unintentional gatekeeper for a while. I'll probably pass on my last battle happiness for a fair bit...