I got stupidly lucky and got golden The Caverns Below in my first batch of packs. This'll be fun! I've never played Rogue very seriously in any of the previous expansions.
how weird is it that stonetusk boar is a meta-relevant card?
Mayor Noggenfogger question:
Ive never seen him played. Priest in Arena had Prince Malchezar and played him on turn 10 with a full board and only 7 health.
I know he chooses random targets, but can he make guys hit his own team? I only ask cause I was at 30 health and every single guy hit my face and no attacks I used hit intended opponents.
Bad luck working as intended or god tier RNG?
Oh cool I've been meaning to try out a pseudo dragon/elemental deck. What rank are you trying it at?
I've been messing around with quest/highlander, It's not amazing but it sure is a lot of fun. Btw Free from Amber has been delivering, love that card.
No. If you can't target something then the mayor can't either.
I always thought it was weird that Noggenfogger doesn't act like Misdirection.
I tried handlock out. Man i have no idea what I'm doing with that deck. I won a great grindy game against a taunt warrior though.
Which Quest cards seem to be the best? Warrior's seemed pretty nasty and easy to activate. Druid's also seemed nasty.
You want to try to mulligan for either Humungous Plant/Argent Watcher combo or Mountain Giant/Twilight Drake combo.
Whichever set of cards you get dictates your early game play. You want to either be getting your taunts up early game, especially if you are going against aggro, or you want to be hitting the button until you can drop a huge Mountain Giant or Twilight Drake into a Faceless Shambler the next turn.
Warrior and Hunter Quests seem to be getting killed by the meta right now, Rogue is the early days powerhouse so far.
Sunkeeper Tarim.
People are learning how to play against quest Rogue. It's really fun to watch actually
Warrior and Hunter Quests seem to be getting killed by the meta right now, Rogue is the early days powerhouse so far.
LMAO this is kinda true especially for Paladin.the thing to notice is, if your classes have no designated deck, just play elemental curvestone deck
Zealous I got damn told you!!!
I said that in the first Ungoro Trolden video there will be someone getting mega punished using Hydra with Volcano.
I didn't even think about it but the 3 mana 1/4 discover taunt in pally would have such a high chance at a legendary. They have three taunt ones lol.
It is nice that any class can adopt the base Elemental package if they want.
That alone makes for 9 decks to potentially try out if you want. And more if you also try to include other packages like Jade, or Kazakus, or Quest, or whatever else is available now and in the future.
In the end, I was not very happy that Kazakus was available to just three classes because it was missing this dynamic.
LMAO this is kinda true especially for Paladin.
Elemental package pretty much comes feature complete from the neutral set. There are hardly any "bad" or even mediocre ones in the neutral set. Glad I rated them well there.
I think Priest will probably adopt some Elemental curve type deck if this quest thing doesn't pan out either.
the thing to notice is, if your classes have no designated deck, just play elemental curvestone deck
i doubt it but does anyone know for positive if primalfin champion works with things like bloodlust