Depending on the possible other Deathrattle beasts Hunter gets this might be really interesting. This is the kind of target you want for something like forlorn stalker. Especially if you are able to construct your deck in such a way that the average value is good. Being in the 7 slot is nice as well for Hunter.
Well, in the control matchup forcing your opponent to draw 2 cards could be bad for them. That said, I wonder why anyone would play this deck with Jade Druid around. You could get a board full of taunts, or you could have an endless engine that provides X/X minions.
by foregoing hunters biggest strength in snowballing beast synergies?
I summon.........Alley Cat!New card
there are so many 1/1 beasts that you have to play in hunter right now that I don't think this card is any good.
It is easy to make a thing...but if Hunter gets no Taunt or Lifesteal cards this set they just don't have good ways to survive.They keep trying to make control hunter a thing when it will never be a thing. They would have to redesign the class. The legendary they got this xpac is really frikkin good tho.
They keep trying to make control hunter a thing when it will never be a thing. They would have to redesign the class. The legendary they got this xpac is really frikkin good tho.
Why would Hadronox bring back Druid of the Claw but not Ancient of War? Aren't they both Choose Ones that may or may not result in a taunt minion?
N'Zoth is rotating out next year though. What old card is Umbra? The only Umbra I can think of is the new Spiritsinger Umbra card from Un'goro.N'Zoth and Umbra are definitely two old cards that look like they might be getting a huge buff this expansion.
Why would Hadronox bring back Druid of the Claw but not Ancient of War? Aren't they both Choose Ones that may or may not result in a taunt minion?
I like the hidden aspect of this choose one deathrattle, although picking aoe is pretty bad if Nzoth remembers your choice.
Did I miss any?
Interesting mechanic, though a bit boring on the choices for this card. Hopefully some more interesting choices on the others.
I like the hidden aspect of this choose one deathrattle, although picking aoe is pretty bad if Nzoth remembers your choice.
Only druid gets choose one cards, this may end up being the only choose one deathrattle.
I like the hidden aspect of this choose one deathrattle, although picking aoe is pretty bad if Nzoth remembers your choice.
I think I just had a fairly decent Arena Draft...
Maybe time to finally best my 8 Wins personal best?