I always like the servant of Yogg saron brawls. They are the right kind of stupid for a few games.
Rank 10 should take about an hour with Pirate Warrior.
Fuck yeah. 1st time ever getting to rank 5. Feels good. Here are the decks that did the heaviest lifting
17-14- Quest Mage, Quest Warrior
14-11- Face Hunter
11-8- Quest Rogue, Ramp Druid (not a lot of decks running answers for this one, face hunter was the toughest matchup it had)
8-5- Midrange Murlocadin
That's a solid mix.
Is the Face Hunter the one with Knife Juggler and UTH? That was hilarious to me the first time I ran into it.
That's a solid mix.
Is the Face Hunter the one with Knife Juggler and UTH? That was hilarious to me the first time I ran into it.
Do you have an NA account to spectate me? I've been stuck at rank 13-14 for literally like 4 days.Rank 10 should take about an hour with Pirate Warrior.
Rank 5 achieved for the first time. Feelsgoodman
Murloc paladin is insane. Currently 7-2 in w/l ratio.
Hell yeah. vilefin, rockpool, warleader, megasaur is a game winning curve every time
Yeah it's a fun way to get a pack. Easy to do too.
You laugh, but it took me an hour to get from rank 15 to rank 13 on Sunday. If Pirate Warrior doesn't get the ideal draw for a couple of turns you're outta luck.
So many games where I've been in lethal range but can't clinch it out because of taunts and such.
Like I said before, if you want to watch someone lose Pirate warrior at rank 13 then just spectate me.I won't laugh - I actually go about 50/50 with Pirate Warrior, and I think it's because I'm just not very good at playing aggro. My desire to trade is too strong. I'm definitely a control and tempo player by nature.
I won't laugh - I actually go about 50/50 with Pirate Warrior, and I think it's because I'm just not very good at playing aggro. My desire to trade is too strong. I'm definitely a control and tempo player by nature.
Like I said before, if you want to watch someone lose Pirate warrior at rank 13 then just spectate me.I've recognized mistakes in a couple of games today, but I'm still extremely unreliable.
I'd love to play midrange Paladin, but I need 900 more dust for Pirate Warrior and 4800+ more dust for midrange Paladin.
And that's AFTER spending like $60 on the game and playing almost daily for months.
If you have a link that'd be great. I made my own aggro murloc paladin a long time ago but I'm sure it's not optimal.The aggro version of murloc paladin is a lot cheaper and I honestly think it's just as good, and you win faster.
The aggro version of murloc paladin is a lot cheaper and I honestly think it's just as good, and you win faster.
As you say, that just looks like the normal midrange deck. I'm missing Tarim, Tirion, and Finja.It's this one: http://www.vicioussyndicate.com/deck-library/paladin-decks/murloc-paladin/tholwmenos-murloc-paladin/ but I guess it's actually more midrange after all.
Either way you can make a great deck without Ragnaros and Wickerflame.
Which cards are you guys missing?
As you say, that just looks like the normal midrange deck. I'm missing Tarim, Tirion, and Finja.
I've been playing for over a year, put in $200, and I still can't make a Paladin deck.Like I said before, if you want to watch someone lose Pirate warrior at rank 13 then just spectate me.I've recognized mistakes in a couple of games today, but I'm still extremely unreliable.
I'd love to play midrange Paladin, but I need 900 more dust for Pirate Warrior and 4800+ more dust for midrange Paladin.
And that's AFTER spending like $60 on the game and playing almost daily for months.
I'm much better at playing patient and conserving resources. Cards like the Warlock Quest excite me because it has endless resources.There are definitely some moments where I'm sweating because if they trade board with me I lose, but then they go face and I hit them for 12 off a weapon
But yeah, Pirate Warrior has to be a race to hit face as hard as you can. You basically only trade when you absolutely need to or have an inkling that if you leave a 3-3 Priest card it'll end up being a 15-15 Priest card by next turn.
My #1 misplay is using weapon before using my charge pirate. Every time lol.
Cant believe I had to spend 800 dust for 1 drop
such a bs
As you say, that just looks like the normal midrange deck. I'm missing Tarim, Tirion, and Finja.
You're absolutely going to need two Warleaders, Megasaurs, and Vilefin Inquisitors as well.
Even without the three legends, it's not that cheap a deck. Honestly, I wouldn't go with the Midrange deck--you're missing too many key cards. I'm only missing Wicker and Tarim and I still don't feel like I can play the deck.
I'd go with Newton's list from the same site instead. You still need the epics, but you can probably do without Finja and Tarim. Maybe a Protector or Spikeridge Steed...
Or you can try disco zoo as well.
Cant believe I had to spend 800 dust for 1 drop
such a bs
Didn't have Open The Waygate, so I'll take it. This'll probably be my last pack of the expansion too, as I'm gonna start saving gold for the next one. Quite a way to go out!
Whoa. Duplicate much? LolMy latest experiment in Wild: Grinder Quest Mage.
The opponent was a Quest Warrior that got his quest on turn 8.
My latest experiment in Wild: Grinder Quest Mage.
The opponent was a Quest Warrior that got his quest on turn 8.
I think the thing that makes priest and quest rogue feel horrible to loose to, is that it never feels like the match was decided by skill. Quest Rogue is decided by draw (also there are a TON of horrible players trying to pilot it below rank 5)
And priest is more often then not decided by what cards they stole from you and whether or not their random stuff gives them what they need or not.
Neither is OP or anything, just badly designed.
Speaking of Priest, I got a lucky win streak and hit rank 12. That's when I promptly discovered that rank 12 is horrible to play in:
Between Netherspite -> DrakOP chains, mind control potions, health doubling, Thoughtsteal, lots of shadow words, and general healing, there are so many annoying and/or RNG mechanics.
And I say that even though I got lucky cards and won most of these.
I very much dislike those mechanics and playing against them. That's a personal opinion.
As was discussed recently in the thread, it feels annoying to play against, as can quest rogue. I may win against quest rogue most of the time, but I can understand how some people would hate the experience.
New murloc pally looks sweet but sweet Jesus I'd have to pay for 2x of the adapt beasts, one more vilefin, and Tarim, 2800 dust for one gimmick deck lol. Tarim is a no brainer eventually but these epics, shit!
my buddy started saving asap I guess and I just started saving a few days ago after finally hitting pity timer. I find my happiness point is 120 packs so figure I better start saving now. I opened 104 ungoro packs on launch day and still felt I needed 20 more packs to fill out my collection.
Not a bad pull, if I do say so:
Didn't have Open The Waygate, so I'll take it. This'll probably be my last pack of the expansion too, as I'm gonna start saving gold for the next one. Quite a way to go out!
Vilefin Inquisitor, maybe? I wouldn't feel too bad about it though. Between Warleader, Tidecaller, Gentle Megasaur and Tarim, you can get a lot of value out of those cute li'l guys!
You almost certainly didn't "hit the pity timer", you just naturally opened a legendary.
Noice pack.
I refuse to craft a Vilefin Inquisitor. 800 dust is no joke and for the price of 2 of em u can craft a Tarim lol.