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Heist [Mafia] |OT| Snakes on a Train

My vote is remaining on Flux, for the remainder of this day. Unless someone convinces me otherwise.

I still request people to have an active vote. This day has been ungodly slow. Don't even care if you vote for me, just have a vote out there. Otherwise everyone's going to be voting at the last second, with zero vote changes, and zero ways to catch scum since everything will just be a huge bandwagon.


I have a vote in place. Flux's activity today has honestly eased up my suspicion a bit, and it's not really doing much good there right now

What? What about my activity has eased up your suspicions. And I'm not sure I see how your vote wasn't doing much good when it put me ahead of the others, but whatever.

My vote is remaining on Flux, for the remainder of this day. Unless someone convinces me otherwise.

Heh, and we know your stellar track record when it comes to putting down "final" votes. Maybe if I double dare ya, you actually won't change this time.
No seriously I can't stress this enough. Everyone's been so silent. Almost nobody has an active vote. How are you going to catch scum in the coming days when you have no behavior to analyze, and everyone voted in the last stretch of time (aka everyone bandwagoned)?

Now I can't say I've been as active as in the past. Most anything I want to even discuss or try is getting shut down.
Heh, and we know your stellar track record when it comes to putting down "final" votes. Maybe if I double dare ya, you actually won't change this time.

Why, if you are so convinced I am scum, are you not voting for me? Waiting to do it in the middle of the votes so when I flip town it doesn't trace back to you as being the one to initially push me off the cliff?

You can change your vote, as many times as you want. Why isn't your vote on me?


Why, if you are so convinced I am scum, are you not voting for me? Waiting to do it in the middle of the votes so when I flip town it doesn't trace back to you as being the one to initially push me off the cliff?

You can change your vote, as many times as you want. Why isn't your vote on me?

I'm not convinced you're scum, why are you so convinced I'm convinced you're scum? This is the second time I've had to say this. You're turning into a reverse redhood.
What? What about my activity has eased up your suspicions. And I'm not sure I see how your vote wasn't doing much good when it put me ahead of the others, but whatever.

You've been generally active, which admittedly you were as scum, but generally active and causing discussions. I still think you're probably scum, but I've been happier with your more recent contributions. And I'd rather throw my vote onto less active people to try to motivate them to post a bit more.

CornBurrito: enough arguing about tactics and stuff, give your top three scum with justifications.


@CornBurrito: And, just like I said in the very first D2 post, my vote isn't shifting from CrimsonFist no matter what. It would have to be something REAL special for me to change, but I'm not going to do it to break a tie, to follow a last minute bandwagon, or any of that great stuff you did at the end of D1.
CornBurrito: enough arguing about tactics and stuff, give your top three scum with justifications.

1. FluxWave: Still fairly convinced that he's trying to manufacture my lynch, but doesn't want any bad credit for it. Might be wrong about that. Also I think he'd definitely be someone to order Czar's murder.

2. squidyj: Dude was super aggressive yesterday. Quiet today. Was that because he was wrong on Mazre, or will he only intervene if town gets on the "wrong" path? Actually, perhaps we should look back to yesterday. Were we shifting discussion/votes to someone when squid came in with his "LOOK AT MAZRE AND VOTE FOR MAZRE" crusade?

3. Ouro. Dude is laying low. Is that always what he does? Or is he just sitting back and letting town self destruct?

CornBurrito (2)
Droplet .792
Sawneeks .795

Ty4on (2)
Droplet .666 .673
*Splinter .717
redhood56 .809

CrimsonFist (1)
FluxWaveZ .624

Ourobolus (1)
squidyj .770

redhood56 (1)
CrimsonFist .793

FluxWaveZ (1)
CrimsonFist .670 .793
CornBurrito .694

No active vote for Day 2:

Day 2 ends:

7 votes for majority


I'm gonna take some time and then reread to try to re-calibrate my scum reads from day 1.
Kawl, are you there? I can't read you and have barely interacted with you. I generally agree with your statements on the end of D1. It was weird, but I can't find any plausible motives.


Less than 24 hours. Come on guys GET PUMPED. And with the 2 votes towards Corn, I think he is town(like me!!!!!!!!) His posts have a town taste to them.


Kawl, are you there? I can't read you and have barely interacted with you. I generally agree with your statements on the end of D1. It was weird, but I can't find any plausible motives.

Sorry drove back home for most of today. Have been interacting with family for a while. Sitting down to review and write up a post.


Sorry drove back home for most of today. Have been interacting with family for a while. Sitting down to review and write up a post.
I'll wait. Currently reading Splinter from the start, but I'm not sure if anything will come out of that.


Less than 24 hours. Come on guys GET PUMPED. And with the 2 votes towards Corn, I think he is town(like me!!!!!!!!) His posts have a town taste to them.

Shit, I totally forgot about the shortened schedule because of the holiday.

Vote: *Splinter

Corn and Flux are not far behind though. I'm convinced one of these three is scum.


I was lamenting a failed gambit more than complaining about anyone else's performance. It would have been nice if an over eager scum tried to make a big deal out of my (couple of hours of) inactivity, but that didn't happen.
I guess me grasping at these straws shows how my reading went, but I'm still not quite sure why he had to explain this instead of moving on. As he said himself nobody made a big deal out of it.


I made some thoughts about Splinter's big post attacking me. One I made right now if that it came after his vote. What really stood out though is how overinflated it is and lacking in real content. When I made corrections like him misunderstanding me the replies (single reply IIRC) were muted and he kept a fairly low profile as the lynch went on. Seems a little weird when you're reading someone.

I'm not sure if he'd be in the top for lynch candidates. Corn made himself a bit too obvious with his flip, but there's something I can't put my finger on. Like his posts are over processed.
I made some thoughts about Splinter's big post attacking me. One I made right now if that it came after his vote. What really stood out though is how overinflated it is and lacking in real content. When I made corrections like him misunderstanding me the replies (single reply IIRC) were muted and he kept a fairly low profile as the lynch went on. Seems a little weird when you're reading someone.

I'm not sure if he'd be in the top for lynch candidates. Corn made himself a bit too obvious with his flip, but there's something I can't put my finger on. Like his posts are over processed.

Which is funny because I'm putting significantly less effort into my posts than I did in Dangan thanks to Underrail.


Which is funny because I'm putting significantly less effort into my posts than I did in Dangan thanks to Underrail.
I guess that's why. Danganronpa was filled with crazy theories from you :p

What's that brain? Ooh, right, sleep. One thought I had just now is about Splinter today. He admitted to tunneling too hard on me yesterday (716) adds hypothetical theories where I flip town, but hasn't made any new reads of me or even interacted with me.


Okay went through and read everything from today and grabbed any posts that stood out in some way. This might be a bit all over the place as I opened the post in new tab if something tickled me about it. I'll try to respond to anything after this but will be in and out as I'm with family.

Starting with Squidyj:

That was an interesting kill. Killed 'cabot'. Why would they do that? I hardly believe it would reflect significantly poorly on me to do so.

Anyways, Unless Ty flips scum I feel like the flippers are probably all town and that we should probably try focusing on people who avoided the whole debacle at the end of the day.

Opens with a pretty strong declaration that the flippers are likely "all town" if Ty flips normal. While I think that the flippers get some points towards a more likely town read, I think Squid gives a bit too much weight to the flipping.

So the way I see it there are two worlds, the world where ty is scum and the world where he isn't.

If Ty is scum then flipping votes at the last minute can keep a scum from being lynched helping out the scum team so there's an incentive for scum who are on Ty to look townie or on another target to flip their vote to Mazre

If Ty is town then flipping votes at the last minute does nothing but make you incredibly visible. Being involved in either of these votes is less likely for scum in this scenario and being a flipper is just so incredibly low.

So I think before anyone gets voted for flipping we would actually want to lynch Ty4on. It determines a lot more information about the state of the game and he was up on the block because he was acting suspicious anyway so we have the additional motivation. That's not to say that Ty4on is necessarily my pick for the day yet but he's a better lynch than pretty much all the flippers at this point.

So the posts like this (and others) are the reason why I think its not impossible scum was in the flipping camp. Yes it is a very visible move, but I don't think it is out of the question for one of the scum players to decide to make a high visibility move while others try to play a more passive game and coast by. I still think lynching Ty provides more information but it isn't a silver bullet in clearing those who flipped.

nope, ty4on flipping town tells us that it is unlikely that any of the flippers are town, one of the flippers flipping town flips us no flipping information whatsoflipping ever.

one of the flippers flipping motherflipping scum flips us the bird as well since his flip doesn't tip the flips of the other flippers or of ty4on's flip necessarily. Where'as ty4on's scum flip tips us to watch out for these flippers.

While Squid's brain seems to melt from this point and I disagree with his ty =town flip means flippers are town, I do agree that lynching ty4on provides more information than lynching some of the flippers if we are seeking more information from our lynch (as I said earlier, if you have a strong read pursue it over going for ty just for the information it would provide).

would he have become a better or worse target today? I think he would be at least as good a target today. so if Ty4on is town why make the move? let town lynch ty day 1 and then push a mazre lynch day 2.

Scum could make the move in hopes of people making the exact argument you are making.

we can see that burbeting karu and kawl all avoided voting on either ty or mazre (hope i didn't miss anyone). I would say there's a good chance there's a scum in that group whether or not Ty is scum because they would probably want to separate a bit.

I was suspicious of Burb yesterday and he confessed to being disinterested in the game which is more common with scum players IMO. I'd feel bad lynching a replacement as soon as they come into the game but they'd definitely be my top pick for scum in that group right now.

I think squidy probably has a good guess here that at least one of the scum is among these 4 players (the 3 here and Ouro which he added in on the next post).

These were squidyj's main posts that stood out to me. Looking them over, I'd say that while I disagree with most of the arguments he is making concerning how a town flip for Ty4on reflects on other players, I'm town reading him for now given that I don't think scum would have taken such a staunch position on how Ty4on's town flip would reflect. Although I suppose it could be next level strats.


However, seeing Ouro's math degree in action made me doubt myself (and I ignored Ty showing clearly that I didn't actually tie the vote, sorry), and that made me realize how easily Corn or Crimson could have thought I had tied the vote.

I do actually have a math degree. -.-

I find it unlikely that Corn could have mistaken the situation for a tie. After all, it was him taking off his vote in the first place which I overlooked causing my mistake.

I agree. But if you've seen CornBro in action before you kinda see that this is sort of his modus operandi. On the other hand, in Election he was blatantly obvious about his flip-flopping, even going so far as to call it out himself, which he hasn't done this game. Maybe he learned something, I dunno, but that's how he's acted before.

Disagreed personally. If scum team was entirely made up of people who never played with Czar, I really don't think Czar would have been killed.

8 of the players in this game have played with Tim before, so that's probably a fair assumption, if not a fantastically safe one.

3. Ouro. Dude is laying low. Is that always what he does? Or is he just sitting back and letting town self destruct?

No, I don't normally, except for D1 - I do like to sit back on D1 and see what everyone else does before I jump in - there's something to be said about viewing players without your own interference. I've tried to step it up a bit this day phase since I was busy D1. I normally post quite a bit (hell, just look at NX and GAFia 1), although I don't have much history past D1 (except for AC where I was shit scum and GAFia where I was the worst roleblocker ever) because people think I'm a lot smarter than I actually am.

I made some thoughts about Splinter's big post attacking me. One I made right now if that it came after his vote. What really stood out though is how overinflated it is and lacking in real content. When I made corrections like him misunderstanding me the replies (single reply IIRC) were muted and he kept a fairly low profile as the lynch went on. Seems a little weird when you're reading someone.

I'm not sure if he'd be in the top for lynch candidates. Corn made himself a bit too obvious with his flip, but there's something I can't put my finger on. Like his posts are over processed.

I'm happy someone else is realizing how odd Splinter is playing. There's something that's been really off with his posts, but I couldn't put it into words other than the strange posts I've already observed.


Next up here are the posts by FluxWave that stood out in my review:

Damn, and I was all ready to greet my good buddy CzarTim, too. Traitors must have had a real chuckle when they sent in that kill command.


Vote: CrimsonFist

I don't really care what happens today in relation to this vote; it probably won't change.

I think the best guess for the amount of scum is 3. 4 in the worst case scenario, as someone mentioned before, but that seems a bit much when we started with 15 and there are no PRs in play.

I don't think I need to explain how that Day 1 end was a real mess. Here we have:

CornBurrito putting in a literal last minute vote when there actually wasn't a tie. Plus, he was talking about "final votes" and such, despite being one of the people to actually switch his mind the most.

And then we have:

CrimsonFist, the one to break the tie and end up lynching Mazre, a townie, in a literal last minute vote after also switching votes a bunch.

Nah, son.

Honestly, I'm not sure what the benefit of opening up with saying here's my vote and I'm sticking to it regardless of any developments during the day. I also don't follow the logic of lynching Crimson over Ty4on if you think that it was a move to lynch a townie who had been in a vote tie with scum. Unless I misunderstand what you are saying and you believe that Crimson is scum but Ty is not.

Ty4on flipping scum would tell us just as much as CrimsonFist or Cornburrito flipping scum, i.e. that at least 2 of the 3 are Traitors. A town flip for any of those who switched votes would tell us just as much as Ty4on flipping town, i.e. practically nothing except for the obvious info we'd get from any lynch from an active player.

I'm not having this be WW2 all over again. We're lynching one of those two.

Who do you mean by one of those two? Do you mean one of the vote flippers? I don't get how that provides us with as much information as lynching Ty4on. I think if Ty is town, it is possible one scum player decided to make a risky, high visibility play to draw attention. If Ty is scum it is almost definite that one of the flippers is scum as well since they would have had intent behind trying to save him. Regardless, I don't think there is more than one in the vote flippers who are scum. So if we were to choose wrong on the flippers we could get a town flip and no real information.

Mazre and Ty4on were the top lynch targets for D1. Mazre was lynched, so then the primary target would become Ty4on. if the story that Ty4on flipping town sticks, everyone who voted him at the last minute is suddenly ignored from D3 onwards because of an end-of-D1 gambit.

It's not, but don't act like it's the only possibility. I'm not gonna buy that Ty4on flipping town makes any of them less suspicious.

I agree with Flux here that its certainly not the only possibility, but the logic is pretty good until you start getting into advanced strats (tm) territory. I think its a bit extreme to say it doesn't make them any less suspicious. I'm not going to give any of the flippers definite town status if Ty flips town, but it would provide a bit of a town lean in my opinion. I get that this is kind of the opposite of my problems with Squidy's post/arguments above, but I feel like they are both arguing absolutes on this issue.

Others have said that most of my posts/thoughts seem to be weak/non committal and I don't really know what to say to that. I think its a combination of my posting style as well as not over stating how confident I feel about any theory I put forth.

And I really like this narrative you guys have got going on that if Ty4on flips town, everyone who switched votes in the final minutes are suddenly less suspect. It's a really nice way to make sure people pay no attention to those who switched votes at the last minute after you make a push for Ty4on to be lynched and he possibly ends up flipping town.

Another weird post being overly aggressive pushing the idea that giving the flippers ANY cred is some conspiracy... I think Squidy overstated the break it should given them, but over all the thread was more level headed in what a Ty town flip would mean.

I actually didn't remember that until now, so I went back and tried to recall what I was thinking at the time and I don't even remember that either. I know it had something to do with thinking what CornBurrito posted here meant something:

And also this response to squidyj:

Both of which mean nothing, in retrospect. Might have been something else, but I'll have to check back on D1 as a whole for that.

My top town are currently:

1. Kawl_USC
2. *Splinter
3. Ourobolus
4. Sawneeks

My top scum are currently:

1. CrimsonFist
2. CornBurrito
3. squidyj

Then this post. Flux later clarified that the list was in no particular order, and that the top town list was more of a top null list which I found weird. I asked why I was on the list and he only responded that I wasn't the top of the list as the order was irrelevant, but didn't provide any reasoning for why I was included at all.

I scum read Flux day 1, and the posts haven't exactly removed that feeling. I'm leaning scum for Flux right now.


Have a few more posts in the pipe, taking some time to be with family for now though. Will come back with some more thoughts and to place my vote.
Ty4on today seems actually quite helpful and townie to me. Panicking Ty4on yesterday did not. I'm actually not sure about his alignment... CB seems to be the one driving discussion forward, which is a good thing. I might fall for that legendary talent of his but I currently don't have Crimson as Scum either. Something is off about Ouro, but I think we have to resolve yesterday's events first. Ty4on will give the most information right now.

Vote: Ty4on


Honestly, I'm not sure what the benefit of opening up with saying here's my vote and I'm sticking to it regardless of any developments during the day. I also don't follow the logic of lynching Crimson over Ty4on if you think that it was a move to lynch a townie who had been in a vote tie with scum. Unless I misunderstand what you are saying and you believe that Crimson is scum but Ty is not.

You posted my list at the end of your post, so how is this even a question? I think Crimson is scum far, far more than I think Ty4on is. So yes, you misunderstand. I think there's a good chance Ty4on is town, and we end up wasting another day lynching him. And when we do, like I said before, the whole thing will turn into a mess because of the various kind of attention he's gotten. I'd rather lynch Crimson and go from there, than lynch Ty4on and do the same.

And your post up top is a pretty much the reason I don't care to focus on you when it comes to possible scum. You'll openly play Devil's advocate and defend redhood for trying to help town, but then you'll turn around and try to perceive an agenda against town in my posts. Doesn't give me any real impression either way, so I'd rather focus on the people who were in that previous list I posted.


First off: Europe + Saw Star Wars yesterday (fuck yeah! =)), so that's the reason for my recent abstinence and my missing vote.

Vote: redhood56

You were one of the first people to gain suspicion yesterday, and that was never really cleared up for me completely. Today you've been barely active at all, you did make some "bold predictions," but I don't really put much stock in those without an argument to back them up, so:
I don't like this. We shouldn't lynch another quiet member, who got little traction on Day Two anyway. Note that I also mentioned his inactivity in an earlier post "today", but eh... we should keep him on the extented "scum suspect"-list for now.

in regards to my vote...
I think squidyj's behaviour... well not outright strange... but suspicious to say the least. But he is right (if I remember correctly saying this) we should kill Ty4on. Now... he might not be scum, but at this point I'm willing to take the risk. Even if squidyj did this on purpose to outright claim the first two Day-kills, they won't get away on Day 3 and I have the feeling with such a tight group we have here - one scum dies, the rest will fall too.

VOTE: Ty4on

In addition he posted nothing of value in the last hours/posts (he went to bed, admittedly). I'm eagerly awaiting his defense/offense.

Ty4on (4)
Droplet .666 .673
*Splinter .717
redhood56 .809
Royal_Flush .840
Karu .842

CornBurrito (2)
Droplet .792
Sawneeks .795

Ourobolus (1)
squidyj .770

FluxWaveZ (1)
CrimsonFist .670 .793
CornBurrito .694

CrimsonFist (1)
FluxWaveZ .624

*Splinter (1)
Ourobolus .826

redhood56 (1)
CrimsonFist .793

No active vote for Day 2:

Day 2 ends:

7 votes for majority


Squid is also the one who campaigned for Mazre, karu.
Of course he was. But I was under the impression, that he wanted to see Ty4on go next after Mazre flipped Town? Might have misremembered, but I'm... pretty sure? Either way, my reasoning stands.


I guess that's why. Danganronpa was filled with crazy theories from you :p

What's that brain? Ooh, right, sleep. One thought I had just now is about Splinter today. He admitted to tunneling too hard on me yesterday (716) adds hypothetical theories where I flip town, but hasn't made any new reads of me or even interacted with me.
I have way too many blind spots at the moment, so I've been looking elsewhere.

Poking you throughout today would be a waste of time - it would take a lot for my read of you to change. I'll be back on you later if others still need convincing though.


Speaking of blind spots, I'll be taking a loser look at Crimson after work.

For now, I see that Flux has been building a case against Crim. He's been kind of convincing at times, but one thing that sticks out to me is his insistence on lynching Crim before Ty. I have a couple of tinfoil hat theories worrying me here:

1) Ty and Crim are town, Flux is scum. If Ty is lynched first that would take a lot of heat off of Crim. So Flux tries to lynch Crim first leaving Ty available for tomorrow's lynch.

2) Crim is town, Ty and Flux are scum. Flux is pushing Crim to buy time for his teammate Ty. After Crim flips town, scum hope Ty has lost some heat by tomorrow, but at the very least he's survived another day.

These are worst case scenarios rather than an exhaustive list.


Do you have any new thoughts about Splinter? I haven't found much other than them being the same as yesterday. Maybe reading between the lines that you're more suspicious today.

To be fair, I wish I had something more concrete to go off of, but in a game completely devoid of power roles a lot of what we're going to do is based off of gut reads and intuition.

Splinter's initial posts don't sit well with me, to begin with. He harps on redhood a bit, who, while acting a bit suspiciously, is the low-hanging fruit. He doesn't vote, just comments on it. He then adds in his comment about being inactive for the beginning of D1 and says he's disappointed no one went after him for it. It's just a mind-bogglingly weird post to me, for town OR scum. He responded to my initial questioning of it, but I personally wasn't all that satisfied with the response.
He also jumps on you for your (and to be fair, it was a really weird post of yours) post about CornBro. It seemed to me like another instance of latching onto low-hanging fruit. Still, it does have a bit of truth to it, and you're not clear yet in my book.

For a lot of D1 it seemed like he was simply reacting (although CornBro v. Splinter is entertaining to watch). The only real time he took a stand was to call you out about being scum, and as a D1 read, he seemed pretty confident of it. To be perfectly honest, in my mind you and Splinter are tied together - if one flips scum, I'm more than likely willing to believe the other is town.

Anyway, he left his vote on you until the end of the day, so at least he didn't flip-flop a bunch.

D2 has been pretty quiet as a whole, and a lot of the discussion has been centered around the Flux/Crimson/Corn love triangle. I'd be really surprised if there wasn't a scum in that group, though Crimson is my "least likely to be scum" in there. Splinter (as have I and others) are mostly discussing that, although his vote is currently on you.

Apart from that, he has a couple posts just above my pharmaceutical advertisement that essentially say that Flux is scum. While I have no reason right now to think otherwise (Flux is one of my top candidates, up there with Corn and Splinter), I'm wondering if he thinks you and Flux are in cahoots?

So yeah, not much has really happened during D2 to lessen my suspicions, but nothing new has really jumped out either. The Corn/Flux/Crimson debacle is the big elephant in the room right now, and unfortunately I feel like we'll have to deal with that before we get anywhere with Splinter v. Ty4on.
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