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Heist [Mafia] |OT| Snakes on a Train


Key Word = Crowd-pleaser

This is the reason why CrimsonFist slipped under almost every radar in WW2. This is the reason why CrimsonFist is slipping under pretty much every radar in Heist. He makes no strong opinions, no strong arguments, no strong stances. But he will always side with the majority so that he incurs the least amount of scrutiny possible and the most amount of agreement possible. As a result, he's always at the top of town lists, because people feel good about him.

Only 3 other people in this game besides me have caught onto this: Burbeting (gone), cabot (gone) and Droplet:
Airing suspicions, but so far not only no active vote, no vote at all. I understand maybe having not having reads on day one, especially on the actual day one, but if you're going to voice your suspicions, you should have a vote somewhere. It reads more like you're trying to give a more vocal player reason to start a vote so you don't have to be accountable for it if things go south. I specifically don't like you going after redhood, who's been an admittedly easy target today, and of course me, who hasn't posted until now for reasons I already specified. Of course I don't mind if you're calling anyone out for inactivity, but with only easy targets, you're playing like you don't want anyone to notice you.

This is substantiated by:

Key Word = Relentless Neutrality

Again, CrimsonFist doesn't want anyone to turn on him too hard or for him to say anything too many people will disagree with, so he'll constantly straddle a line of seeming like he's taking a hard stance on something, but actually peppering it with exceptions to give him an out if he's called out on it later. He'll also downplay the use of certain "strategies" with logical arguments that are actually reasonable, but made so often its purpose seems to be to halt discussion.


Top 4 lists does seem like a bit of a waste of time especially when it's essentially RNG at this point. I get that it's getting people to say something, but I can't really see us getting anything from them, and scum can basically put whoever they like on them without any real consequence. especially looking at reasons some other people have given.
Also on that topic: his continued persistence on calling himself town in a later post make me think that he probably isn't actually scum, seeing as I'd have thought that scum would have corrected that habit after being called out on it. Although then I might expect a townie to do the same as well.
I see a slight benefit to top town lists: In a game like this with no power roles, one would expect the top townies to be targeted by scum, especially with no doctor in place. To me that would make any top townies who haven't been night killed by late game slightly more suspicious.

Not a complete give-away obviously, especially now that I've posted that idea publicly.
Who killed Czar: someone who's watched or played with him before. Which would mean that there's at least one experienced player on the Scum team, in this game where most people are pretty experienced.

As I said earlier, killing Czar was the first thing that Makai advised us to do in Woof too, it's hardly a lesser known secret that he's a decent player.
I don't really think that trying to figure out who killed him is going to get you anywhere.

Soft stances, soft arguments, discussion roadblocks... it's all to seem like he's "helping" when he isn't. There isn't any active scum searching here. Anywhere. Which leads me into:

Key Word = "Remember, no hard votes"

Pretty much everyone in this game has placed a vote on someone they have thought pretty confidently is scum. Everyone, except for CrimsonFist (with an obvious exception, but more on that later).

Literally every single vote CrimsonFist makes is solely to prod people. He never votes on people he thinks are actively scum, he only votes on the premise that he wants the person to talk more or that he's looking for an answer. It's never because he thinks someone might be a Traitor.

Vote: Royal_Flush

In your large post, you list redhood and Ouro as the people you have your eye on, but the reasons you give just feel like you're parroting other posters. Can you elaborate on these reads at all?
vote: Kawl_USC

Mind posting some thoughts on other players aside from *Splinter?
Vote: Droplet

So you've been on me for some of my behaviour, but you yourself haven't really provided much beyond that. Fine, you've been inactive for the start of the day, but can you give some thoughts on some other people?
Having reread the thread:

Vote: CornBurrito

You've done a lot of poking, arguing with others over mechanics/how to play, but I don't really feel like you've posted much of substance about your own views on other posters. You've been posting a lot of fairly empty fluff posts, and giving fluff reasons for voting, and when you eventually did post a read list was still omitting one read, and the rest of the reasons were fairly brief and unsubstantial. Plus arguing about mechanics is always a good way to seem active.

I'd still like Droplet to post a bit more, but I guess a vote is more useful on someone actually active.
Vote: redhood56

You were one of the first people to gain suspicion yesterday, and that was never really cleared up for me completely. Today you've been barely active at all, you did make some "bold predictions," but I don't really put much stock in those without an argument to back them up, so:

Why do you think that Droplet is town? To me, she's not been nearly active enough to get a solid read on.
Vote: FluxWaveZ

Only really took it off to try to prompt Redhood into posting a bit more. I've got quite a bit going on today, but I should be around for the deadline.

Of course, as we all know, the obvious exception to this key word is: FluxWaveZ. Me. The only person CrimsonFist has been confident enough to vote for because of scum vibes and not just because of Q&A is the only person who's been targeting him specifically.

Vote: FluxWaveZ

I'm really not getting town vibes from you. It feels like you're acting pretty much the same way you did as scum last time.

I'm the only one he feels strongly on. I can't think of much else to say than that, but I'm the ONLY one he feels strongly on:

Key Word = Everyone's grey

No rattling cages includes having a null read on essentially everyone.

I expressly asked him who else he had scum reads on besides me, and this was his answer:
Carrying over from yesterday, I think CornBurrito's posts have been lacking in substance.

Orobolous and Droplet have been contributing very little too, although there's been at least excuses for inactivity in Droplet's case. I'd like to see both at least contribute more today. Neither care cases for lynching right now though.

Ty4on, I'm not sure what to think of, and my opinion on him is mostly dependent on how certain other people flip. Going off his posts alone, I'd probably lean slightly scum. But since you're top of my scum list right now and seem to be pushing the narrative that he's scum and I flipped to protect him, that makes me a little more confident that he might be town.

And Redhood still remains on my radar, although again, I want to see how he contributes today.

I want to go back through squidyj's posts at some point too.
There's nothing but nebulousness here. The trademark "soft reads." There isn't any clear image of who CrimsonFist actually thinks might be scum or not. Just a bunch of observations that only lead to neutral opinions and null reads. He'll lean *slightly* towards someone, like Ty4on in Day 1, but that won't carry through in anything substantial at all (in fact, it lead to Crimson voting for someone totally different somehow).

And the same goes for town:
As for top town, honestly, nobody. Right now, I don't think anybody is standing out as obviously towny in the way that say, Cabot and Burb were in Woof, plus considering that there's a lot of very experienced players in this game, I feel like I could be very easily mislead. When we do start lynching scum, I'll form town reads based on who was initially pushing those lynches, but I don't really trust any other judgements at the moment.

If I had to pick one though, I've quite liked *Splinter's contributions today.
Again, "everyone's grey." There are no hard stances because that won't be conducive to being a crowd-pleaser. Again, he'll lean slightly towards someone like Ty4on so that this doesn't come through completely obviously, but it's there.

And of course, giving anyone the benefit of the doubt and shifting opinions if he veered too hard in a certain direction is in line with this M.O.

Key Word = Devil's Advocate

This concerns redhood56. Crimson said this:
Could also be a way to look like a good townie, defending the low hanging fruit, plus you get to throw suspicion on anyone actually going for them.
Sounds like a contradiction to what I'm going for, but it's also a contradiction to what he had been doing, which I pointed out here:
But now that you've made another comment like this, I'm noticing that you're taking a particular liking to being a devil's advocate for redhood; going even further than Kawl.
Crimson proceeded to scale it back and object to what I said by stating:
Am I? Right now I don't really have strong feelings on Redhood. At first I did think he was fairly scummy, but neutral is about how I feel right now, maybe still leaning slightly scummy. If I'm defending him on certain points, it's more because I feel like your reasoning is flawed, rather than out of any strong reason to defend him.

I'm also considering how people reacted to Xam in Woof when looking at him and the various reactions, and Xam's case it was more inattentive town going after him rather than scum.
'Course, redhood is pretty much neutral in his eyes, despite wavering between being townie and scum. The same as everyone else.

And that brings me to the final point that I will post in this post:

Key Word = Ty4on and CrimsonFist

Like everything else I've been saying in Heist, people met it with skepticism when I said this:
Vote: Ty4on

I think if you flipped Town, my scum read of CrimsonFist would ease up a bit.
The questioning was from the two involved:
I have pretty much never interacted with Crimson so I don't quite follow. Is it because we look like scum buddies?
I'm curious about what link you're seeing between us too.

I elaborated: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=189992805&postcount=505. Which caused Ty4on to agree with it in a weird way:
That was exactly what was in my mind. As I drafted that post it occurred to me that I had town read him while never really interacting with him. We're really looking like scum buddies :S

Which leads us to the end of Day 1. There's no connection between Ty4on and CrimsonFist, but of course, CrimsonFist had to switch his vote at the last minute when Ty4on was about to get lynched to Mazre because "he didn't want a tie." I could post more about why I think that excuse is BS, but that might be enough for this post.


Fuck me flux you convinced me with that. I did have some suspicions of you but that post was elaborate and made a lot of
to me.

Vote: crimsonfist


flux said:
long post

Thanks. I'm not entirely sold, and I'll tell you why - take those same arguments and frame them from the perspective of a townie, on D1, who has literally zero information.

Points 1 and 2: I can sorta see what you're going for here, but -
Point 3: it was D1. If you have a 90-100% scum read on someone it's because they did something so outrageously odd on the first day. I think most of the votes the first day are there to stimulate discussion, in order to help move everything along. Talking and voting is all we got.
Points 4 and 5: yes, he's a bit wishy-washy when it comes to his reads, I'll admit that much.
Point 6: Final votes, this early on, aren't usually indicative of someone perceiving their target as 100% scum - it's a best guess. A tie would be (IMO) a bad thing for town because it doesn't provide any new info for the next day. The only concrete info we will get are the death notifications, and we have to rely on our reasoning for everything else. I know you've said it before, but I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on his motivations for breaking the tie.

Fuck me flux you convinced me with that. I did have some suspicions of you but that post was elaborate and made a lot of
to me.

Vote: crimsonfist
...really? That's it?


Not that simple. You have reasons for suspecting Crimson that weren't clear other than somewhat aligning with Flux's.
Actually I saw all this Crimson suspicion but I wasn't sure, the. I thought flux was acting s little weird, but seeing everything together really got me thinking


I mean you brought up a lot that isn't dependant on Ty, but a lot of us suspect Ty as well, and it's not like the two are unrelated

That's what I don't quite get...

Simple: I'm convinced Crimson is scum, while I'm not convinced Ty4on is. I'm becoming increasingly worried that this focus on Ty4on is wrong, and that if we end up lynching him he'll flip town. A waste of time and, like I said before, it'll result in a whole lot of confusion. I bet I'd end up being the primo target for a lynch if Ty4on ends up flipping town, for example.

Meanwhile, Crimson's been my top suspect because of everything I posted, plus the general feeling of uneasiness and familiarity I had when I was a neutral in WW2. I am way more for Crimson being the priority lynch than Ty4on.

Meanwhile, what you quoted is still my opinion, Ty4on. If Crimson flipped scum, that would immediately make us think back to the end of D1 lynch, and the reasoning behind it. It'd be Occam's razor: Crimson switched his vote at the last minute to protect you.

I guess there is something that keeps telling me "We'll learn more from lynching Ty4on than Crimson," but I cannot shake the feeling that Crimson is scum, while I'm just not as convinced about Ty4on.


Thanks. I'm not entirely sold, and I'll tell you why - take those same arguments and frame them from the perspective of a townie, on D1, who has literally zero information.

Yes, and I do agree with what you're saying. There's always the risk that I'm on the wrong track, and this would be the reason for it: He's just a townie operating with no concrete information and deciding to not take any hard stances because of it. But I also know that this is exactly how Crimson played in WW2, where he was scum from the outset. And this town trust while I was one of the only heretics calling for Crimson's head is exactly the same scenario as in WW2, except I wasn't even close to going in as hard as I am this time. That's why I'm fixing that.

Ty4on (4)
Droplet .666 .673
*Splinter .717
redhood56 .809 .903
Royal_Flush .840
Karu .842
Kawl_USC .852

CrimsonFist (3)
FluxWaveZ .624
redhood56 .903
CornBurrito .913

CornBurrito (2)
Droplet .792
Sawneeks .795

FluxWaveZ (1)
CrimsonFist .670 .793
CornBurrito .694 .913
CrimsonFist .862

squidyj (1)
Ty4on .897

Ourobolus (1)
squidyj .770

*Splinter (1)
Ourobolus .826

redhood56 (0)
CrimsonFist .793 .862

Day 2 ends:

7 votes for majority


Ok, we're running out of time here. I appreciate Flux's post, but I'm still leaning towards Crimson as town. I'm worried that we simply have a case of two townies duking it out inadvertently, and while I could honestly say that either of them COULD be scum, with Flux trying to pin a lot on Crimson or Crimson doing a somewhat ok job of blending into town. If I'm ranking the three main players of discussion for scuminess, I'd say:


VOTE: FluxWaveZ
Ooooooh man! I'm sorry but I have to ask. Are any of the avatars taken in OP? I can't see Avatars and mobile is fucking up.

RDogs is one of my favorite movies and god damn do I want one of those avatars.

Vote: TheWorthyEdge

you can use them, twe :>

also, dont mess with the voting thingo pls


Ok, we're running out of time here. I appreciate Flux's post, but I'm still leaning towards Crimson as town. I'm worried that we simply have a case of two townies duking it out inadvertently, and while I could honestly say that either of them COULD be scum, with Flux trying to pin a lot on Crimson or Crimson doing a somewhat ok job of blending into town. If I'm ranking the three main players of discussion for scuminess, I'd say:


VOTE: FluxWaveZ

Why is Flux higher than me and Crimson?


Why is Flux higher than me and Crimson?
I've already stated that I've felt Crimson is town, and that his vote to untie things last minute is an example of that.

Flux...a lot of it boils down to us primarily disagreeing on the "towniness" of Crimson's vote yesterday. I feel like he's reaching a bit, and while I agree with a couple of his points in his long post, I think ultimately it might be shoddy reasoning to get a vote on Crimson.

For you, while I don't have much of a town read on you yet, you share my suspicions with Splinter, which I'm happy someone else is starting to notice. Your contributions today have been...meh so far, but I think Flux has just been going hard on Crimson for some reason that I'm just not really seeing (or agreeing with).
less than an hour! and a two-way tie !


CrimsonFist (4)
FluxWaveZ .624
redhood56 .903
CornBurrito .913
squidyj .925

Ty4on (4)
Droplet .666 .673
*Splinter .717
redhood56 .809 .903
Royal_Flush .840
Karu .842
Kawl_USC .852

FluxWaveZ (2)
CrimsonFist .670 .793
CornBurrito .694 .913
CrimsonFist .862
Ourobolus .921

CornBurrito (2)
Droplet .792
Sawneeks .795

squidyj (1)
Ty4on .897

Ourobolus (0)
squidyj .770 .925

redhood56 (0)
CrimsonFist .793 .862

*Splinter (0)
Ourobolus .826 .921

Day 2 ends:

7 votes for majority


Just on my phone right now.. But lol. Curiously awaiting the results. Why this always has to be decided on the last hour, I dunno. Well, I have my suspicions obviously, but still. Kinde frustrating.
Ty, can you explain why you panicked like you did on D1? Just from your contributions today, I actually read you as Town. It's just that I still don't get why an experienced Townie would be panicking this hard over a pending lynch. That and the possible information gain are my main reasons for the vote.

I honestly still don't entirely see why Crimson would be pulling this off if Ty is not Scum, but if we still have a tie 10 minutes before the deadline, I'll switch to Crimson. If one of the two switchers is scum, I actually think it's rather him than CB based both how strongly they convinced me they actually mistook it as a tie and on Flux' recent post (You are right, Crimson can blend in really well)



Not that this matters at the time, considering we're 30 minutes away from the end and Corn is like, nowhere near the lead, but we've been pretty inactive as a whole and I probably shouldn't be having my vote on the one person encouraging activity.



Ty4on, please do explain the end of Day 1 for us and why you went into super-panic mode.

Crimsonfist, any sort of comment would be great right now if you are here. Response/defense towards your case from Flux or a general defense, please.


Vote: Ty4on

My main suspicions still lie with Corn but I also don't want to leave this vote in a tie. As much as I appreciate your mega-post Flux, Crimson still reads Town to me and Ty's end of Day 1 flailing is something that bothers me.


Ty, can you explain why you panicked like you did on D1? Just from your contributions today, I actually read you as Town. It's just that I still don't get why an experienced Townie would be panicking this hard over a pending lynch. That and the possible information gain are my main reasons for the vote.
Nothing was happening apart from a lynch slowly moving in my direction. I made like five posts in a row because the rest of town was silent for almost a half an hour.

I tried to get a lot of stuff done while I still had time. I corrected old posts that were quoted and posted the reads I had while going back in the thread trying to do more. I mentioned Kawl a couple of times because I had complete null read in him.

There were some weird mistakes I made. It looks like I wrote "fight me" to squid when that line was supposed to be above the quote and replying to Splinter. I never realized it, but found it weird that Splinter never replied and thought squid's "wut" was in reply to my town read of Flux.

I figured a scum wouldn't be able to copy that behavior and any time I've seen scum caught they've usually backed down (almost turning passive) or made crazy counter claims against someone else. A slow lynch of a townie like that is usually the worst in a game because it tells town almost nothing while scum can calmly spread their votes. Sorian actually started scum reading me in the gossip for doubting the Razmos lynch. I was quite inactive that day phase, but what I saw reminded me of Rest DR, Trigger NV, Daylighter NV etc.

I've been a lot lazier today for reasons I can't quite understand. I think it's because I don't see a clear way forward or someone who's obviously scum (or town for that matter) and it's been quite inevitable that I'd be lynched today. I've tried prodding people whom u weren't clear of like Ouro (avoiding attention, but also busy), Droplet (kind of, I leaned town after our interaction), Splinter and now squidyj. Nothing has come out close to conclusive though.
10 minutes left, thieves :D


Ty4on (5)
Droplet .666 .673
*Splinter .717
redhood56 .809 .903
Royal_Flush .840
Karu .842
Kawl_USC .852
Sawneeks .933

CrimsonFist (4)
FluxWaveZ .624
redhood56 .903
CornBurrito .913
squidyj .925

FluxWaveZ (2)
CrimsonFist .670 .793
CornBurrito .694 .913
CrimsonFist .862
Ourobolus .921

squidyj (1)
Ty4on .897

redhood56 (0)
CrimsonFist .793 .862

Ourobolus (0)
squidyj .770 .925

*Splinter (0)
Ourobolus .826 .921

CornBurrito (0)
Droplet .792 .931
Sawneeks .795 .933

No active vote for Day 2:
Droplet (has previously voted)

Day 2 ends:

7 votes for majority
I have to admit, I'm a little annoyed that it's seemed like I was scum in several people's eyes right from the start, simply because I was last time and got away with it. I won't deny that my playstyle is quite cautious, and I don't like taking hard stances if I don't feel confident in them, but considering that I've only had one game before in which I was scum, there hasn't actually been a game in which I was confirmed town for people to compare my scum playstyle too.

I feel like Flux also downplayed a couple of points which don't fit his narrative, such as the fact that I have been taking a hard stance for most of today, and my flipping at the end of yesterday.


I've tried prodding people whom u weren't clear of like Ouro (avoiding attention, but also busy), Droplet (kind of, I leaned town after our interaction), Splinter and now squidyj. Nothing has come out close to conclusive though.


Why can't that be autocorrected when every name is?


I feel like Flux also downplayed a couple of points which don't fit his narrative, such as the fact that I have been taking a hard stance for most of today, and my flipping at the end of yesterday.

Which leads us to the end of Day 1. There's no connection between Ty4on and CrimsonFist, but of course, CrimsonFist had to switch his vote at the last minute when Ty4on was about to get lynched to Mazre because "he didn't want a tie." I could post more about why I think that excuse is BS, but that might be enough for this post.
I was about to post another "Key Word," but the end of the Day encroaches and I wouldn't have the time to hammer it out. Should have just pre-typed it.

And your hard stance for most of today has been on me, which I address multiple times.



Not that this matters at the time, considering we're 30 minutes away from the end and Corn is like, nowhere near the lead, but we've been pretty inactive as a whole and I probably shouldn't be having my vote on the one person encouraging activity.

No vote for the end of today? Huh.
You tried to reason with them. You tried to show them that you have always been one with the crew and that you would never betray your own brothers and sisters. You tried.

They weren’t listening. They were probably thinking about food and shiny objects and maybe, deep-seated personal fears. It didn’t matter now, the glee had sunk into their eyes as every one of you sensed the incoming dark of the tunnel.

A thief piped up shrilly, “It’s him! It had to be him! Just look at what he’s wearing!”

You were shocked at this accusation. “Me? What about what YOU are wearing!”

“At least none of us is using gasoline as cologne. You…. You try-hard!”

Someone overexcited interjected, “A cheap tactic! Abhorrent! Dim! Extremely overcompensating! Take him down before he said any further lies!”

“Wait! Wait!” You shouted, desperately. “I have a few things to say!”

They paused only to bark at you. “WHAT?! AT THE LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE?!”

It was the final nail in your coffin. You could sense the fury and the chaos in their eyes. They lit their torches and they approached you with irrational anger.


You were burned alive.

Ty4on has been removed from the train.

Welcome Ty4on!

You are A THIEF WITH HONOR. You are aligned with THE CREW.

You have always been a professional with principles and you stick by your people, through thick and thin. You hardly can believe it that some of your pals are actually considering killing you in the name of money and personal gain. The crew was sacred, is it not? After all, you risked everything together! How could they do this to you?! You will not let them get away with it.

You have the power to VOTE out a fellow passenger off the train during Day Phases with the command, Vote: <Player’s Name>.

Your train can be found here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1158386

Good luck!

You win when you’ve eliminated ALL TRAITORS.

“Something smells good! Are we having a barbeque?” The Client piped up.

Each person’s share is now: 1.25 INTERNET BILLION DOLLARS

Emerging from Tunnel in:

Enjoy your holiday and the break from killing each other :D. The train resumes 26 Dec!

Night 2 Begins


Ty4on (5)
Droplet .666 .673
*Splinter .717
redhood56 .809 .903
Royal_Flush .840
Karu .842
Kawl_USC .852
Sawneeks .933

CrimsonFist (4)
FluxWaveZ .624
redhood56 .903
CornBurrito .913
squidyj .925

FluxWaveZ (2)
CrimsonFist .670 .793
CornBurrito .694 .913
CrimsonFist .862
Ourobolus .921

squidyj (1)
Ty4on .897

redhood56 (0)
CrimsonFist .793 .862

Ourobolus (0)
squidyj .770 .925

*Splinter (0)
Ourobolus .826 .921

CornBurrito (0)
Droplet .792 .931
Sawneeks .795 .933

No active vote for Day 2:
Droplet (has previously voted)

Now emerging from Tunnel!

You felt the rush of Wi-Fi connectivity rushed back into your consciousness. Aah, it had been insufferable not to be able to move or refresh any browser during Tunnel Time. You are glad to be back!

Kawl_USC&#8217;s remains greeted you grimly, sagging where he had been sitting before the train had entered the tunnel. He had been a good member to the crew, often under-appreciated and occasionally forgotten altogether, but he was one with always the best of intentions. You stood still, observing his now ruined body and you wondered if you had ever liked him or not. You couldn&#8217;t quite make up your mind. He was always going on about what a mistake it had been to trust a crustacean entity and though it was amusing at times, you also remembered the time that you were aggravated that you hadn&#8217;t come up with those antics first yourself.

Whoever had done him in had probably felt the same way. As a result, Kawl_USC had his head crushed in with some blunt object.


Kawl_USC has been removed from the train.

Welcome Kawl_USC!

You are A THIEF WITH HONOR. You are aligned with THE CREW.

You have always been a professional with principles and you stick by your people, through thick and thin. You hardly can believe it that some of your pals are actually considering killing you in the name of money and personal gain. The crew was sacred, is it not? After all, you risked everything together! How could they do this to you?! You will not let them get away with it.

You have the power to VOTE out a fellow passenger off the train during Day Phases with the command, Vote: <Player&#8217;s Name>.

Your train can be found here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1158386

Good luck!

You win when you&#8217;ve eliminated ALL TRAITORS.

&#8220;Wasn&#8217;t he a fresh graduate from that posh magical school in England? He was very eager to come on board the train, too! Shame on you, traitorous thieves. Shame!&#8221;

Each person&#8217;s share is now: 1.4 INTERNET BILLION DOLLARS

Tunnel approaching in:

Day 3 Begins

Passengers Remaining:

  1. *Splinter
  2. CornBurrito
  3. CrimsonFist
  4. Droplet
  5. FluxWaveZ
  6. Karu
  7. Ourobolus
  8. redhood56
  9. Royal_Flush
  10. Sawneeks
  11. squidyj

6 to achieve majority


Peace out, Kawl.

Alright, for the rest still alive, can we stop messing around here? I knew Ty4on was going to be town. I know CrimsonFist is a Traitor.

Vote: CrimsonFist

My first and final vote of Day 3. Nothing personal, Crimson, but I know you're scum and, somehow, everyone else doesn't.
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