always chasing the next thrill
Your lossIts a complete joke how they just completely stopped giving a shit about graphics. Havent played a Nintendo game since Gamecube because of it.
Your lossIts a complete joke how they just completely stopped giving a shit about graphics. Havent played a Nintendo game since Gamecube because of it.
Dont feel that way. I don't support their "fuck graphics" viewpoint. It's insulting to artists.Your loss
Switch sold 100 million because a hybrid sounded cool as hell. N64, Gamecube, and Wii U were all hardware comparable to the competition and they all sold miserably compared to them. People don't buy high end Nintendo consoles so why Nintendo should Nintendo even bother?Imagine if Nintendo was part of the graphics race again with the other two companies.
I know part of their success is that they do lower end tech stuff but as a consumer, I really want them to be neck and neck with the other two again. Otherwise, I’ll always be imagining what could have been.
I think it looks horrible but people get hard-ons by reading “ray-tracing”.Unlocking framerate, and increasing resolution is one thing, but isn't adding raytracing into the game which originally didn't had it, well...
Modding, and therefore different from how authors envisioned it?
And they're my favourite developer by far. With what Monolith Soft or the Zelda/Mario teams can achieve on Switch hardware, they'd be able to do far more with extra ram, storage space, better networking, better audio, etc.Their games *do* shine. If you think they need pretty graphics to “truly shine” then I think you may be the loser here.
That's not their viewpoint at all. They are actually supporting a "your games everywhere, for everyone, at an affordable price" viewpoint. And yes, not buying a Nintendo system IS your loss since they have some of the best, most fun, games on the market.Dont feel that way. I don't support their "fuck graphics" viewpoint. It's insulting to artists.
It's not because it "sounded" cool as hell, it is cool as hell. It's still the system I prefer the most even though I always have all the systems (sold my PS5 awhile ago, but I'll get another one soonish I think). The reason? Fun and flexibility.Switch sold 100 million because a hybrid sounded cool as hell. N64, Gamecube, and Wii U were all hardware comparable to the competition and they all sold miserably compared to them. People don't buy high end Nintendo consoles so why Nintendo should Nintendo even bother?
The chip for the new model already exists ("DANE" - 6-8x CPU/4xGPU/4xRAM/4xMemBandwidth+DLSS). It's just up to Nintendo to decide when it releases. It has more likely slipped to 2023 because of covid and the chip shortage it caused. It will launch with BotW 2 in either November 2022 or March 2023 imo.The words of a loser.
He who quits a race before it's begun has lost more than a race.
I don't care about Nintendo being competitive with Sony or MS, but at least put in the extra effort to help make the talented teams there truly shine. Most of my favourite games have been from Nintendo, and I'm looking forward to what might be on the horizon for them more than any other company, but it'd be nice to see some effort; the absolute best possible for their price range.
low price
Imagine if Nintendo was part of the graphics race again with the other two companies.
I get what you're coming from, but video games are both about the visual presentation and the interactive mechanics.
Videos games need both graphics and gameplay, it's literally in the name of the medium.
Admittedly, there are some of us that lean into extremes in either direction due to bias and preference.
You have the so called graphics whores that put visuals above all else, often to the detriment of engaging game design or performance.
You also have the "graphics don't matter" crowd that put gameplay above all else, often to detriment of interesting visual presentation or good image quality.
Imo both play vital roles in the overall experience. It's about finding a balance, and that balance will not always the same for every single game.
Nintendo games are not exempt from this simply because they often have heavily styled art directions. Neither is this exclusive to games with photorealistic visuals.
Good visual presentation + image quality = pretty graphics.
And they're my favourite developer by far. With what Monolith Soft or the Zelda/Mario teams can achieve on Switch hardware, they'd be able to do far more with extra ram, storage space, better networking, better audio, etc.
Better hardware is about more than just pushing more triangles, or pumping out pretty shaders; better hardware opens doors for new gameplay possibilities, and with Nintendos talent, it would put them clearly on top.
Series S is cheaper than a switch but much more powerful.It's not going to officially be like this anytime soon.
Nintendo, after being a business, also want games to be available to many people. Cheap consoles do that, Sure the games are expensive, but considering people but so few and Nintendo ones have a lot of playtime, that's not much of an issue compared to the PCs you need to pay at this level.
The latest cutting edge UE5 tech demo made specifically to show off graphics looks better than a Switch game? You don't saySorry but Horizon on OG PS4 looks way better than this. And after Matrix, it's hard to be impressed by this.
Tell that to whoever decided to put cloud versions of KH on Switch.That's not their viewpoint at all. They are actually supporting a "your games everywhere, for everyone, at an affordable price" viewpoint. And yes, not buying a Nintendo system IS your loss since they have some of the best, most fun, games on the market.
It's not because it "sounded" cool as hell, it is cool as hell. It's still the system I prefer the most even though I always have all the systems (sold my PS5 awhile ago, but I'll get another one soonish I think). The reason? Fun and flexibility.
What's funny is a few Xbox-only people (you know who you are) around here talk about how X-cloud is the future and all this ... well I have GP Ultimate. I can do X-Cloud on my devices. It's a cool tech demo but for playing games it sucks. It is not the future, and the primary reason is physics (there will always be some noticeable inherent lag, even in the best scenarios), and ergonomics. I mean forget trying to play the games that rely on onscreen touch controls, a setup that has proven to be inferior since the advent of mobile gaming. And that's not going to change, ever. But this is what MS is un-ironically trying to sell to people to use X-cloud on the go.
I mean ... that is just never going to be a thing. It might appeal to a tiny, tiny contingent of Xbox gamers but you're never going to see more people doing this on a subway or a bus than playing a Switch or just doing something on their mobile device. That setup is awful.
That's why the Switch dominates sales. It's simple. It's ergonomic. It's flexible. It's massively fun. Microsoft's strategy with Xbox and gaming on the go with Cloud is, so far, absolutely none of these things. You need multiple devices. It's clunky. Streaming is inferior, and just to reach this state of inferior you need a good connection where your gaming will devour your data plan. Again, it's the kind of thing where tech nerds think it's cool, but everyone else looks at it and goes "no way." And tech nerds don't even get why it's not going to succeed because they just see the novelty of the tech and think "Yeah, this is what's next!" Meanwhile this kind of complexity is just not something the average public wants in their life. Despite being way behind in graphics tech, the Switch is actually way ahead in things that matter to most consumers which is, like I said, simplicity, ease of use and fun. it already accomplishes everything MS is trying to do with their setup in an easier and better way. Want to play it on the go? You have a slime tablet form factor dedicated to doing so. Want to use it as a console? Pop the same device into the provided dock and pick up your pro controller. Boom. That's the entire thing. Dead simple. No data plans, no burning the battery on your personal mobile device. No monthly subs.
I know if a certain group of posters read this I'll get the typical "laugh" emoji response they like to use. But no big deal. Sales numbers prove my point. And if Nintendo releases a Switch 2 with much higher graphics capability, then the gulf in graphics between the Switch platform and the rest of the consoles will matter even less.
Bottom line? The Switch sells the most because it's an awesome device that more people on the planet want than the competition, for all the aforementioned reasons. And one of those reasons is the fact it's a hybrid.
Too busy selling $60 cardboard kits and other novelty items with high profit margins. They'll probably re-release BOTW a bunch of times on future hardware and it probably still won't look or perform as well as a current day emulator.Imagine if Nintendo was part of the graphics race again with the other two companies.
I know part of their success is that they do lower end tech stuff but as a consumer, I really want them to be neck and neck with the other two again. Otherwise, I’ll always be imagining what could have been.
Why can't you be like her, Switch?!
I agree but I also wonder if the games would be as good if they focused more on graphics, I’m thinking they’re currently pushing every other aspect as far as they can since the know they can’t compete in graphics. At launch BOTW made Horizon Zero Dawn seem ancient, HZD looked pretty but lacked the world interactions and possibilities BOTW had.Imagine if Nintendo was part of the graphics race again with the other two companies.
I know part of their success is that they do lower end tech stuff but as a consumer, I really want them to be neck and neck with the other two again. Otherwise, I’ll always be imagining what could have been.
I'm not a big fan of multiplayer myself, much prefer single player, but networking extends to a lot of things. Streetpass and Miiverse are great examples.I would agree with you if you change the term graphics to art direction in your post. A good art direction doesn't need high end graphical fidelity. Look at DUSK. Look at Ion Fury. Look at SKALD. All fantastic games with strong art directions and excellent gameplay. When you put too much focus on "high end graphics" to the detriment of all else, you get a very pretty game that is immediately replaced a few months later when the next big "Graphical Powerhouse" releases.
Ah, ok. I see where you are coming from. I definitely would love to see what they can do with the speed of an SSD or a much more powerful processor. I don't think, however, that a high end GPU is required. Also Networking? What do you mean by that? Do you mean constantly having online connections to enforce some sort of MP/Shared online world? If so I would argue that is a detriment more often than not and causes games to become immediately dated a short while after its release.
A defeatist attitude is not praiseworthy, in any walk of life. I would say Nintendo have done well in spite of those words, not because of them.Loser that made Nintendo get to the top by using their brains, not brute force.
Unfortunately a lot of big corporations have this mentality that "more" equals "better", which is why both Sony and Microsoft struggle even though they have "more" than Nintendo.
they haven't fixed the frame pace still
I'll just whip out a Series S on the train...Series S is cheaper than a switch but much more powerful.
No, Nintendo aren't about putting out cheap consoles, they're about raking in as much money as possible.
Game RhombusWe need a Gamecube 2.
Although, it's pretty impressive what they manage to squeez out in terms of graphics from their weak systems.Dont feel that way. I don't support their "fuck graphics" viewpoint. It's insulting to artists.
I don't know how much truth is behind the idea, but if the amount of time and energy and a developer can put into graphical strength and gameplay development is a zero-sum game, I will pick the latter all the time. And if that is the reason for Nintendo's games falling behind competitors graphically, I will gladly pay that price if it gets us games like Breath of the Wild.