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Hero Academy |OT| free iPhone MP strategy game from Orcs Must Die/Age of Empires devs

The elves do feel a bit underpowered. The keys to them are that the Necros have a 3-square attack range which is really handy. It's also nice because you can remote-stomp corpses by turning them into Phantoms (which are useless, but at least making them prevents the corpse from being rez'd). Also the Priestess has a negative buff affect with her attack. She's much more of an attack unit than the human healer is.

Also, the wraith is unstoppable once it eats a few corpses. If you have it in your dock and have a couple of your own corpses out, drop it and eat your own dudes to power it up on turn 1.

And the archer IS overpowered. She deals more damage than any other unit (base is 300) and if you put a sword on her she's a death-dealer in that she can deal 400 damage base AT RANGE. Totally not fair. The elves have no answer to that. If any unit is going to deal 300 damage base it should be the Knight since he knocks units back and as such can't continue to attack without moving in most cases.
Yea I've realized the elves don't really have much to take care of fully upgraded Knights. And the damn melee elf "tanks" are way too weak to do anything useful.


Yea I've realized the elves don't really have much to take care of fully upgraded Knights. And the damn melee elf "tanks" are way too weak to do anything useful.

But an upgraded Wraith is pretty much the ultimate tank, it practically can't be stopped. It has like 1300 HP with all equipment and 600 base power.
But an upgraded Wraith is pretty much the ultimate tank, it practically can't be stopped. It has like 1300 HP with all equipment and 600 base power.

Truee, forgot about that. Even though it was in the quote I responded to. Haha. I've never successfully used a wraith though...


Truee, forgot about that. Even though it was in the quote I responded to. Haha. I've never successfully used a wraith though...

Eating your own team's corpses instead of rezzing seems to be worth it sometimes. Though obviously only do this if they don't have any items or there's no way for you to rez them during the turn.

Observation: Necro's being able to remote stomp corpses is crazy useful.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I won my first match by forgetting I had a match in progress, and having my opponent quit in frustration. I am the king.


I'm a bit confused as to how I can take down a knight with full armor and upgraded weapons as an elf player, especially if he's got a healer right behind him. (Outside of a beefed up wraith)

Sotha Sil

I'm a bit confused as to how I can take down a knight with full armor and upgraded weapons as an elf player, especially if he's got a healer right behind him. (Outside of a beefed up wraith)
Well, scroll+lancer can do the trick, but it's generally easier to target other units instead. They aren't much of a threat once the healers are gone!


Fuck this game, and its asynchronous multiplayer... How hard would it be to put some AI for this?!

this is the new market man. the phone game market.
in order to release a game that's free or 2 bucks, unnecessary things need to be cut. like a campaign mode.

Well, scroll+lancer can do the trick, but it's generally easier to target other units instead. They aren't much of a threat once the healers are gone!

ya, i don't find knights to be all that useful aside from being a damage sponge. their push attack makes good support, but isn't that good for killing off enemies and it's even weaker than the archers! melee doing less damage than ranged??

so what's the better win strategy? crystal destruction or routing?
To everyone I'm in a game with right now, sorry I haven't made a move in a few days. My iPod charger stopped working, and I'm waiting for my new one to arrive
What's the problem with asynchronous multiplayer? With a ton of GAF and Dev games going I am literally never without a match.

Unless you just want to sit down and play for a few hours in which case can't you play with randoms?

Also, sorry I've been slow on my games lately (KidInsomnia). Work's been cray.


God damn this game is frustrating, playing against someone called 'Spaceman74' right now and was bombarded with the crappiest items right near the start of the game, constantly getting knights and shields - I went around 10 turns without a single healer, or someone who could deal damage ie ninja/archer :(


God damn this game is frustrating, playing against someone called 'Spaceman74' right now and was bombarded with the crappiest items right near the start of the game, constantly getting knights and shields - I went around 10 turns without a single healer, or someone who could deal damage ie ninja/archer :(

This is why you swap items in the early game.
Discovered this game this weekend....
On my third iPhone since the launch of the original and no handheld game has managed to distract me from my consoles/PC until this.

Username in game is 'Flit' if anyone wants to add me


this is the new market man. the phone game market.
in order to release a game that's free or 2 bucks, unnecessary things need to be cut. like a campaign mode.

ya, i don't find knights to be all that useful aside from being a damage sponge. their push attack makes good support, but isn't that good for killing off enemies and it's even weaker than the archers! melee doing less damage than ranged??

so what's the better win strategy? crystal destruction or routing?

I use the knight to push the enemy unit away from the crystal so I can attack it. Also, because they take so much damage, they're great to get into position for a ninja transport.


I didn't even know about this OT! Nice.

I've been playinf this for about a week now. I'm getting better, but it's still not easy too learn.
Some guy I'm playing has been using the wraith to take out my units, and I've been shiciding them to take out his crystals. Gonna have to kill that thing to stand a chance at winning.


Some guy I'm playing has been using the wraith to take out my units, and I've been shiciding them to take out his crystals. Gonna have to kill that thing to stand a chance at winning.

I have come the conclusion that a fully upgraded wraith is too powerful. I do not think I have lost a game where I have managed to upgrade the wraith. A possible solution might be to decrease move distance for the wraith by one square. It is just too easy to kill, eat a corpse, and then return to the safety of your side of the board.


I have come the conclusion that a fully upgraded wraith is too powerful. I do not think I have lost a game where I have managed to upgrade the wraith. A possible solution might be to decrease move distance for the wraith by one square. It is just too easy to kill, eat a corpse, and then return to the safety of your side of the board.

no fucking shit! I can't do a damn thing in this game


Very slowly playing my first game with a random a couple of days ago. So far I'm not really feeling it. Maybe I need a battle with less than 8 hours per turn.

I find it weird that I can't invite my Game Center friends directly. I have no ideal what people's usernames are, or indeed what my username is.


Very slowly playing my first game with a random a couple of days ago. So far I'm not really feeling it. Maybe I need a battle with less than 8 hours per turn.

i'd say start up another game or so. i had the most fun the one time i was alternating between 2 games in rapid succession. really got me into the game that way.


Is there a timer on how many days can go by without you making a move before you forfeit? I have two games where my opponents haven't made a move in two weeks now and it's kind of annoying.


Longtime lurker checking in here.

UN: Tangerous

Please add me. I've enjoyed many matches against several of the players here!

Sotha Sil

Looking for a good player to add some challenge to the whole experience. The randoms all suck. Feel free to add me (sothaSil)!


Neo Member
I'm loving seeing the different tactics people are developing, and also seeing people make good use out of the dark elves team more and more.
Proxii #addname


The more I play this game the more I think it could be so much better than it currently is.

As it is right now your units don't actually help each other out that much. Sure, the healers heal and rez, but beyond that a unit standing by itself is actually more advantageous in a lot of cases since it can't get chain lightninged or hit by an area attack. Theoretically you want your tank units to protect your fragile damage dealers, but there is really no way to do that currently since enemy units can just waltz right past the tank (or even directly through their square) with no fear. At least they block ranged attack from hitting units directly behind them.

Most turns boil down to either popping out more units/items and positioning or using exactly one unit to do as much burst damage as possible to kill one enemy unit and then deciding whether you want to retreat back to a spot that should theoretically be safe, sacrifice your unit to stomp the corpse, or use an item (or a necromancer) to stomp the corpse from range.

You win by trading units for units that are more valuable (ie have more items equipped) and/or exploiting your super unit better than the opponent. Once you get a lead by doing that you can start plinking away at the crystal if you want. If you get behind there is pretty much no way to get back into the game unless the opponent starts throwing units away.

Maybe I'm just not looking at it in the right way or something. I'd love to hear other opinions.


Neo Member
The more I play this game the more I think it could be so much better than it currently is.

As it is right now your units don't actually help each other out that much. Sure, the healers heal and rez, but beyond that a unit standing by itself is actually more advantageous in a lot of cases since it can't get chain lightninged or hit by an area attack. Theoretically you want your tank units to protect your fragile damage dealers, but there is really no way to do that currently since enemy units can just waltz right past the tank (or even directly through their square) with no fear. At least they block ranged attack from hitting units directly behind them.

Most turns boil down to either popping out more units/items and positioning or using exactly one unit to do as much burst damage as possible to kill one enemy unit and then deciding whether you want to retreat back to a spot that should theoretically be safe, sacrifice your unit to stomp the corpse, or use an item (or a necromancer) to stomp the corpse from range.

You win by trading units for units that are more valuable (ie have more items equipped) and/or exploiting your super unit better than the opponent. Once you get a lead by doing that you can start plinking away at the crystal if you want. If you get behind there is pretty much no way to get back into the game unless the opponent starts throwing units away.

Maybe I'm just not looking at it in the right way or something. I'd love to hear other opinions.

I'm quite appreciative of the simplicity of character abilities, so would be wary of system-wide design changes. That said, I think what you describe can be achieved in releasing more teams with new abilities and different trade-offs. For example, a tank-like character that absorbs some of the damage taken by adjacent teammates, or a buffing character that imbues improvements on a characters nearby.


The more I play this game the more I think it could be so much better than it currently is.

As it is right now your units don't actually help each other out that much. Sure, the healers heal and rez, but beyond that a unit standing by itself is actually more advantageous in a lot of cases since it can't get chain lightninged or hit by an area attack. Theoretically you want your tank units to protect your fragile damage dealers, but there is really no way to do that currently since enemy units can just waltz right past the tank (or even directly through their square) with no fear. At least they block ranged attack from hitting units directly behind them.

Most turns boil down to either popping out more units/items and positioning or using exactly one unit to do as much burst damage as possible to kill one enemy unit and then deciding whether you want to retreat back to a spot that should theoretically be safe, sacrifice your unit to stomp the corpse, or use an item (or a necromancer) to stomp the corpse from range.

You win by trading units for units that are more valuable (ie have more items equipped) and/or exploiting your super unit better than the opponent. Once you get a lead by doing that you can start plinking away at the crystal if you want. If you get behind there is pretty much no way to get back into the game unless the opponent starts throwing units away.

Maybe I'm just not looking at it in the right way or something. I'd love to hear other opinions.
I think that knights are pretty effective tanks once fully upgraded, with a healer behind them they can last a while as long as a scroll is not used on them and they avoid the attack bonus square. I think your issue with the units not supporting each other is the style of the Council. They seem much more brute force than the elves. The elves have some interesting ways they can support each other. The Priestess has the debuff built into her attack which can come in handy, the wraith is IMO the best all around unit in the game, using the creatures from the Necromancer as meat shields is a great way to move up the board and using the Impaler with a Monk is a great way to get to a healer if they are hiding behind a unit. It seems the developers are taking notes so I'll be interested to see the changes they make in the first update.
Two things this game really needs:

a) undo one step at a time.
b) replay enemy's turn. I keep missing it and then I'm not totally sure what happened.
What's the general rule you follow for rematch? If desired, should the loser initiate it or the winner? If they both do, you have 2 games.

I'm on a losing streak and don't feel like the loser should initiate a rematch as the winner may feel they already beat that guy. So I haven't been asking for rematches.


Would love to play some people while I'm at work tonight so add me or start up a match.

ID: Mega-Ridley
I just started playing this and I'm surprised, given all the initial excitement, to find the base ruleset and units to be pretty flawed. It looks like some people in this thread are starting to notice, too.

Just at a high level, it's frustrating that your items and units on a given turn are completely random. I'd prefer an advance wars-like system where you earn $ to buy units. Question: do they come out of a static deck that is just shuffled? Or can one team just get lucky and get lots of good units?

It also seems like much of this game is just about throwing units toward the center without many strategic options available. I think the small board size and static layout of the board contribute to this.

I don't know. Each game feels like a stalemate almost from the start. I really want a great asynchronous ios strategy game, but maybe this just isn't the one for me.


I just started playing this and I'm surprised, given all the initial excitement, to find the base ruleset and units to be pretty flawed. It looks like some people in this thread are starting to notice, too.

Just at a high level, it's frustrating that your items and units on a given turn are completely random. I'd prefer an advance wars-like system where you earn $ to buy units. Question: do they come out of a static deck that is just shuffled? Or can one team just get lucky and get lots of good units?

It also seems like much of this game is just about throwing units toward the center without many strategic options available. I think the small board size and static layout of the board contribute to this.

I don't know. Each game feels like a stalemate almost from the start. I really want a great asynchronous ios strategy game, but maybe this just isn't the one for me.

I like to think that the "draw" system makes it similar to a Trading Card Game. The main reason (I'm assuming) that it exists is to make each match different. Otherwise, with boards this small, games will quickly devolve into the "right" way to play and matches will have very little variety. I have been stung by bad "draws" before but I've never been absolutely beaten because of it.

Folks who dislike the game are also likely discounting the importance of putting pressure on your opponent by attacking their crystals. This component alone dramatically expands the strategy because you aren't necessarily guaranteed a win by having superior forces (A lesson I credit to Mr. Ninjaman as he almost beat me despite me wiping out almost all of his forces. He got my crystal health down to 1% before losing his last soldier. I consider that game a loss on my part.)


Neo Member
Question: do they come out of a static deck that is just shuffled? Or can one team just get lucky and get lots of good units?

Someone asked that on the HA Facebook page and the dev confirmed it's a standard deck (so theoretically you can card count).


I'm still enjoying the game a lot, loving the asynchronous gameplay, I think it's the feature that keeps me playing.

Again, if you want to play with me, my nick is jako.


If devs are reading the dark elf item - shield with green thing in the middle is totally useless and you are screwed when you have like 3 or 4 of those in your inventory. It increases power of soul stealing or whatever right? Maybe it would be worth using if it made the character auto-resurrect as one of the weak ghost things upon dying.

Game seems to be balanced better than some of you are saying, luck of the draw is part of the deal with games like this.


If devs are reading the dark elf item - shield with green thing in the middle is totally useless and you are screwed when you have like 3 or 4 of those in your inventory. It increases power of soul stealing or whatever right? Maybe it would be worth using if it made the character auto-resurrect as one of the weak ghost things upon dying.

Game seems to be balanced better than some of you are saying, luck of the draw is part of the deal with games like this.

I actually find it pretty useful, since more life-leech often means less turns spent healing your units with the witch.


I actually find it pretty useful, since more life-leech often means less turns spent healing your units with the witch.

I thought it only raised the amount they get from like 15 to 30 or something like that, or am I thinking about the wrong thing (the green bomb thing is what I thought it was doubling, not attack based leeching)


I thought it only raised the amount they get from like 15 to 30 or something like that, or am I thinking about the wrong thing (the green bomb thing is what I thought it was doubling, not attack based leeching)

I'm pretty sure it doubles the life leech from attacks
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