The more I play this game the more I think it could be so much better than it currently is.
As it is right now your units don't actually help each other out that much. Sure, the healers heal and rez, but beyond that a unit standing by itself is actually more advantageous in a lot of cases since it can't get chain lightninged or hit by an area attack. Theoretically you want your tank units to protect your fragile damage dealers, but there is really no way to do that currently since enemy units can just waltz right past the tank (or even directly through their square) with no fear. At least they block ranged attack from hitting units directly behind them.
Most turns boil down to either popping out more units/items and positioning or using exactly one unit to do as much burst damage as possible to kill one enemy unit and then deciding whether you want to retreat back to a spot that should theoretically be safe, sacrifice your unit to stomp the corpse, or use an item (or a necromancer) to stomp the corpse from range.
You win by trading units for units that are more valuable (ie have more items equipped) and/or exploiting your super unit better than the opponent. Once you get a lead by doing that you can start plinking away at the crystal if you want. If you get behind there is pretty much no way to get back into the game unless the opponent starts throwing units away.
Maybe I'm just not looking at it in the right way or something. I'd love to hear other opinions.