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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Andro, Shaman and Pharaoh are easily my 3 favorites.

Nether swap just has a fucking million and one uses it's beyond good. A year and a half later and people still tunnel vision creep dive Shaman for kills only to eat massive heal bombs and die horribly. And I just find Pharaoh extremely rewarding to play - especially bloodlusting all those dead eye/hollowpoint Flint players.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Are you mint or azuki or what.


Azuki is what my brothers name was, but he stopped playing so I just started using that name:p my valenti will never make it to non leaver status lol

Are you still playing lol?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm going to play HoN some more now, sick of LoL.

Tried kraken last night, he's awesome but he lost some of his game-changing presence without his old ult.

Targeted tempest ult is ace though.


valenti said:

If anyone wants to hear what immortal sounds like

Doesn't sound as awesome as I was hoping. Something I will probably not achieve for a while though :lol
valenti said:

Yes he is..although I'm probably going tio change my strategy on him..trying tio blink and use the second skull is really difficult lol

Kraken doesn't need portal key, at all. I usually get power supply, blood chalice, steamboots, and shruken or frostburn, depending on who I'm up against. If the game goes on long enough or I'm getting good farm, Demonic Breastplate.


valenti said:

If anyone wants to hear what immortal sounds like

I lol'd at Chronos rewinding 3 of your 4 moonfinale's.

RNG affecting any skill like that in such a significant way is just not fun. RNG in general should not be a major factor in any skill. Same with blacksmith. Dying to 4x multicasts is actually anti-fun, just like losing kills to Chronos rewinding 3 moonbeams in a row isn't fun. It's not like you have any say in the matter or can in any way prepare, you just get left to the mercy of the RNG and go from there.

Get rid of/rework any RNG dependent skill tbh.
Chronos just needs a nerf, period. I've seen Chronos take a team on by his damn self. We're talking a team of FED AS HELL carries too, but he took them all out without so much as breaking a sweat. And this wasn't due to bad play on the other side, Chronos is just too good. My one major complaint with this game right now is that carries are maybe TOO GOOD at their job. Once you hit a certain point in time in the game, any hero other than a carry becomes next to useless unless they have a stun or disable.


Pinko Marx said:
Chronos just needs a nerf, period. I've seen Chronos take a team on by his damn self. We're talking a team of FED AS HELL carries too, but he took them all out without so much as breaking a sweat. And this wasn't due to bad play on the other side, Chronos is just too good. My one major complaint with this game right now is that carries are maybe TOO GOOD at their job. Once you hit a certain point in time in the game, any hero other than a carry becomes next to useless unless they have a stun or disable.

I don't really agree with this opinion.

If your allowing a carry to farm anything, your doing it wrong. Applying constant pressure and having good early lane presence nullifies Chronos completely, unless your allowing him to Hat Trick / Double tap in early team fights. He's almost complete shit Pre 10 / MoM.

Heroes like Witch Slayer / Pollywog Priest / Vindicator / Demented Shaman / Doctor Repulsor / Wretched Hag ( Bolds for Emphasis ), are far more OP in the late game then Chronos simply due to the insane utility they provide.

Also Thunderbringer with Imp Ult / Refresher is easily one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Don't you touch my multicasts :mad:

Multicast kills are some of the most rage inducing kills in the game.
Heroes like Witch Slayer / Pollywog Priest / Vindicator / Demented Shaman / Doctor Repulsor / Wretched Hag ( Bolds for Emphasis ), are far more OP in the late game then Chronos simply due to the insane utility they provide.
No, I think you got that backwards. Combat casters reach their peak dps/level much sooner than agi carries. The longer the game is, the more their DPS falls behind. Eventually all they have left is whatever utility skills they have.

Vindicator is the exception but he's designed as a combat int hero, not a caster int hero. And he needs just as much farm as agi carries to be effective. Except he doesn't get ASPD from stacking int, he needs another source of ASPD, leaving him pretty damn squishy all game.

I mean look at any game where it's an int heavy team vs agi heavy team. If the former team doesn't try to win as soon as possible, their chances of victory decreases by level 16+ or so, and falls dramatically when people finish their Shrunken Heads.
Sebulon3k said:
I don't really agree with this opinion.

If your allowing a carry to farm anything, your doing it wrong. Applying constant pressure and having good early lane presence nullifies Chronos completely, unless your allowing him to Hat Trick / Double tap in early team fights. He's almost complete shit Pre 10 / MoM.

Heroes like Witch Slayer / Pollywog Priest / Vindicator / Demented Shaman / Doctor Repulsor / Wretched Hag ( Bolds for Emphasis ), are far more OP in the late game then Chronos simply due to the insane utility they provide.

Also Thunderbringer with Imp Ult / Refresher is easily one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen.

Well, first of all, I'm not talking about Chronos specifically with the part of the post you've quoted. War Beast, Zephyr, Chronos, Wild Soul; these are all heroes that are pretty much unstoppable past a certain point in the game. Sure, ganking and aggressive warding and such will hinder them, but the longer the game goes on, the stronger they get, period. If you don't have a carry on your side yourself, once you hit about the 40 minute mark, you might as well concede. The game is just too heavily tilted on the side of carries.

You say combat casters are OP, seriously? Shrunken head/silence makes them nothing but sword fodder for the carry. Once their stun is used up or their mana is gone, they pretty much fall over and die when you so much as tap them.


Halycon said:
Don't you touch my multicasts :mad:

Multicast kills are some of the most rage inducing kills in the game.

No, I think you got that backwards. Combat casters reach their peak dps/level much sooner than agi carries. The longer the game is, the more their DPS falls behind. Eventually all they have left is whatever utility skills they have.

Vindicator is the exception but he's designed as a combat int hero, not a caster int hero. And he needs just as much farm as agi carries to be effective. Except he doesn't get ASPD from stacking int, he needs another source of ASPD, leaving him pretty damn squishy all game.

I mean look at any game where it's an int heavy team vs agi heavy team. If the former team doesn't try to win as soon as possible, their chances of victory decreases by level 16+ or so, and falls dramatically when people finish their Shrunken Heads.

Maybe I didn't articulate my point clear enough :lol

Pretty much you have a hero like Chronos, assuming you let him free farm all game, yes you will have a problem on your hands around 25 minutes or so. However if you control him, early / late early game, his game is essentially done unless you allow him to recover mid game.

The OPness with the carry isn't that they are inherently OP, but that you allowed them to get good farm and start scaling. There are maybe 1 or 2 carries that I'd consider OP and it's not because of the damage that they do, but that they have Utility and Damage. See Engineer / Night Hound / Forsaken Archer / Dark Lady.

Excluding Chronos from that list, because his utility has the potential to backfire miserably by disabling his team as well. Double edged sword, if you will.

Now let's look at a hero like Witch Slayer, TB, DS to an extent, and Hag. They provide early game utility, early game damage, and scale well in the mid game. The only carry that shouldn't have a problem with these heroes is Swift Blade because he has self provided magic immunity ( Except maybe from Ults, not sure on damage ults such as WS / Pyro ). Going into the late game, regardless of if you slowed their farm or not they still maintain that utility and damage, I'm not saying that this is a bad thing as it's a necessary element of the HoN Meta Game.

As for Int Heavy vs Agi Heavy, assuming your not picking poorly, the Int heavy team should win.

A. Devourer , Thunderbringer , Witch Slayer , Glacius , (Insert Hard Carry)

Should win Over

B. Chronos, Madman, Pestilence, Arachna, Nymphora

Every single time, unless your allowing Team B to farm unhindered by Team A.

Assuming equal skill level, above 1600 PSR.

Pinko Marx said:
Well, first of all, I'm not talking about Chronos specifically with the part of the post you've quoted. War Beast, Zephyr, Chronos, Wild Soul; these are all heroes that are pretty much unstoppable past a certain point in the game. Sure, ganking and aggressive warding and such will hinder them, but the longer the game goes on, the stronger they get, period. If you don't have a carry on your side yourself, once you hit about the 40 minute mark, you might as well concede. The game is just too heavily tilted on the side of carries.

You say combat casters are OP, seriously? Shrunken head/silence makes them nothing but sword fodder for the carry. Once their stun is used up or their mana is gone, they pretty much fall over and die when you so much as tap them.

If your doing the job right early game, you can totally negate a carry for the entirety of the game, End of Story. If Chronos has Boots / A Wraith Band at 10 minutes as opposed to Marchers / MoM / A Wraith band it makes a world of difference for the rest of the game. If you let Chronos farm Shrunken head you deserve to lose.

If you don't have a carry on your side, you lost at the title screen. Assuming your not playing AR, pick heroes better. Going 5 Int Heavy, is a terrible idea similarly so is going 5 STR or AGI, you'll lose every time to a more balanced team.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Archie said:
Succubus more like Suckubus. :derp She is SO SHITTY, ugh.
You were Succy?

Succy is amazing.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone works really well once you get Chalice.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Just played with a WB who farmed all game.


Nymph + Chalice = the shit

Holy crap if everyone on your team has chalices and you keep spamming heal and your own chalice.



Halycon said:
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone works really well once you get Chalice.

Low HP Int heroes with no self heal suck with Chalice, the mana return vs HP on heroes like DS / SR is just not worth it in the early game when you'd be farming up chalice.

I've tried it before, but usually it's just asking to be initiated on, unless your dominating the lane.


Second-rate Anihawk
Chalice on Nymph is crazy since you can focus on leveling Zeal and Pod first. She's one of my favorite chars but I *really* need a headset so I can coordinate ganks with her ult.


Second-rate Anihawk
Nah, they showed some WIP pics of the map editor about a month ago but nothing since then. IIRC there is supposed to be a mega patch in the future that includes the map editor, team matchmaking and a new hero.


Lone_Prodigy said:
I hate Wildsoul. I can't micro and he can't do much besides run around and auto-attack. Gah I wish there was a skill I could use.
Recall bear for shits and giggles to boost APM :)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Everytime I come back to HoN after playing LoL I do so badly. My KDR just dipped from 0.7:1 to 0.5:1

Looks like I need another reset. Or just throw this account into the gutters and dick around in 1400s.


Halycon said:
Everytime I come back to HoN after playing LoL I do so badly. My KDR just dipped from 0.7:1 to 0.5:1

Looks like I need another reset. Or just throw this account into the gutters and dick around in 1400s.

There's probably an adjustment that has to be made from the differing playstyles isn't there? Your just getting over that, stick with it!
Halycon said:
Everytime I come back to HoN after playing LoL I do so badly. My KDR just dipped from 0.7:1 to 0.5:1

Looks like I need another reset. Or just throw this account into the gutters and dick around in 1400s.

Or you can do like me and not give two fucks about your KDR.


Halycon said:
Everytime I come back to HoN after playing LoL I do so badly. My KDR just dipped from 0.7:1 to 0.5:1

Looks like I need another reset. Or just throw this account into the gutters and dick around in 1400s.
One thing I can say is..if you're doing bad in your lane, pray that mid is gonna gank for you (having a rune on the other side of river doesnt help either lol)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Pinko Marx said:
Or you can do like me and not give two fucks about your KDR.
It's just a measure of how badly I'm doing.

I play pretty defensively, but if I can die so the carry can survive I usually take that chance. The problem is I'm just dying needless deaths because I'm used to not losing gold on death and I'm trying to redrill it into my head.


Second-rate Anihawk
As long as your KAD is pretty high I wouldn't sweat it. I primarily play support chars and my KDR is only 0.62 (granted, I'm not GOOD at the game by any metric, but I've come to accept that I really don't need a high KDR)


Halycon said:
Everytime I come back to HoN after playing LoL I do so badly. My KDR just dipped from 0.7:1 to 0.5:1

Looks like I need another reset. Or just throw this account into the gutters and dick around in 1400s.

I did this and random'ed Wretched Hag, ended up going 15-2-15 against Arachna, Fayde, Blood Hunter, Predator and Blacksmith. I usually do badly when going from LoL to HoN but Hag is just OP. Don't know why they had such a problem killing me, I'd blink away when being focus'ed and they'd totally forget about me and I'd come back and ult & scream and laugh to the bank. My K/D sits around 1.3 @ 1647 or so PSR, I mostly play AREM.


Archie said:
As long as your KAD is pretty high I wouldn't sweat it. I primarily play support chars and my KDR is only 0.62 (granted, I'm not GOOD at the game by any metric, but I've come to accept that I really don't need a high KDR)

Awesome Glacius man, awesome :(


Got my first games in a couple of months in last night and holy shit I felt rusty. But I'm excited to play under the new balance patches; when I last played, the arma bug was just fucking dominating.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Wow XD

I love getting linkens on Hag because of the extra second they spend burning a chump nuke on the spellshield before they silence/stun is usually enough to blink away.
Macattk15 said:



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Original metagame
EM: Dick around for 50 minutes.
Non-EM: Pick good pusher heroes to get down towers ASAP

Older Metagame
EM: Pick a carry and farm until you're unstoppable
Non-EM: Teamwork and cooperation to bring down towers and push to the rax as early as possible to prevent a recovery

Current Metgagame
EM: Pick a carry and farm until you're unstoppable
Non-EM: Make sure one person picks a carry and help him stay alive until he's unstoppable

Truly, it is as if the EM metagame is what the non-EM metagame ultimately wants to aspire to.


Macattk15 said:
I'm 80% EM, I still kill people quite a bit in non-EM ... I just have more fun farming and stomping people in EM than non-EM.
The truth is, stomping ppl in non em is not as easy
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