whoa how that happen?Procarbine said:Chinese Electric Bannedman
Shout outs to Moody.
whoa how that happen?Procarbine said:Chinese Electric Bannedman
Shout outs to Moody.
how do u thinkMeeru said:whoa how that happen?
Chinese Electric Batman said:Chinese Electric Bannedman
markot said:Hmm... So you cant play v ai in this game >_<?
Dont like being thrown into the deep end so fast >.>
Not really, considering we don't know when the beta is coming or if he will get an invite.Archie said:War3 DotA has an AI map. Of course at this point is is better to just wait for the Dota 2 beta.
There are ports in this game (they can port you to any friendly building). But they cost 135 gold to buy each time.markot said:This game makes Counter strike seem welcoming >_<
Think lol is more my style, hope dota 2 is abit more noob friendly.
So. Instead of porting back you use the monkey? And I dont even know how to pick a class >.>... I just waited till time ran out and got the pyro...
Gaf 1v1 mid for Dota 2.Conceptor said:thanks for the tips Pro, I'll keep all of those in mind. Good to see you're safe and all.
I like the wave of discussion the boots thing brought forth though.. and a gaf 1vs1 mid ladder? sounds fun
Thing is, who even knows whether the beta will have any of the new handholding features Valve says they will be implementing? I'm kind of not counting for those types of features in a beta, unless Valve is further along than we all thought.Archie said:War3 DotA has an AI map. Of course at this point is is better to just wait for the Dota 2 beta.
Not necessarily. Someone just has to figure out a way to match new players against new players, and weed out smurfs. S2's answer to this is horrendous why does s2 drop new players into the 1500s against people who already understand the game? The learning curve itself isn't the problem, it's being put into teams with and against players who are extremely far ahead of you on that curve.FromTheFuture said:Thing is, who even knows whether the beta will have any of the new handholding features Valve says they will be implementing? I'm kind of not counting for those types of features in a beta, unless Valve is further along than we all thought.
It's not just HoN that has a deep learning curve, it's also DotA. No amount of hand holding will remove that entirely, so people need to man up and just dive in if they want to get the hang of it. Otherwise, we'll find out that many people will be wasting the wait for DotA2 when they find what they've been complaining about all along will be present in DotA2.
SC2 has 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 team ladders as well, so yes. For PUG HoN matchmaking just pair up 'bronze' against 'bronze'.Archie said:Would SC2's ladder be feasible in a 5v5 game, though? I haven't played SC2 outside of the demo so I am asking an honest question.
It'll teach you what your skills do, and give you a comfortable place to try heroes, which is more than HoN has ever tried to do.Ikuu said:Pretty sure the SC Ladder doesn't work as well in team games as it does with 1v1, HoN just needs to stop throwing people in at 1500. Also playing AI over and over isn't going to teach you all that much, and you're going to get crushed when you play people.
or watch replays.Ikuu said:Nothing stopping you from going into practice and spawning some heroes to test your skills, still it's one thing playing bots and another playing people.
delirium said:
I remember when honwars.com first came out, it featured real money lol. Glad its actually posted by an S2 worker nowAnbokr said:Looks awesome. Sign up so we can group play people!!!
Since HoN went f2p, both games now have you buy heroes (unless you have a legacy account) which you can spend money on or grind through playing games. However, there are no runes which you have to buy in HoN, so you can spend all your coins on heroes.Morokh said:I started playing League of Legends recently, and was wondering, what are the big differences between the two games ?
Well, from the words of a pro player who went to play LoL and got #1 solo rank in 3 months:Morokh said:I started playing League of Legends recently, and was wondering, what are the big differences between the two games ?
I'm glad I got to try League of Bads, now all my arguments vs LoL will be valid. Well made casual game, donkeyshit competitive game. There is only one way this game can be played at top level and that is passive farm-lane-entire-game, with its metagame heavily reliant on a stupid free blink that probably plagued that game since the beginning of time.
markot said:Something really annoys me about this game too.
Is their logo a side on shot, or a semi side on shot >_<?!
Is it a cyclops thingy and those two triangles are the nose? Or is a side shot with one squinty eye?![/QUOTE]
Oh nice specs?kagete said:Yeah he had one built on ncix.com.
and steambootsSanjay said:More proof that a vanguard build is the winning build.
Anbokr said:Looks awesome. Sign up so we can group play people!!!
Tomat said:Is that really for us though? We don't really play HoN all that casually (or do we?).
Procarbine said:http://i.imgur.com/wPiBu.jpg[IMG]
dat 1800 mmr
rolling with the big boys now