For those that play Heroes on the Americas region of this reward will be granted later this week.
Johanna is really fucking fun, if you were on the fence about buying her, do it
3 Warrior comp too stronk.
Johanna is great. People are going to hate that level 20 passive talent though...
7 wins in a row...
7 wins in a row...
Seems like I lose a lot more than win in this game. Yet in LOL I win a lot more than I lose. Also have noticed that I am on teams with new people all the time and the other people just walk all over us. really fucking annoying.
This has been my experience this week. Had 6 losses in a row yesterday because I was teamed up with people who had no clue what they were doing.
It's fucking infuriating. Like I don't even want to play anymore because of it. It's not fun losing all the time especially when you do so much work for nothing. I know how to play mobas, don't make me play with idiots and new people.
8 wins... first time ever "filling" the entire page ;_; I think I'm going to cry.Next 7 they will be on your team... RIP Yoshichan winrate.
It's fucking infuriating. Like I don't even want to play anymore because of it. It's not fun losing all the time especially when you do so much work for nothing. I know how to play mobas, don't make me play with idiots and new people.
I know it sucks, but I try to give some advice like "don't push too far," "let's get the objective together," etc. when people don't listen is when I get mad. And in most of the games I played today, I see hero vs hero by the watch towers. Cmon guys, we need to get XP first...
Already do, as well as her OP traitJohanna is great. People are going to hate that level 20 passive talent though...
Grats8 wins... first time ever "filling" the entire page ;_; I think I'm going to cry.
Welcome to the green club of big dicks!
I know it sucks, but I try to give some advice like "don't push too far," "let's get the objective together," etc. when people don't listen is when I get mad. And in most of the games I played today, I see hero vs hero by the watch towers. Cmon guys, we need to get XP first...
It's fucking infuriating. Like I don't even want to play anymore because of it. It's not fun losing all the time especially when you do so much work for nothing. I know how to play mobas, don't make me play with idiots and new people.
You may know how to play mobas, but are you positive you are doing what you are supposed to do in this moba? Cause there's been a long list of Dota and League folks who've posted in thread or flamed in game about everyone else doing it wrong, but really they were also doing it wrong or misunderstanding. I'm not saying that's you, but I am saying every loss doesn't come down to other people once you get past two or three. Half or more of them may, sure, but you contributed in some way whether you realized that or not probably. There's thing you could've done that you missed, most likely, that didn't help as well.
As for the matchmaking of course you're gonna start out with new people. As far as the system knows you are new. On top of that, matchmaking can't take into account how good a person is with a hero. You may be a diamond level Jaina but a gold level ETC. Nothing is stopping you from playing ETC except the paywall, so you roll into a game with your lack of ETC knowledge but at your Jaina MMR and get your team stomped. Same thing happens with lower MMR too. Most people are only good at a handful or less of heroes but they are encouraged to "catch 'em all" and try 'em all out due to the way gold gain works.
It's actually in the patch notes. You get the first one half off, rest are full price.Did stimpak go off sale? It's not showing anymore after I bought one. Shit, if that was a screwup I should have been more decisive about doing multiple, lol.
Did stimpak go off sale? It's not showing anymore after I bought one. Shit, if that was a screwup I should have been more decisive about doing multiple, lol.
This game is unplayable during peaktime.
With a110-20FPS, I still suffer from this stupid client/server frame buffering skipping latency BS.
At least give me lag and bad ping, I can adjust to that.
But LITERALLY skipping a frame...well, I can't adjust to that at all.
It is like I have an eyes problem by blinking too much.
So how did Yoshichan get 6 months?It's actually in the patch notes. You get the first one half off, rest are full price.
So how did Yoshichan get 6 months?
Yoshi did you accidentally drop a lot more cash than you thought?
Just got a legendary card in Hearthstone from the 2 free packs I got from playing Heroes of the Storm.
This game is unplayable during peaktime.
With a110-20FPS, I still suffer from this stupid client/server frame buffering skipping latency BS.
At least give me lag and bad ping, I can adjust to that.
But LITERALLY skipping a frame...well, I can't adjust to that at all.
It is like I have an eyes problem by blinking too much.
This game is unplayable during peaktime.
With a110-20FPS, I still suffer from this stupid client/server frame buffering skipping latency BS.
At least give me lag and bad ping, I can adjust to that.
But LITERALLY skipping a frame...well, I can't adjust to that at all.
It is like I have an eyes problem by blinking too much.
I don't know. Probably got assigned to it.
But I want to punch the person who told them to go with this "advanced technology" for Blizzard online games.
Frame drop based on latency is the dumbass crap ever.
Blah blah that they want to make sure your skill shot will hit and want to create an even playing field.
Who cares when everyone frames start to stuuuuuuutter like crazy.
So many bad team mates tonight that just moan or Yolo. Had an Illidan who just wants to hunt heroes and said objectives are pointless. Then an azmodan the next game that said "sorry guys I can't help in team fights this hero is just for taking camps" as he sits near our base jungling and never doing anything else.
Send help.
This game is unplayable during peaktime.
With a110-20FPS, I still suffer from this stupid client/server frame buffering skipping latency BS.
At least give me lag and bad ping, I can adjust to that.
But LITERALLY skipping a frame...well, I can't adjust to that at all.
It is like I have an eyes problem by blinking too much.
Going for objectives, trying to solo camps cuz nobody else even knows what a camp is on most teams I play with. Push lanes and generally do not die much from stupid moves, which denies them xp. Am I doing anything wrong? I tell the people to help me and they don't, so I usually cannot do much with what I have to work with.
i hate launch day
edit: when is the losing streak happening Alur?! WHY ISN'T THE SYSTEM WORKING AS INTENDED?
Omar comin'. Omar comin'.
Wasn't the last two days for you mostly losses? I remember yesterday was anyway. This is the rebound.
Guys I am looking to expand my heroes collection and I was thinking of adding Valla. I have been playing with Raynor up to this point and I think I got him down. I have 4400 gold so Valla is in my price range,my question is: is she any good and is she worth my gold?