TLV is going from top tier to lowest tier there is. Playing TLV was already quite hard to micro now you're stuck with the most fragile heroes in the game with normal respawn time. Erik is going to be out of game all the time... To add to that they moved up spin and jump, really? why...your only abilities you can't have them for most of the game....
When something is nerfed in hearthstone you pretty much can get a refund in dust, I want my gold back here as there is no point to play them now. Sure you can soak three lanes for a bit, before you get jumped on while you're not looking and have to sit out, they even nerfed the Erik's speed looool.
For my other main hero, they nerfed damage of Wailing Arrow, like it did much damage before for a skill shot and removed unstable poisons extra damage. What Blizzard doesn't get that timing your arrow so that you shoot someone that stands in middle of their own minions takes quite a bit of skill and awareness in this super fast game, those are little things that separates a good player that knows he can one shot kill a hero standing there from a clueless player that just shoots whenever. Possession changes are all lol worthy, still no one is going to pick up that garbage.
Garbage Blizzard patching is already here, it's SCII all over again... not patch for months then here you go everything changes with some ambiguous at best inconsistent logic.