Auto Select QM report for January 23rd
Valla - Lots of fun ultimately ended up losing and being called a jew by a Tychus but it was still fun. Went for hungering arrow build since we had no healer and was up against a Zeratul. Lag kept fucking me over when I needed to arrow, vault, arrow, vault, arrow but on the other hand that's a braindead rotation.
Uther - Oh man Uther is great he just got it all Stuns, lots of heals other crowd control, revival even. Except the AoE damage because of the pesky Zeratul and because it was Blackheart's Bay I went the usual piano build. The map though is so non interactive, we won easily since the other team never contested the turn ins and I don't know what they did they certainly weren't collecting any coins.
Diablo - I have no idea what makes him good, but he is. He can lane bully a Muradin... Went fire wave build and lightning breath. Should have taken apocalypse since lightning breath just got me killed. We were leading pretty handily when we ended up losing a couple teamfights and all our keeps but kept up on structures and destroyed all of theirs. We already thought all hope lost when our opponents decided to go for the throwpit right when temples came back up. Wiped them got both temples and a boss on their core and it was over quick.
A lot of Lunaras, good Lunaras though, today.
My winrate is through the roof since I started just autoing, ~75%.