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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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They missed an opportunity with for Xul's master skin.

Also why does every master skin have to add some dumb helmet?
Auto Select QM report for January 23rd

Valla - Lots of fun ultimately ended up losing and being called a jew by a Tychus but it was still fun. Went for hungering arrow build since we had no healer and was up against a Zeratul. Lag kept fucking me over when I needed to arrow, vault, arrow, vault, arrow but on the other hand that's a braindead rotation.

Uther - Oh man Uther is great he just got it all Stuns, lots of heals other crowd control, revival even. Except the AoE damage because of the pesky Zeratul and because it was Blackheart's Bay I went the usual piano build. The map though is so non interactive, we won easily since the other team never contested the turn ins and I don't know what they did they certainly weren't collecting any coins.

Diablo - I have no idea what makes him good, but he is. He can lane bully a Muradin... Went fire wave build and lightning breath. Should have taken apocalypse since lightning breath just got me killed. We were leading pretty handily when we ended up losing a couple teamfights and all our keeps but kept up on structures and destroyed all of theirs. We already thought all hope lost when our opponents decided to go for the throwpit right when temples came back up. Wiped them got both temples and a boss on their core and it was over quick.

A lot of Lunaras, good Lunaras though, today.

My winrate is through the roof since I started just autoing, ~75%.
The new Virtus Pro just won a game with Lunara, combining her slow with Valla w/ Executioner.
Their team was a noname though so not in any way indicative of anything.

What's going on with Dignitas? Snitch, Athero and Schwimpi gone, Zarmony back and 2 new pick ups. Schwimpi apparently on Fnatic now. EU is like a sorority house everyone getting into bed with anyone, at least that's how american media portrays it.

EDIT: Someone possibly just subbing for Snitch, Athero also at Fnatic.
Schwimpi in the chat said Patch made her strong. Looking at Cebkaje reducing players from 100% HP to 75% HP with the rest of it being a DoT looked insane.

I wonder if the following will make sense to people here and what that's gonna say about those who do

Athero Schwimpi to fnatic, Zarmony back from NaVi, Adrd at TSM with BKB from VP, Wubby from Fnatic or the free agent replacing the missing spots and or subbing in for snitch unless he got kicked
Basically, Stitches landing a Hook is an insane advantage for your team. But, prior to these damage increases, if the Hook missed you basically have a Warrior that can't do much besides be a big body. I haven't played new Stitches yet, but now I assume he is closer to his old self: respectable damage with an insane Q when it lands.


First game I watched was this last matchup so I wasn't aware of the other times. You're saying he's been picked all day, Familie?

That's awesome. More Stitches is a good thing for entertainment value.


yeah I like stitches I hope him getting played isnt just this one off thing

erho saying stitches works in eu because they play super passive
But for real I love being able to All chat. It lets me release my inner toxicity. And ARAM is actually really HOTS at its best. I will likely be on in an hour or so for a few more games if you guys want to roll some nubs.


Just had an ARAM with an Abathur named Sincerely. He took Mule and not only used it on the Keeps, but also the core. Both teams told him repeatedly to stop using it, but he persisted. So, we eventually get on the core and he finally speaks up. Says he's sorry, won't do it again, etc...


Eventually after everyone got fed up with it, and much BM aside, we finally said fuck it and grabbed the DK to finish it.

If he's ever in your games, leave. He's a prick and will BM you.
yeah I like stitches I hope him getting played isnt just this one off thing

erho saying stitches works in eu because they play super passive

You can never let americans win anything makes them cheeky.

No idea what erho means by that but he's the pro. The stitches plays were awesome though on Shrines Liquid went beneath bottom lane and hooked the valla from behind the gate, at lvl 1...


he means that to him the eu scene is less likely to actively seek fights and is more likely to clash when they are forced to, like at a tribute or something like that. in those situations where ppl are kind of reluctant to engage stitches works well, but in na he believes it is more likely that players will be more proactive and just go in, esp. with heroes like mura and leoric being popular

hes pretty confident that unless stitches is picked really late in the draft, he will be instantly countered by the slew of free engage heroes that are at the top of the meta atm as well as things like tass

for me, there is no way 26 damage does anything to meaningfully change stitches, cmonnnn
like maybe there is something im missing, but it reminds me of a year ago when arthas was op, everyone knew it and knew something had to be done, and blizz throws out the hot 3 mana nerf to his e in the patch

i jokingly asked bkb about it on his stream (he was playing a stitches game in hl and lost) and he just slurred in a depressed tone, said the buff doesnt matter, and turned his stream off lmao
It's very possible this is just a local meta call but it's fairly widespread and not just used against inexperienced teams.

I have never played and I'm not going to ever play stitches so I can't compare him, I hate his model.


yah i hope there's a stitches resurgence, or at least he starts getting played on things like sky temple and shit


I think he's pretty good against hard engage heroes as well. When Illidan was all the rage, stitches was a solid counter to him. His slows are pretty good. I don't know if the damage buff is enough, but if he's not there yet hes getting close.

Illidan was all the rage..... Rage. Illidan. It's funny


Watching the Kent-Erik interview on Missclicks, I am definitely getting the impression that the gender-swapped D3 characters will be happening eventually- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_R30bFXOvs

Specifically the "We couldn't give her Black Hole" and the talk about having 6 different style options for them to try with the Wizard skills.


Re stitches, I think it's worth noting that teams were getting great usage out of his heroic to stop engages. I saw putrid bile used a lot of times to just end a fight when it wasn't optimal.

I have to say I do think it funny to have a USA team critiscing another region in that way though - historically USA teams have always been behind the times a bit in terms of team comp. They hadn't figured out Tyrael for example at Blizzcon, which resulted in C9 just banning him every game. Apart from when Tempo unveiled Azmodunk Generally USA teams play it safe it feels in terms of comp (partly because the scene is smaller so there's less experimentation. For a good while last year the USA meta was basically tempo and c9 practising against each other).

It's really sad about dignitas though - snitch was only on THH a couple of days ago! That show must be cursed - Equinox last week, Snitch this week. I really liked him and bakery and Aethero, wonder what happened.
It's still possible that someone just subbed for Snitch considering he wasn't playing for another team. The last guy on Dig looked to be a free agent.
I'm gonna miss Athero's Tyrael on Dig. I was always impressed how many different warriors they could run.
Breez wasn't at Fnatic for some reason either.

I think I'm not gonna bother getting attached to any EU team for a while. Too much incest.


Worth noting that bross seem to not be shy about sharing like impressionable style opinions, but they also seem like the type who would adopt new tech. They mainly follow cn and kr when reviewing replays and def respect those scenes more than eu ("liquid is the only real team in eu" - erho)

Yeah bile is standard usually on stitches but his "doing stuff" ability seems limited to those two skills, in na at least he is seen as a hero w/ specialized usages but in general not a good pick at all compared to what is available (think i read a srey reddit post really horrified at the idea that ppl thought stitches was viable now earlier in the week), i want to see an intl tourney where both sides are tested!


Just had an ARAM with an Abathur named Sincerely. He took Mule and not only used it on the Keeps, but also the core. Both teams told him repeatedly to stop using it, but he persisted. So, we eventually get on the core and he finally speaks up. Says he's sorry, won't do it again, etc...


Eventually after everyone got fed up with it, and much BM aside, we finally said fuck it and grabbed the DK to finish it.

If he's ever in your games, leave. He's a prick and will BM you.

Oh so we can't use mule in aram ... that I didn't know. Never tried it but now I know not to go for it.


equinox playing for stellar lotus?


dug up this interview from before the games yesterday: http://www.thescoreesports.com/hots/news/5845
To bkbgrnrjefek: You’ve played Stitches and Chen recently in ETS. Is this something you’re working on for competition? Where do you think these heroes fit into the competitive meta?

bkb: Well Stitches is a situational pick, I do like the hero but I feel like he isn't that strong as a hero and relies too much on a hook. But it does sometimes fit versus enemy team composition if they have like squishy targets without escapes for example KT, Raynor, Tyrande, Jaina.

Regarding Chen. he has always been my favorite hero and warrior. There is no hero that beats him in a 1v1 lane around level 4-7. He's a beast on Dragon Shire and can easily win a lane vs Zagara and Thrall who are both best solo laners.

I really liked watching this fnatic vs. google draft


triple warrior was my favorite fotm, and it certainly should be good against stitches (and tyrael is my fav anti-stitches hero)
google bans leoric + mura which are both excellent against stitches
really interesting watching stitches focused drafting
also eu doesnt seem to care about tyrande at all

it's hard not to see stitches transferring to na/kr w/ how hard eu is prioritizing it but it could just as likely be a shaking off cobwebs kind of thing where a lack of practice against it is a big factor atm (stitches is a lot easier to play than to play against to me)


according to twitch chat erho, bross will not scrim cog because half the team refuses to play against glaurung

i love drama


Yea I also think that people having not played against stitches for so long is a real factor. Like bkb pointed out how he's pretty good against a lot of popular heroes atm.

I don't kno if he's good but I think it's kind of bad form for erho/Kenma/srey to completely disregard him.
Now this is peculiar but one of the teams that made it to the finals of the 1st qualifier is GoogleIshetZont their roster.

  • unnstable (former Virtus Pro)
  • Sphyxi (former Team Puszek then Kiev 6-1)
  • Mopsio (former Team Alternate then Kiev 6-1)
  • ANDROIDp (confused me for a sec but he's Andylendi from Virtus Pro)
  • Feather (unknown)

Impressive to see almost all of Virtus Pro among the top 8 teams. BKB made it to quarterfinals with Team Sandwich Monkeys, CEBKAJE made it to quarterfinals with Virtus Pro and unnstable and Andylendi made it to the finals with GoogleIshetZont. Kunichan retired apparently after he got kicked. I don't know what exactly they did at Virtus Pro, except that it sounded like a depressing mess, but they really mismanaged themselves.
QM is so incredibly not fun

I'm feeling that way too, but I feel like people take Hero League too seriously so it scares me away from it. Worried about the non stop hate I'll get if I want to play my Abathur or a hero I'm not totally comfortable with. But the QM comps I frequently get are a fucking train wreak so I'm not sure where to go.
I'm feeling that way too, but I feel like people take Hero League too seriously so it scares me away from it. Worried about the non stop hate I'll get if I want to play my Abathur or a hero I'm not totally comfortable with. But the QM comps I frequently get are a fucking train wreak so I'm not sure where to go.

Get into ARAM. It's the best.
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