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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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I think I'm going to reinstall Dota at this point. The shorter match length and supposedly more casual play are offset by Quick Match being fucking awful and HL being too serious amoung other QoL things this game desperately needs.

Heroes used to be a fun, casual game I could play for shorter bursts than Dota but this has simply not been the case for a while now.


I think I'm going to reinstall Dota at this point. The shorter match length and supposedly more casual play are offset by Quick Match being fucking awful and HL being too serious amoung other QoL things this game desperately needs.

Heroes used to be a fun, casual game I could play for shorter bursts than Dota but this game has simply not been the case for a while now.

exactly my feeling.
friends are leaving.
couldnt play HL due to team limit.
matchmaking in QM sux, playing serious in a team is not fun when stomping all the time.
when we are playing for fun, we met the serious team instead and getting stomped.

maybe unranked draft will fixed this, or add AR mode.
problem is the low player base which will be suffering when split in multiple modes.
They're never going to fix Quick Match matchmaking. Even if they somehow do eventually make it not shit, it's going to be a Pyrrhic victory.


We need unranked draft, with unlimited team sizes, last year. Along with leagues rather than rank.

I've said it before, but it is definitely hurting my little group of friends that the only mode we can play together in normally is quick match. The matchmaker seems to go out of its way to hand you perverse fifth slot players - it's not their fault, but adding Rexxar into a team with a support, a ranged dps and two tanks characters is not a good match versus a team with a tank, three ranged assassins and a support.


If we take erho's comments on eu meta at face value (that they trend passive, i dont keep up w/ eu so i cant really speak on it maybe someone else can) it explains both why they favor stitches and why solo tass is so incredibly popular over there; also makes bkb comments on stitches interesting where he says that stitches is ok and works well in specialized situations (does he mean eu scene playstyle?). I wouldnt say pros in na are disregarding stitches, but that many find it unfathomable (subjekt to change ofc) that he has a place in the style of hots they play.

It might also explain that one lunara pick, but there were prob other reasons for that

I did notice on one spider game, dont remember which one, where you usually want either to commit to the waveclear/rotation (or your rotation is slower) or you want to focus down someone as you catch them on the rotation, that the teams pretty much neatly ignored each other as they passed each other
Virtus Pro just outclassed the other team. RaveHoTS also tried her against TNL (former Team DK) today and it didn't work out.

I mean the same could be said about all regions. C9 had their Azmodunk that avoided teamfights till lategame, Tempostorm was king of outrotating on Dragon Shire, KT just didn't want to be in fights until lvl 16 altogether for a while, Abathur comps before the UE buff and Locust nerfs,...
It's also not like stitches is anywhere the novelty it might be in other regions, Bob Questionmark was running him quite frequently when they first formed late summer last year.


I find it really hard to take play style commentary from USA players to heart to be honest with you, given that the NA meta is the smallest and most similar meta out there. Hopefully BRFC will continue to shake things up, but for the entirety of last year NA had the least interesting and last varied meta. It's natural when two teams dominated the scene so exclusively for so long.

EU has been experimenting with things for ages now, THH constantly jokes about it, but that's where new strategies come from as well.

In terms of aggression, I think some EU teams are definitely quite passive - but then I thought tempostorm were very passive for most of last year as well. Playing it safe early on and then winning off the late game worked well for them for a long time, and we have a few teams that play very similar as well (old Dignitas felt very much like that). But I don't think you can charactise the entirety of a meta like that - it was Navi who ran a tankless Abathur / Butcher comp after all, and you don't get more aggressive than that!

Will be interesting to see if stitches stays around or not - are there any Chinese / Korean tournies coming up where they might be playing him?

Edit: final note, defensive play is probably easier when your team is brand new and you aren't 100% assured of what your teammates will do in any situation. So maybe the massive swapping of players recently has pushed people down that path?


Yeah absolutely, tho that is how it often is w/ mobas (well league and dota at least) where regions are prtty much straight up classified. I find bkb's comments interesting because eu is all stitches all the time but he still notes it as a special pick (tho maybe his mind has changed since yesterday)
at one event, after pretty much every pro team had massive roster changes shortly prior, not even a week after balance changes. Let's see how it plays out after these teams had some more time to play with each other.

There was an insane emphasis on CC in general though. The teams sometimes drafted comps with a stun and/or root on each hero.


Yep - he might not be here at all next tournament. These things do come in waves and given the massive roster disruption, it's possible he was so popular simply because landing a hook is such a mechanical thing that can just flat out win you a game if it lands.

After all, at the last dream hack we ETC all the time, every time and he's dropped off a bit now.
But for that one tournament, everyone and their dog was running ETC as the first tank everytime if they could.
We need unranked draft, with unlimited team sizes, last year. Along with leagues rather than rank.

I've said it before, but it is definitely hurting my little group of friends that the only mode we can play together in normally is quick match. The matchmaker seems to go out of its way to hand you perverse fifth slot players - it's not their fault, but adding Rexxar into a team with a support, a ranged dps and two tanks characters is not a good match versus a team with a tank, three ranged assassins and a support.

Agreed completely... I don't understand how they haven't put this into the game yet.
I haven't played for months and usually just always hit QM.

IS it so horrible that ill find a digusting taste in my mouth and spit on whomever crosses my way?!

:(.. i like hots


I haven't played for months and usually just always hit QM.

IS it so horrible that ill find a digusting taste in my mouth and spit on whomever crosses my way?!

:(.. i like hots

It's not so horrible that it'll leave a bad taste in your mouth, but as you can see...the more you play, the more jaded you get with it. That goes for all games, really, but the QM system here is definitely egregious with comps more than anyone would like and definitely contributes to the sadness in a big way.

Last night we had a game where the comps looked like this:

Murky (me), Greymane (Milly), Nova, Valla, Tyrael


Diablo, Muradin, Kael'thas, Illidan, Lunara

Through some tremendous soaking and general persistence we hung in for the majority of the game, but the amount of CC was just too much to handle. Everyone was squishy and they were dive city...Matchmaking (TM).

Game is still fun, but it's definitely not as much fun as it used to be. Part of that is the shine wearing off (like I said, happens in every game), but the other part is these systems we've all been waiting for not showing up in a timely fashion for whatever reason.



I literally cannot even. This thread and reddit soon:


What in the actual fuck Blizzard. Really. What in the fuck is taking so long?
Yeah if it weren't we'd have heard of it by now. I second them not having enough people, most of their team is probably working on new heroes and skins and generally stuff that makes them money, immediate.


Guess the size of their balance team.


It's most definitely a "you need more bodies" issue.

Where'd you get that number from? I know there's far more than four people working on HOTS, as they've already detailed that. And these systems aren't balance, this is actual coding and implementation of new systems. Balance is tuning the heroes and making the shit mesh, this is the actual development we're talking about.


I like to think that we are all the balance team?

Blizz is actually the only video game company that ive seen that has made changes that specifically coincided with public outcry to this extent so maybe there is something to the complaining loud and hard thing. It's kind of funny because the complaints about legit shit get mixed up with the wackiest shit and baby u got a stew going on thats really difficult to decipher


Where'd you get that number from? I know there's far more than four people working on HOTS, as they've already detailed that. And these systems aren't balance, this is actual coding and implementation of new systems. Balance is tuning the heroes and making the shit mesh, this is the actual development we're talking about.
Literally out of Kent-Erik's mouth on Missclicks. Balance team is only 4 people.
It's kind of funny because the complaints about legit shit get mixed up with the wackiest shit and baby u got a stew going on thats really difficult to decipher
I think that's the CM job, right?

This is why Murky never gets nerfs.


The question on Twitter was specifically about when the season starts though. Maybe bans and GM league will be sooner? I'm probably trying to be too optimistic.


Havent seen an artanis buff so im not so sure trikslyrs comments get heard kappa
He got buffed a patch or two ago, nokappa.

Bans should be soon, those are easier to implement than everything else.
Ah, still, shouldn't affect implementation of grandmaster and the like. That should be another group doing that unless I'm mistaken.
Yeah, it's just that we know HOTS was a subteam, and now its clear they're really pushing up against some internal constraints.


I dont think i actually know what kappa means

Question for overwatch ppl: is the beta as it is right now worth 40 bucks?


I dont think i actually know what kappa means

Question for overwatch ppl: is the beta as it is right now worth 40 bucks?

Overwatch is some goddamn fun gameplay.

With that said, if you find the same ole same ole of HOTS or any other moba boring, you'll inevitably have it with that too.


Seriously unbelievable.

I can't even right now

When things are at the top of my priority list I usually try to do something about them.... Not ignore them for 9 months or longer.

I agree. The sad thing is, is that they had plenty of MOBAs to take notes from for day one features (and didn't take a single damn note from any of them). This should have been a day one feature, along with being able to watch matches (friend's matches), and having an unranked pick league.


Am I allowed to moan now? ;-)

I honestly don't get what's going on at Blizzard. They are flinging a huge amount of prize money behind this game this year, and heavily pushing it as an e-sport. yet at the same time it's still lacking the very basic features that MOBAs in beta come with.

It is literally being crippled for new players by all of the things we have complained about heavily in this thread, and yet they still don't seem to be able to deliver on any of these things.

Why put all this money behind the game as an e-sport if it doesn't have the basic things behind it? Hell, we still cannot actually play the game we watch. That's ridiculous!


Am I allowed to moan now? ;-)

I honestly don't get what's going on at Blizzard. They are flinging a huge amount of prize money behind this game this year, and heavily pushing it as an e-sport. yet at the same time it's still lacking the very basic features that MOBAs in beta come with.

It is literally being crippled for new players by all of the things we have complained about heavily in this thread, and yet they still don't seem to be able to deliver on any of these things.

Why put all this money behind the game as an e-sport if it doesn't have the basic things behind it? Hell, we still cannot actually play the game we watch. That's ridiculous!
Been thinking the same thing since that news broke. Why put so much money into a game's scene when you clearly aren't putting an equal effort into its actual development? It's been out for nearly a year and still doesn't have the basic features a competitive MOBA needs. Feels so out of touch.


I've seen folks going both ways on this. Is the implication bans are coming before all that, or after? It's ambiguous and by his comment last week or the week before most assumed the bans were coming in the near future.

If he's not giving a red herring (like he did with no specialists anytime soon + "one day we'd like to get diablo 2 heroes in here" a few days before announcing them) plus there are no bans coming before this other shit...

...I dunno man. I don't get it.

Like others have said, why put so much money into selling the game to the competitive gaming public yet hold back or drag out or overly "Blizzard-ize" the process around these new features that are pretty vital to the game?

I refuse to believe it's simply a manpower issue. That may be part of it, but the whole thing reeks of Blizzard doing what Blizzard does with it's other games (long lead times on features and content)...and frankly that shit won't fly here.

He sent out another tweet that suggests bans will come before season and GM, at least.


Well, that answers that part. Bans are a start, but that shit needs to go in immediately. The rest of it is still inexcusable, but if there's no bans + none of the other stuff as well, they might as well set all that e-sports money on fire.
I'm not surprised at how far out they are. I don't think the HotS team is in an easy position, they probably received a mandate that they had to make HotS profitable sometime back around the Closed Alpha. They're probably caught between trying to make management happy with active and paying player numbers and keep fans satisfied with a drip feed of content that will never be adequate. I think that's why they prioritized content over features, pumping out new heroes and maps is easier, cheaper and quicker to do than dealing with some of the larger problems they've designed themselves into or are due to a legacy code base from another game that made for a shaky foundation in the first place. This game should still be in beta.

That said I don't know if I'm going to hang around and wait for them to add these features, content and figure stuff out. I think the core idea of HotS is great, I mean I honestly don't know if I can go back to dirt farming and hour long matches in Dota, but I don't know how much more of Quick Match I can take and Hero League isn't an answer either.


That said I don't know if I'm going to hang around and wait for them to add these features, content and figure stuff out. I think the core idea of HotS is great, I mean I honestly don't know if I can go back to dirt farming and hour long matches in Dota, but I don't know how much more of Quick Match I can take and Hero League isn't an answer either.

It's a very fair point. I've been toying around with the other MOBAs and Vainglory myself, though just coop games against bots for a while. Too afraid to put more than my big toe in anything but VG.

I'll keep playing HOTS, though I definitely play far, far less than I did last fall already.

For me it's not even about how the systems needing to be implemented affect me, it's more about the principle of them needing to have been there regardless. I can and have lived without them and struggled through HL and all that...my lack of playtime is more a reflection of less free time and general burn out/desire for new heroes/content to play through than anything. The other stuff just compounds that for me, like the QM game I posted about above.


New season, grandmaster and bans are the top of their list.

Guess what?

They're not weeks away.

It's MONTHS away.


You're kidding. x.x
I'm not surprised at how far out they are. I don't think the HotS team is in an easy position, they probably received a mandate that they had to make HotS profitable sometime back around the Closed Alpha. They're probably caught between trying to make management happy with active and paying player numbers and keep fans satisfied with a drip feed of content that will never be adequate. I think that's why they prioritized content over features, pumping out new heroes and maps is easier, cheaper and quicker to do than dealing with some of the larger problems they've designed themselves into or are due to a legacy code base from another game that made for a shaky foundation in the first place. This game should still be in beta.

That said I don't know if I'm going to hang around and wait for them to add these features, content and figure stuff out. I think the core idea of HotS is great, I mean I honestly don't know if I can go back to dirt farming and hour long matches in Dota, but I don't know how much more of Quick Match I can take and Hero League isn't an answer either.

Honestly. I've just not been playing MOBAs much at all more recently again. Back to going through my backlog.

In this month alone I've already completed half as many games as I completed last year!

(I only completed two games last year thanks to DOTA and HotS :( )
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