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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Holy fuck Nova changes.



Hitting an enemy Hero with Snipe increases subsequent Snipe damage by 5%. Stacks up to 10 times. All stacks are lost if Snipe misses an enemy Hero


The base snipe damage and cooldown went down, and there's also a new talent that lets you halve that again if you hit the snipe.

It seems they want you sniping way more, but in trade having to hit them all.


The Rehgar changes seem like a net buff, even with the Ancestral nerf. Heals even more now, plus Feral Lunge...

EDIT: Feral Heart on same tier as Chain Heal mana cost reduction is an interesting move, though.


They mentioned they were rewording things to make them more clear, hence so many abilities removing the distinction between mercenaries and enemy units.


Lamb to the Slaughter (R)
Invulnerability and Unstoppable now suppress the chain effect, rather than remove it
Stasis effects no longer remove the chain
Enemy Heroes affected by Lamb to the Slaughter can no longer enter the Dragon Knight, Garden Terror, or Lt. Morales’ Medivac, and Tyrael can no longer cast Judgment
Oh wow, Cleanse doesn't fix it permanently. Huge buff.


Space Lord Leoric is amazing, although his mount shouldn't be a motorbike. I didn't realise exactly how much they were copying Vader with him though - he's got so many Star Wars lines!


They said they fixed chen q which is pretty huge

That one rehgar lightning shield talent looks beastly, i see them trying to shy away from melee dude sitting in the back just healing i respekt that

Ppl on reddit saying that a lot of stuff not mentioned in official patch notes (like avatar not stunning), but the numbers that were datamined are also the chronicles of ridic, very confused?

Murky and Leoric have received unique death sound effects.

I want to hear Murky's new death.


Towers, Forts, and Keeps now deal 50% bonus damage to Heroes
Cores will now display an “Invulnerable” message if attacked by an enemy when no allied Keeps have been destroyed.
Structures can no longer be made Vulnerable

Well, now we can't take down towers quite as easily I guess due to that bonus damage.


Salvager (Trait)
Will now dismount Gazlowe on activation

Thank GOD they nerfed Gazlowe a bit. He was so OP before.


Forward Momentum (Talent) removed
Spell Shield (Talent) removed
Healing Totem (Talent) moved from Level 1 to Level 4
Cooldown reduced from 60 to 30 seconds

The following activated Talents will now dismount Rehgar when used in Ghost Wolf form:
Blood for Blood
Healing Totem

Ghost Wolf (Z)
Basic Attacks while in Ghost Wolf form now gain the effects of Feral Lunge, causing Rehgar to lunge toward the target, dealing 100% bonus damage
Casting Bloodlust no longer causes Rehgar to leave Ghost Wolf form
Feral Lunge (Talent) removed
Shadow Wolf (Talent) removed
Healing Surge (Talent) removed
New Talent (Level 1): Wolf Run
Increases Ghost Wolf Movement Speed bonus from 30% to 40%
New Talent (Level 7): Blood and Thunder
Basic Attacks while in Ghost Wolf form reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 2 seconds
New Talent (Level 16): Hunger of the Wolf
Basic Attacks while in Ghost Wolf form also deal 5% of target's maximum Health as damage and heal Rehgar for 5% of his maximum Health

Chain Heal (Q)
Primary target Healing increased from 297 (+4% per level) to 372 (+4% per level) Health
Mana cost reduced from 70 to 65
Chain Reaction (Talent) removed
Spiritwalker's Grace (Talent) moved from Level 1 to Level 4
Mana cost reduction decreased from 25 to 20
Tidal Waves (Talent) redesigned and moved from Level 16 to Level 13
Now reduces Chain Heal’s cooldown by 1 second for every Hero hit
New Talent (Level 13): Earthliving Enchant
When Chain Heal heals an allied Hero that is below 50% Health, they are also healed for an additional 200 (+4% per level) Health over 5 seconds
Lightning Shield (W)
Damage increased from 31 (+4% per level) to 36 (+4% per level) per tick
Empowering Charge (Talent) removed
Reactive Spark (Talent) removed
Lightning Bond (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 1
The Lightning Shield automatically granted to Rehgar no longer benefits from Talents
Earth Shield (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 13
Target now gains a Shield equal to 15% of their maximum Health, instead of a flat value
New Talent (Level 1): Electric Charge
Increases Lightning Shield radius by 33%
New Talent (Level 16): Rising Storm
Lightning Shield's next damage effect is increased by 20% every time it damages an enemy Hero. Stacks up to 10 times

Earthbind Totem (E)
Area of effect radius increased by approximately 16%
Mana cost reduced from 60 to 50
Earth Shield (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 13
Now targets gain a Shield equal to 15% of their maximum Health, instead of a flat value
Earthgrasp Totem (Talent)
Increases the initial Slow duration from 1 to 1.5 seconds
New Talent (Level 7): Totemic Projection
Reactivate Earthbind Totem to relocate it. The totem maintains its current Health and duration

Ancestral Healing (R)
Cooldown increased from 70 to 80 seconds

Bloodlust (R)
Gladiator's War Shout (Talent) redesigned
Each ally affected by Bloodlust now heals for 30% of their Basic Attack damage dealt to their primary target

Rehgar is like a new hero.


Seismic Slam (W)
Primary target damage reduced from 192 (+4% per level) to 176 (+4% per level)
Splash damage decreased from 48 (+4% per level) to 44 (+4% per level)

Been calling for a Sonya nerf for ages. Good job Blizzard. Nerf her more though into oblivion kthx.


Well, now we can't take down towers quite as easily I guess due to that bonus damage.
They're likely still going to need an HP buff. (Towers only, the Keeps/Forts are fine)
Can anyone confirm leoric doing dbl damage to heroes instead of minioms, that sounds kind of wacky
It's non-heroic just like before.


Can anyone confirm leoric doing dbl damage to heroes instead of minioms, that sounds kind of wacky

Eh? He's not mentioned in the official notes at all, and the data mined stuff still has him dealing double damage to minions - it's just the wording change that happened to all heroes?


Tried Li-Ming in the PTR.
She is my favorite character now, I totally love her gameplay.

She is so fun, and her talents are pretty great too. Not sure what the go-to build is gonna be. Kind of weird to get a feel for her too, considering all her stuff can hit minions (no point and click).


oh yeah I read it wrong, this confused me
Space Lord Leoric trailer. Love it.

We need less stuns and I still think Uther needs a nerf

I think Uther is mostly fine. I'd prefer it if other supports were brought up to his level, rather than him being brought down to theirs. I wouldn't mind a small Benediction nerf, maybe decreasing the amount of time it reduces cooldowns by to 8/8.5/9, or even reducing the range of Hammer of Judgement by a tiny amount. But Benediction needs to stay imo. I love having to choose how to use it. You do not always get to use it with Hammer of Justice.


The following Hero Skins have received additional visual polish for certain Abilities, which more closely match that Skin’s theme:

Spectre Illidan – Dive (Q), Sweeping Strikes (W), Metamorphosis (R), The Hunt (R)

Shan’do Illidan – Dive (Q), Sweeping Strikes (W), Metamorphosis (R), The Hunt (R)
And now I'll need to buy an Illidan Skin.
I wonder whether the heroic upgrade at 20 for Wave of Force alone makes the ultimate worthwhile. W/o it the ult feels kinda lackluster but with it you get a ranged aoe Haymaker.

Only tried her in try mode but you can make a decent Zeratul out of her with displacement on W und damage on E you can secure kills and teleport out right away.


Played one QM with Li-Ming (Milly played one too). Abilities remind me of Cho'Gall, the range does a bit too.

I took the knockback ult cause no one had used it yet that we had seen. It's useless unless you upgrade at 20, but then it did some work.

Her damage feels good but the comps were shit so it's hard to get a grip on how good or bad she is when there's no tanks to be found and your healers are trying to go Feral Lunge builds. With that said, I think she has a good chance of being at least a mild form of what we've been waiting for as an addition to the meta.

Also for anyone who didn't already know:



dang i feel like this is the first hero I ever wanted instantly, still gonna wait tho

on paper wave of force looks like the better ult to me, like im imagining things like etc w or tychus grenade with it and the cooldown feels like you can use it all the time
plus the video made it look like it comes out instantly, I wonder if it cancels channeling
i guess it works kind of situational tho, both ults look pretty good
Played one QM with Li-Ming (Milly played one too). Abilities remind me of Cho'Gall, the range does a bit too.

I took the knockback ult cause no one had used it yet that we had seen. It's useless unless you upgrade at 20, but then it did some work.

If the beam ends up being unnecessary or too dangerous I'd go for the knockback because of the upgrade.
Did you run into mana issues?

dang i feel like this is the first hero I ever wanted instantly, still gonna wait tho

on paper wave of force looks like the better ult to me, like im imagining things like etc w or tychus grenade with it and the cooldown feels like you can use it all the time
plus the video made it look like it comes out instantly, I wonder if it cancels channeling
i guess it works kind of situational tho, both ults look pretty good

I'm gonna wait because in 2 days no one will be playing on PTR and queuetimes will be horrendous. The range is too low for the vanilla version to feel good.


She is so fun, and her talents are pretty great too. Not sure what the go-to build is gonna be. Kind of weird to get a feel for her too, considering all her stuff can hit minions (no point and click).

We just tried some "builds" and except for a couple of fillers some passive are pretty awesome.

I mean, Critical Mass (trait) looks fantastic, glass cannon could be devastating if Li-Ming is 1 or 2 levels higher than the opponent, Tal Rasha's Elements may even look OP ...
Not to mention to the really short cooldown.

I also really love all the teleportation traits. Looks funny and useful.


yeah im looking at the datamined talents right now, all the teleport ones look great
all her w talents are siege talents lol, if that shit takes off she's old ignite kael

prtty psyched to pick glass cannon every game

diamond skin + 3 sec teleport talent means your shield is up all fight, I dunno what her health at 20 is but 25% is a huge number for a shield you can reapply that quickly, really want to just gib someone with calamity and show up in my armor made of diamonds

I really love her talents on paper, they look like theyd be fun as hell to choose during a game


dang i feel like this is the first hero I ever wanted instantly, still gonna wait tho

on paper wave of force looks like the better ult to me, like im imagining things like etc w or tychus grenade with it and the cooldown feels like you can use it all the time
plus the video made it look like it comes out instantly, I wonder if it cancels channeling
i guess it works kind of situational tho, both ults look pretty good

The real drawback to it for me was the range. That's what makes the 20 upgrade so OP.

Range might not have been an issue if we had a frontline, but all we had was Greymane so I used it as disengage more than anything.

If the beam ends up being unnecessary or too dangerous I'd go for the knockback because of the upgrade.
Did you run into mana issues?

No, no mana issues really and I didn't even take the mana passive.

There weren't a whole ton of full on team fights either though, but it did seem ok.


i hope her health is super low and she needs to get babysat

the idea that ppl in games would babysit and peel for me in games but I'm going in with calamity
it kind of makes me think of the hots version of that game where you are a baby trying to get into all sorts of fatal trouble and the other player is an adult trying to stop you
There's actually a talent right now to turn it into a 2 second stun - but its at level 13, where it's never going to be taken in a million years.

KT has some interesting and fun stun talents in his kit, but they will never be taken whilst he relies on talents for damage. It's the difference between him and Jaina, and why his talent tree is dreadful and hers ace. He relies on talents to be effective, she uses talents to change her style of play.

They need to boost his base damage, and basically remove the damage increasing talents at 7 and 13. Then we'll start to see changes to his playstyle.

I agree that Kael relies more on talents for damage whereas Jaina just needs her trait and basic ability combos. That's a pretty apt summation of the problem with his design.

If KT loses Fission and Chain Bomb and gets a baseline damage increase, he should also lose the free Living Bomb off of Verdant Spheres. The Verdant Spheres boost to Living Bomb should be Fission or Chain Bomb. So Living Bomb's trait becomes more powerful but Living Bomb becomes less frequent and KT loses mana-free lane harass early game.


dang is that a master warp blade buff
just fukkin use new shadow assualt to siege

rehgar on paper looks broken, those fukkin shield talents man

blizz slowly transferring over to percent values on everything

anyone try sonya yet, those nerfs look pretty beefy




downloading Li-Ming right now (PTR)

huh so Sonya nerfs are incoming. Aw, I just started playing her lately

edit: Space Leoric looks awesome


yeah I just got that entire bundle. Didnt realize Space Leoric was available right now. I love Leoric I always pick him in Hero League
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