Battle Momentum
Battle Momentum has been made Hero-specific, and now only applies to Basic Ability cooldowns.
Diabolical Momentum
Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds instead of 0.5.
No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
Blessed Momentum
No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
Bladed Momentum
Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds instead of 0.5.
No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
Angelic Momentum
Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds instead of 0.5.
No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
Lunar Momentum
Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.6 seconds instead of 0.5.
No longer reduces Heroic Ability cooldowns.
Swarm Momentum
Basic Attacks now reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds instead of 0.5.
No longer reduces Heroic Ability or Trait cooldowns.
Developer Comments: Our intention for Battle Momentum was to create more active gameplay by using your Basic Abilities more often, but we found that a lot of this Talent’s power lied in its ability to reduce your Heroic cooldowns. We wanted to increase the cooldown reduction granted by the Talent, but didn’t want Heroic Ability cooldowns to drop to absurdly low levels. By making it only reduce the cooldowns of Basic Abilities (Q, W, E), it allowed us to increase this cooldown reduction without making it overpowered. We’ve also made Battle Momentum Hero-specific, so that we can tune each one without affecting all the rest, since Attack Speed, melee versus range, and the nature of your Basic Abilities can all drastically change what is balanced.