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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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So is Li-Ming's orb build now better than the full magic missile build? I've done really well with magic missile builds, especially the one that lowers the cooldown.


I've come to the conclusion about Lt Morales- players who pick Morales because they think Morales is really good will lose your team the game because they're really bad.
So is Li-Ming's orb build now better than the full magic missile build? I've done really well with magic missile builds, especially the one that lowers the cooldown.

Map and comp dependent, I'd argue. Seeker should have unnerfed damage against immortals for instance and calamity is still the best tool to deal with certain heroes, Orbs also get much worse if the opponent's comp is able to spawn any minions.


Chromie's damage potential is pretty high. Her range is big and can be upgraded to huge. After a couple of games, the difference between her and Li-Ming is ease of use.

The damage abilities, due to the windup, require more anticipation. The heroics aren't as strong, though the slowing one is amazing for objectives where you have to stand on a point (Shrines, Temple, etc).

Most importantly, if you get on her she's probably donezo. There's no teleporting, no talent allowing you to teleport immediately after taking burst, no Bolt, etc etc. Her need for it is mitigated by the range, but if you've got no peels and face dive you'll meet your fate the same as Morales unless they hit your little tiny trap on the way and are not very mobile themselves.

She's gonna be popular as hell, for sure. She's fun as hell. But if she's OpieOP IMO it won't be strictly in the Li-Ming sense (broken kit) it'll be in the Xul sense (numbers overtuned).


I'm a bit disappointed there isn't more dragon to her even though she looks fun. the wait for a dragon in hots continues
Chromie has more range than Li-Ming, and none of the mobility. Zeratul will be a solid counter at all levels of play, Nova will be down in the trenches. Chromie will simply pop if she hasn't used her trap well.


Unimpeded Illidan sucks on Chromie. Even if you catch em in the trap, if the team doesn't turn on him then his mobility just catches you afterwards anyways.

Nothing quite like two shotting a Sgt. Hammer from longer range than the Hammer can siege (before Graduating Range, anyway) if you talent the right way.


So is Li-Ming's orb build now better than the full magic missile build? I've done really well with magic missile builds, especially the one that lowers the cooldown.

you don't really have to go full on anything w/ her
I don't recommend going all in on a w build, her lvl 4 w talent is nice though but it's not a very competitive tier. both the w talent and dominance are both really specific case talents too w/ situations for their use only occurring in kind of specific situations, but it's not that hard to get value off the w talent, in fact I like it better than dominance probably

you can kinda break down the tiers situationally, in general there arent a lot of situations where youd want extra range on w since the range is already bananasz
try mirrorball at 16 instead of the cd one sometime see if you like it

if you find yourself hiding behind stuff and trying to get ppl w/ the tip of ur w and having that be the most dmg you usually do w build aint bad, I guess it's kind of a secret agent li ming build

now with anub and arthas getting buffs it's effectiveness will be even lower than before tho


Nothing quite like two shotting a Sgt. Hammer from longer range than the Hammer can siege (before Graduating Range, anyway) if you talent the right way.

Another hero that just shits on hammer?

My "I only play siege tank" friend is going to be excited.


Pretty much anyone who stands still is easy prey. Mobile heroes like Illidan, Tracer, and those with built in escapes get by pretty easy though if they play smart. Tanks get their peepees smashed, as do non-mobile melee.
Unimpeded Illidan sucks on Chromie. Even if you catch em in the trap, if the team doesn't turn on him then his mobility just catches you afterwards anyways.

Probably why she has two defensive talents at 12. Iceblock and Bubble Hearth.

i don't foresee chromie being a very competitive hero just from looking at her kit, havent checked out the talents tho

She can delete people from a greater range than Li-Ming.


Doubt it, due to it not actually being a CC.

I dunno why it wouldn't be. It is a CC. If a slow is CC, a reverse rewind should be one too no? Maybe you're right though.

i don't foresee chromie being a very competitive hero just from looking at her kit, havent checked out the talents tho

Well her damage is p good. Li-Ming/KT level good if you talent into it and can land the combo. If you have a slot for pure damage and it's on a map where you're controlling points, she's gonna be viable I think. She doesn't even have to be in there in the shit to do her thing between the range + the slow ult.

Her wave clear/siege sucks unless you use the W, though, and she has no mobility at all.

Probably why she has two defensive talents at 12. Iceblock and Bubble Hearth.

A 60 second cooldown and something that removes you completely from the battlefield, assuming you get it off. They are there, but the go-to on that tier is the range IMO. It makes her what she's meant to be and allows her to be safer while doing it.
A 60 second cooldown and something that removes you completely from the battlefield, assuming you get it off. They are there, but the go-to on that tier is the range IMO. It makes her what she's meant to be and allows her to be safer while doing it.

Her baseline range competes with Li-Ming's and a 25% range boost doesn't mean much of anything if you're dead. The range increase will always be the optimal damage talent but whether it's the optimal choice for the particular match you're playing will always vary game to game.


I can only imagine alt + E is your friend on chromie.

Yep, just gotta hope you can hang on til it arms.

Her baseline range competes with Li-Ming's and a 25% range boost doesn't mean much of anything if you're dead. The range increase will always be the optimal damage talent but whether it's the optimal choice for the particular match you're playing will always vary game to game.

Of course. There'll be games you'll go the Ice Block because you have zero choice due to the dive, or people who will always go it. In my experience (talking pleb level here, not pro), Ice Block only delays the inevitable unless it's a fight you were already winning or you're actively trying to bait, however. You can't count on any peels coming out. Occasionally you'll get an Ancestral if you have a Rehgar, but that's best case scenario.

So beyond facing a comp where you know you're already gonna get rekt so you take it just as a precaution, I'd betting people who will by and large go for the range. The best way to avoid being killed is to not be anywhere near where you can get killed with her IMO.

I'm not even sure what the use of the pseudo-Bubble Hearth talent is. You live, I guess, but you basically "died" as far as that fight goes unless it's in your base. All you deny them is EXP.
I'm not even sure what the use of the pseudo-Bubble Hearth talent is. You live, I guess, but you basically "died" as far as that fight goes unless it's in your base. All you deny them is EXP.

Ice Block isn't going to get you away from an Illidan, Greymane, Tracer or Zeratul even if you manage to trap them. The Bubble Hearth might, I dunno, haven't had a reason to try it out yet.

But yeah, sometimes not dying and not feeding them exp is the best option.


I think if your cleansed while it would put you back you would go back because your unstoppable.

Just like any other ability which moves you.

Bubble hearth would be better anytime you'd die last or are isolated. Hearthing and running back > dieing, and you'll make it back in a lot of situations. Think of how often early fights go on long enough for people to respawn and run back. Basically any objective phase. Also, can you channel hearth for damage resistance but then cancel the hearth? What about bstepping your way to safety?


But yeah, sometimes not dying and not feeding them exp is the best option.

Agreed, but in that scenario (again IMO) the range seems to be the best of both worlds in that regard. You both get more damage and can do it from a safer distance. It's one of the few scenarios where 25% of something actually seems like a shitton, cause 25% of her absurd range is a shitton more range. It's very Azmodan like.

It's just forcing them to use Tracer's E. No slow.

Yeah, I know. I'm just saying I don't see why it shouldn't be Cleanse-able just because it's not a stun or a slow. It's still a CC, just a different type. Mind Control can be Cleansed, after all, and it's kind of similar IMO as you are controlling just their movement, only you can visually see MC happen as opposed to it suddenly kicking in after a few seconds a-la Xul's root like Temporal Loop does.


i was playing against chu's chromie and he sent me back during illidan q, that was pretty sick
in terms of hero league viability, in that game we had a chogall who kept trying to cap a tower w/ chromie preventing and he died, got tilted, and threw the game on purpose, so that puts her up a tier for sure


in terms of hero league viability, in that game we had a chogall who kept trying to cap a tower w/ chromie preventing and he died, got tilted, and threw the game on purpose, so that puts her up a tier for sure

Something's been bothering me a while with the casting. None of the casters can get the nomenclature right.

  • Shrines on DShire
  • Temples on Sky Temple
  • Immortals on BoE
  • Altars on Towers of Doom
  • Shrines on Infernal Shrines and Punishers
  • Altars on Tomb
It's just aggravating when temples are called shrines, shrines altars,...


Same, though I'll admit I do it from time to time as well. I also don't get paid to talk about it either, though.
The Bubble Hearth is kinda funny. It's no guarantee but it's damned fast. You can do some obnoxious pushing if you go all in on W talents and Bubble Hearth, push a lane past the point of safety, break vision and tp out super quick.

Right now her mana costs don't feel high enough and her base damage, before either farming talent, is nuts. She's a lot like Li-Ming her base damage is great and only gets better with talents. I find if you cast your W and then your Q out of line of sight, you can land both and remove 3/4's worth of health off of a lot of heroes. You can basically delete them before they have a chance to even react if they're slightly hurt.


The Bubble Hearth is kinda funny. It's no guarantee but it's damned fast. You can do some obnoxious pushing if you go all in on W talents and Bubble Hearth, push a lane past the point of safety, break vision and tp out super quick.

Right now her mana costs don't feel high enough and her base damage, before either farming talent, is nuts. She's a lot like Li-Ming her base damage is great and only gets better with talents. I find if you cast your W and then your Q out of line of sight, you can land both and remove 3/4's worth of health off of a lot of heroes. You can basically delete them before they have a chance to even react if they're slightly hurt.

Think its balanced? I haven't had a chance to play, overwatch has taken over my gaming life.. but I'm watching videos and it seems like she has a mega delay on when she casts her Q & W and when they actually might hit someone. In theory making her balanced, but is the damage a little much?
Think its balanced? I haven't had a chance to play, overwatch has taken over my gaming life.. but I'm watching videos and it seems like she has a mega delay on when she casts her Q & W and when they actually might hit someone. In theory making her balanced, but is the damage a little much?

her W isn't being telegraphed for opponents so it should be slightly easier to land.


Yeah the dmg not being easy to combo or land is why i dont rate her high, but her ults are good and stasis is good. Have only played two games against so it's hard to tell
There were rumours before but Athero confirmed it today that he was kicked from Fnatic and is gonna play for the ex NaVi roster in place of Alex. He and breez didn't fit the same team tbh too much overlap.


There were rumours before but Athero confirmed it today that he was kicked from Fnatic and is gonna play for the ex NaVi roster in place of Alex. He and breez didn't fit the same team tbh too much overlap.

That's a shame, I always really enjoyed watching him play. He was Europes best Tyrael player by a long way back at Blizzcon in Dignitas, and wish we got to see more of that.


Right now her mana costs don't feel high enough

Definitely seems that way. You can drop the slow ult and let it run for a good bit, while still using your spells on CD.

I like the range, not sure on if the damage is too much yet but I'm sure the mana cost + damage will get tinkered with if she's gangbusters. The Q seems to be the bread and butter and easier to talent into as well.

her W isn't being telegraphed for opponents so it should be slightly easier to land.

In theory it is. Like in a teamfight, 5v5, it's a bit easier because you're just about guaranteed to get someone...the problem is it may not be who you wanted (but hey, at least it hits). Getting 3 people with it is pretty satisfying, and even more so if you've taken damage on Q quest at 1 + Q hits two targets at 4....that's a hell of a combo.

If they aren't clumped though, and you are in vision, it does have a big tell that it's going up and in my limited experience avoiding it and casting it, it's best to just keep moving. So long as you don't get caught in the center of it (if they take the level 7 talent) you're good, and it gets avoided pretty regularly. It does enough damage to where you can afford to miss some, but the 14 second cooldown is pretty lengthy depending on how you talent otherwise to compensate (lower CD, or more into the Q, etc).

If you are out of vision and anyone is stationary, it hurts. The narrowness of it allows it to be avoided if people keep moving...I'd kinda equate it to Kerrigan's stuff a bit. Zig zagging a bit is probably best.

Just waited 45m for a TL queue.

Two nearly 40 minute queues for Chromie later, I regret nothing.


Waited 45m for a queue. One of guys ends up being AFK.

Our team: Nova (AFK pick), Jaina, Tracer, Syl, Rehgar
Them: Johanna, Sonya, Xul, Morales, Tychus

They got rekt lol


Watching mewnfare and he's all-in on the new Arthas. Says Arthas was already amazing at disabling buildings/the push, but now he's just good all around and still has that. He legit just said he thinks Arthas is stronger than Li-Ming and Tracer releases as he stands on PTR. Not sold on Anub.

Says Chromie is amazing against people/in teamfights, but pretty fucking useless otherwise. Can't siege, can't damage immortals, gets caved in on Tomb because of no push, etc etc. That's been my experience as well. Just a big turd when the enemy gets the boss/immortal/is pushing. Only good when you're the one on the advantage or things are even.

Also, LOL @ Bubble Hearth in action. Lots of streamers taking it and trolling with it.
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