So is Li-Ming's orb build now better than the full magic missile build? I've done really well with magic missile builds, especially the one that lowers the cooldown.
So is Li-Ming's orb build now better than the full magic missile build? I've done really well with magic missile builds, especially the one that lowers the cooldown.
This is true to Chromie's appearances in WoW. Having her in Dragon form for any extended amount of time would be off.I'm a bit disappointed there isn't more dragon to her even though she looks fun. the wait for a dragon in hots continues
So is Li-Ming's orb build now better than the full magic missile build? I've done really well with magic missile builds, especially the one that lowers the cooldown.
Nothing quite like two shotting a Sgt. Hammer from longer range than the Hammer can siege (before Graduating Range, anyway) if you talent the right way.
Doubt it, due to it not actually being a CC.Can you cleanse off Temporal Loop?
Unimpeded Illidan sucks on Chromie. Even if you catch em in the trap, if the team doesn't turn on him then his mobility just catches you afterwards anyways.
i don't foresee chromie being a very competitive hero just from looking at her kit, havent checked out the talents tho
Doubt it, due to it not actually being a CC.
i don't foresee chromie being a very competitive hero just from looking at her kit, havent checked out the talents tho
Probably why she has two defensive talents at 12. Iceblock and Bubble Hearth.
A 60 second cooldown and something that removes you completely from the battlefield, assuming you get it off. They are there, but the go-to on that tier is the range IMO. It makes her what she's meant to be and allows her to be safer while doing it.
I can only imagine alt + E is your friend on chromie.
Her baseline range competes with Li-Ming's and a 25% range boost doesn't mean much of anything if you're dead. The range increase will always be the optimal damage talent but whether it's the optimal choice for the particular match you're playing will always vary game to game.
I'm not even sure what the use of the pseudo-Bubble Hearth talent is. You live, I guess, but you basically "died" as far as that fight goes unless it's in your base. All you deny them is EXP.
It's just forcing them to use Tracer's E. No slow.I dunno why it wouldn't be. It is a CC. If a slow is CC, a reverse rewind should be one too no? Maybe you're right though.
But yeah, sometimes not dying and not feeding them exp is the best option.
It's just forcing them to use Tracer's E. No slow.
No, that's Chromie's E, the traps.Isn't temporal loop stasis?
in terms of hero league viability, in that game we had a chogall who kept trying to cap a tower w/ chromie preventing and he died, got tilted, and threw the game on purpose, so that puts her up a tier for sure
The Bubble Hearth is kinda funny. It's no guarantee but it's damned fast. You can do some obnoxious pushing if you go all in on W talents and Bubble Hearth, push a lane past the point of safety, break vision and tp out super quick.
Right now her mana costs don't feel high enough and her base damage, before either farming talent, is nuts. She's a lot like Li-Ming her base damage is great and only gets better with talents. I find if you cast your W and then your Q out of line of sight, you can land both and remove 3/4's worth of health off of a lot of heroes. You can basically delete them before they have a chance to even react if they're slightly hurt.
Think its balanced? I haven't had a chance to play, overwatch has taken over my gaming life.. but I'm watching videos and it seems like she has a mega delay on when she casts her Q & W and when they actually might hit someone. In theory making her balanced, but is the damage a little much?
There were rumours before but Athero confirmed it today that he was kicked from Fnatic and is gonna play for the ex NaVi roster in place of Alex. He and breez didn't fit the same team tbh too much overlap.
Right now her mana costs don't feel high enough
her W isn't being telegraphed for opponents so it should be slightly easier to land.
Just waited 45m for a TL queue.