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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Played a couple more Li Ming games. Poke build is really boring compared to the teleport build imo.
Tried Wave of Force once but it didn't really pan out, the delay makes it hard to control.

Dominance + Shield on teleport can keep you up so well.


Feel like range is her biggest strength. All her abilities go way too far.


Anyone else think Greymane is insane right now? His cocktail build is so powerful. I end up with like 12+ kills and 80k+ hero damage every single game. God he is strong, and super fun on top of that


Anyone else think Greymane is insane right now? His cocktail build is so powerful. I end up with like 12+ kills and 80k+ hero damage every single game. God he is strong, and super fun on top of that

Yeah he is my favourite hero. He hits like a truck with the Cocktail poke build and its actually a poke build that is fun to play.
Nothing feels quiet as satisfying as to wittle the enemy team down and the tear them apart with Go for the Throat.


you can't put a price on sparks
Anyone else think Greymane is insane right now? His cocktail build is so powerful. I end up with like 12+ kills and 80k+ hero damage every single game. God he is strong, and super fun on top of that

Just went against a grey mane that was cleaning up. Killed me on Johanna like it was nothing even with iron skin up


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So what did they do to my damage numbers? They're flying all over the place... how do I switch it back?
Anyone else think Greymane is insane right now? His cocktail build is so powerful. I end up with like 12+ kills and 80k+ hero damage every single game. God he is strong, and super fun on top of that

Yea I am really enjoying playing Greymane with this build. I bought him release day and started trying a worgen build but that went horribly every game I tried. Cocktail build is definitely the best way to go, you can put out crazy damage with it! He is easily one of my favorite characters, I love the concept of poking and harassing from range and then pouncing for the kill (hopefully multiple kills haha).


I used to play this when it first came out but havent touched it since, how's it doing? thinking of coming back


The game itself is doing fine playerbase wise and monetarily if that's what you're asking. It's not Dota 2 or League, but there is still growth happening and if they ever get a few of these key features implemented to satisfy the more hardcore players they'll probably see bigger dividends.

If you're talking about development, Blizzard had an awesome run right before the holidays around Blizzcon and then we went around a month and a half with not much new going on...and then recently we've had a ton of content coming out again and they are back on schedule.

The Diablo 3 wizard (Li-Ming) was just put in the game Tuesday and the Diablo 2 necromancer (Xul) will be in the game roughly three weeks from Li-Ming's release date. In general there is a new hero release every three weeks. Recently they've announced there will be a small balance patch every three weeks on a Wednesday, and the bigger balance patches typically come every 6 weeks and are tied to a hero release. Li-Ming's release had a big patch tied to it.

They are currently working on adding bans to Hero League as well as a Grandmaster rank for high MMR players. They've been continually tinkering with Quick Match matchmaking, but it's Quick Match so the results are hit and miss.


Wow, that big reddit/b.net forums survey that dude did had some interesting results. I mean, it was stuff we kinda inferred, but still.

Big takeaways for me:

  • The biggest chunk of players (31.2%) were in the 26-32 age bracket.
  • Only 10% of the people who took the survey keep up regularly/have detailed knowledge of HOTS eSports.
  • Only 2.6% of people chose Garden of Terror as their favorite map.
  • Kael'thas got 53% of the vote for strongest/needed to be nerfed. The next closest was Tyrande at 6.5% (wowza!).
  • 39.9% of respondents said they have bought from the shop from time to time.
  • 79.4% of respondents use HOTSlogs or utilize it for stats on a regular or semi-regular basis.
  • 51% of people said Quick Match was their preferred mode of gameplay. Next closest was Hero League at 35.8%.

Not really surprised most people who play don't keep up with the esports scene year round. Think we pretty much knew that based on the Twitch viewership compared to the actual playerbase. As some have said, it's not that great to watch regular streams so I think most anyone who catches that assumes you get much the same from competitive. And then there's typical casual player who probably just doesn't have time for that kinda shit anyway.

39.9% of respondents buying from the shop off and on is pretty amazing. Obviously this isn't a scientific poll or anything, but considering the number of places he drew from (almost 4000) that's a bigger number than I'd expect.

Quick Match still the most popular mode despite all the bellyaching. IMO that makes sense considering the number of players in lower MMR versus higher MMR. Be interesting to see if that shifts and how much once better hero league systems are implemented.
I want draft but HL is too stressful. Blizz need to include the esports in the launcher and the client if they want to promote it.
Also more of the C9 mount stuff. Give us a mount for every team that qualifies for regionals or portrait or border for that matter.
Pushes fandom and people will get curious when they see it and would be another thing to attract sponsors with.

Could be as simple as the horse with a banner. Or just add a banner altogether.


Unranked draft is badly needed.

It so is. Honestly most of my friends are just at the quitting stage because they're sick of only having Quick Match as the only game mode we can play.

Like, only allowing duo queue in ranked was the right choice for ranked. But since there's no unranked draft, it just shafted anyone who wanted to play with friends in a draft scenario.


It so is. Honestly most of my friends are just at the quitting stage because they're sick of only having Quick Match as the only game mode we can play.

Like, only allowing duo queue in ranked was the right choice for ranked. But since there's no unranked draft, it just shafted anyone who wanted to play with friends in a draft scenario.

Mirror matches are the most obnoxious thing in the game. Oh look, two Diablos, two Lunaras, two Raynors, two Brightwings... seriously WTF?


but doesnt it satisfy you to know you are the better one of the mirror match?

I mean, it doesn't feel nice to look at the end result and see how you match up. BUT, I don't want that to be the case every single match. I see where you are coming from though.

edit: I'd rather see how I match up against a team that worked together to counterpick, etc. In an unranked format, with any many or few friends as I want.


I would like that too, but isn't Browder on record saying that unranked draft is not on the horizon?

I mean, they told us it'd be months for the stuff we've already got the confirmation on. Holding out for QM draft anytime before next winter seems like wishful thinking at best on that kind of timetable. Particularly when it's one of those things like bans were previously, where they are on record saying they feel it's unnecessary.


I understand that completely.

I'm saying if that's the difference between staying or going for people, they may as well take a break cause we are unfortunately not getting it anytime soon.

In pop culture terms, it's going to be a forty degree day for a long time.


Li-Ming is freaking awesome. Took a match to get used to her, but so much fun and great in team fights and 1v1. Squishy, but a fair trade off for her dps.
Li-Ming is freaking awesome. Took a match to get used to her, but so much fun and great in team fights and 1v1. Squishy, but a fair trade off for her dps.

Dominance + the teleport shield and she's not so squishy anymore. Just with the teleport shield she can outduel a chogall.

Artanis is really tough to beat with her from my experience.

Anyone else just poking down buildings with her while the opponent can't really do anything against it?
Saw this a bunch and Milly has done it so me. She's really Cho'Gall-lite. So much siege potential if left alone in a lane, or in a lane that can't push her back.

Really think they ought to scale down the range of her spells. She outranges forts at no talent investment. Even her ult can be spent to siege since the CD is so low.
Love clearing the wave right when it's passing next to the fort. Regularly end up at 100k+ siege damage in A 20 minutes game.

This time Khaldor finally uploaded the NaVi vs Dignitas finale.

timestamp link to the last game so beware spoilers



We ran Lunara plus Li-Ming today. Went 4-2, arguably should've been 5-1 easy but you always run into that one (or two) dudes who can't help but try to kill every hero they encounter solo...and then it turns into a 1v3.

We had this super weird game that was Chen/Lunara/Li-Ming/Zeratul/Abathur vs Johanna/Diablo/Illidan/Nova/Li-Ming that we expected to get dive bombed on...utterly destroyed em. Think it finished 36-0. Most lopsided game on Towers of Doom I've ever had.

Also coined the phrase "clean up on aisle Li" after we somehow turned a lopsided fight into a wipe of the enemy thanks to CD resets from Li-Ming and a little poking from me on Lunara. They didn't know what hit em and we didn't even know how it happened but it was awesome.
Man I love the teleport build I'm debating between dominance and the pull at 4 but the rest is pretty necessary. Heck with the shield Li Ming can tank the boss, badly but if there's no other meatshield she suffices.

Also the perfect build for dueling Li Ming


Dustin Browder ‏@DustinBrowder 8m8 minutes ago

Team is looking at Ess of Johan talent for Li Ming. Reduces her skill cap a bit and steps on Wave of Force. Will investigate possible fixes.
Wouldn't be surprised if they just axe it for now.


Man I love the teleport build I'm debating between dominance and the pull at 4 but the rest is pretty necessary. Heck with the shield Li Ming can tank the boss, badly but if there's no other meatshield she suffices.

Also the perfect build for dueling Li Ming

I've been doing:

1- mana regen or spell shield
4- dominance always
7- e
10- usually disintegrate since wof doesn't take off till 20
13- e
16- usually e sometimes 5 magic missiles
20- ability damage or 60% slow
I've been doing:

1- mana regen or spell shield
4- dominance always
7- e
10- usually disintegrate since wof doesn't take off till 20
13- e
16- usually e sometimes 5 magic missiles
20- ability damage or 60% slow

Same but also e at 1, I do run out of mana eventually though but usually only after wiping the enemy team. The reduced CD and no mana cost just makes and breaks it imo. It's so funny when you out Zeratul a Zeratul, they really gotta nerf her.

Last couple days I've met an unusual amount of players who A) have no clue and B) are greedy as fuck.
Sometimes you just gotta give up an objective or a merc camp. Don't stand next to it so they can snipe you at their convenience. I even warn them and do a retreat ping but will they listen. NO. I've lost 6 games in total with Li Ming and I've felt helpless to change the outcome in all but 1 of them. Like I've been making plays with her that are more luck than ability but my teammates still find ways to fuck it up. Not to say that I played perfectly, I often overestimate her survivability.


Decided I may make this a regular thing doing the Hotslogs ups and downs after a new patch. Maybe it'll turn into a good discussion.

Li-Ming 55.1% WR through 11k games.

Shocking? Not really. I don't think she's really OP, but she does need some tuning.

Rehgar 54.9% WR, 9.8% increase

No shocker here. Nerfs INC.

Brightwing 50% WR, 3.0% increase

Guess Blizzard won't be touching her soon since she hit 50%.

Greymane 48.2%, 4.7% increase

I think Greymane is in a great spot now. Q build super stronk.

Stitches 47.3%, 2.4% increase

Slowing creeping up on 50%. Don't play/see him enough to know if he's gotten that much better.

Lunara 45.6%, 2.7% increase

She seems a lot better. Haven't played her enough to know. Any suggestions?

Tyrande 52.8%, -3.8%

Hardly see her anymore, go figure. Think she's in an okay spot.

Nova 48.7%, -2.2%

Well... thoughts?


impressionz on those heroes
li ming is pretty op
lunaras pretty good
dunno about rehgar yet, he's good I dunno if he's op
greymang is fine
stitches is fine
bw is good
tyrande is op

i havent played a lot and also it's probably too early for stats to be meaningful + lots of ppl get confidence boosts when they see buffs (like the stitches changes were pretty negligible but ppl started playing him and started believing they could win)


I think stitches was good after his last changes. Like when they nerfed him they took all his HP and all his damage. Then they gave him HP back and some good lvl 1 defense talents..... and just now they gave him a some more damage.

Like I don't think it's the case of "all they did was increase his damage" I think it's a case of "all he needed was a little more damage, and now he has it".

I think it's funny that top players in NA discounted him immediately and then c9 uses him to secure the spring championship.

Hook wins games.

Stitches is just as good as Leoric. Probably stitch-uationally better.


Saw this a bunch and Milly has done it some. She's really Cho'Gall-lite. So much siege potential if left alone in a lane, or in a lane that can't push her back.

Yea I find her great for seige damage. usually top in seige/hero damage.


Wouldn't be surprised if they just axe it for now.

I don't understand how it got through development to be honest. Whilst overall her kit *may* need some slight tweaks, surely the fact it's a base level 4 talent that adds cc to a long range spell rang some alarm bells? On a character that's not suppossed to have cc?

It's one of those things that doesn't make sense, in the same way Rexxar on release, or Lunara's auto attacks, or Medic's health, or Artanis's attack range. All of those issues were stuff that was identified within hours of the hero going live, and it does leave you wondering what their internal testing arrangements are.

I understand they are reticent to have a permanent, private closed beta for select players, given they want people streaming the game and don't want to favour some pro's over others, but clearly there's a flaw in their development process right now. It's not that characters were released out of balance (that will always happen) - it's that stunningly, blindingly obvious things keep getting through that are obvious to anyone playing the game.
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